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Results 3951-3960 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have Sent to The Post Office this Morning, your Diploma, as Member of our Accademy. How many years ago ought you to have had it? I hope you will now communicate your Speculations to that Body through Mr Quincy their corresponding Secretary. I should advise Mr George Marsden to petition Congress for Relief, Setting forth his Service Commissions and present Circumstances. of Meteroric Stones I...
The day before Yesterday I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me on the Eighteenth of March, inclosing a Commission, Instructions and Letter of Credence to the Court of Great Britain, and a duplicate of your Letter of February 11. with the Ratification of the Loan in Holland The Appointment to the Court of Great Britain demands my most grateful Acknowledgments to Congress and...
3953[August 1762] (Adams Papers)
Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis. Yesterday I found in some of Crafts Books of Heraldry, a Coat of Arms given by Garter, King at Arms, about 130 Years ago, to one William Adams of the Middle Temple, Counsellor at Law. It consists of Three Martlets sable, on a Bend between two O’s—bezants. Jus et Libertas. Jus suum cuique...
Colonel Humphreys and Col Tudor did me the honor of a Visit on Saturday and We had much Conversation about you, which made me feel as if I was Sitting at my Fire Side among my Children whom I had not found together for many Years. I was highly rejoiced to hear of your health, and the honor Esteem and respect which the Men of Connecticutt, which the Men of Connecticutt, have at length the Sense...
I have rec d. your favor of Dec r. 3 d , & thank You for the Register, Catalogue & Pamphlet, which are precious Presents to me. Since the Date of your Letter, you have rec d. no doubt a great deal of News, and I should be very glad if I could this moment know from you the Operation of it, about which We are very anxious. We are not yet certain about the Arrangement of the British Ministry,...
The subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United states of America has the Honour to acquaint his Most serene Highness, that the said United states in Congress assembled have given him, their permission to return to America, after the 24 th. day of February 1788. & have resolved that his Mission to the Republick of the United Netherlands, should then determine, It is to him a...
Inclosed are recommendations of Joseph Williston & Habijah Savage, to be midshipman to whom I pray you to send warrants. If they can be admitted on board the Boston I shall be glad—if not they may be appointed to some other ship MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I received Yesterday your Favour of 27. July. and wish it were in my Power to relieve your Anxiety by giving you any comfortable Hopes from this Country. The national Sense and public Voice is decidedly against Us in the Whale Trade and Ship trade, and there are as yet but feeble Parties for Us in the West India Trade and Colony Trade. I may Say to you that, if Ireland had not escaped from the...
You have puzzled and confounded me, by your Letter of the 3 of Aug.—After allarming me with Some Suggestions or Suspicions of Infidelity in the Post office you Say “I Suppose the Crime is perpetrated in Massachusetts. Look at the inclosed Sealing. it is from you?” I thought this gave me a Right and made it my duty to open it, and Lo! a lovely Letter from your amiable Daughter to your worthy...
In answer to yours of the 2d I have agreed to the appointment of Major David Hopkins to be Marshall of Maryland, according to the advice of Mr Stoddert, although it was a great disappointment & mortification to me to loose the only opportunity I shall ever have of testifying to the world, the high opinion I have of the merits of a great majistrate, by the appointment of his son to an office...