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Results 3951-3980 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have Sent to The Post Office this Morning, your Diploma, as Member of our Accademy. How many...
The day before Yesterday I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me on the...
3953[August 1762] (Adams Papers)
Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur...
Colonel Humphreys and Col Tudor did me the honor of a Visit on Saturday and We had much...
I have rec d. your favor of Dec r. 3 d , & thank You for the Register, Catalogue & Pamphlet,...
The subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United states of America has the Honour to...
Inclosed are recommendations of Joseph Williston & Habijah Savage, to be midshipman to whom I...
I received Yesterday your Favour of 27. July. and wish it were in my Power to relieve your...
You have puzzled and confounded me, by your Letter of the 3 of Aug.—After allarming me with Some...
In answer to yours of the 2d I have agreed to the appointment of Major David Hopkins to be...
Inclosed is a Duplicate of a Letter from Miranda with some Estimates. Read it and think of it. A...
39621780 January 8. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from San Juan Segun, to Paredese de Nava. We have passed thro a Village every League. The...
Your Grand Daughter writes so beautiful a hand that you need not be at a loss for an Amanuensis....
Shakespeare, in the Character of Lady Mackbeth, and of Gertrude, the Wife of old Hamlet, and...
I have received your polite favour of the 3d: of this month. I am afraid that you are engaged in...
Mr John Marston has requested me to write your Honour on a Subject in which I am very sensible I...
39671772. Feby. 2d. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Have omitted now for 3 months almost to keep any “Note of Time or of its Loss.” Thomas Newcomb...
My Son would go home, very improperly without a Letter to M rs Warren, whose Virtues and...
I know not by what right or colour of right, I address you: but as the World agrees that you are...
By the same Token that the Bearer hereof satt up with you last night I hereby order you to give...
When I wrote you a line of Acknowledgment for your Lecture upon Tobacco, I kept no Copy of it,...
Yours of the Twenty Second is before me. You mention, the Delicacy of appointing, an Officer of...
The President requests the Several heads of Departments to take the most prudent and oeconomical...
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 23–26). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand( Adams Papers )....
I suppose I must write every day, in order to keep or rather to restore good Humour, whether I...
You would be pleased to See the pretty Figure your Peach Trees and Cherry Trees make in my...
39771780. January 14. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Ezpexo to Orduña, four Leagues. The Road is made all the Way, at a great Expence, but...
I thank you kindly for the Portrate of Mr Jay, which I very much admire, it is a great likeness...
If I am committing an indiscretion, I hope you will pardon it. The Reverend Mr Henry Colman of...
Answer of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, to the Articles to serve...