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Results 3951-4000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the pleasure to enclose you a catalogue of the books contained in the box I last opened;...
It gave me great pleasure to recieve your favor of June 20. altho’ with so extensive a range of...
Your letter from Charlottesville came duly to hand, and an earlier answer would have been given...
I delayed answering your[s] of May 10. in the hope of finding a private conveyance; having...
The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has...
As directed by Col o Randolph I am to enclose a letter for him, which it is important he should...
Having occasion to make a remittance to mr Appleton of Leghorn I desired Jefferson to make...
Yours of the 18 th is recieved, and finds me ready, as I ever am, to render you what service I...
Mr. Tod is in the City. I delivered him your letter yesterday and had the pleasure of seeing him...
I thank you for the copies of your two public addresses inclosed in your favor of the 6 th inst....
I am very thankful to the Bunkerhill monument association for the honor they have done me in...
Your favor of the 2 d was rec d on the 16 th inst. together with the herb which accompanied it,...
I am still confined to the house by my painful complaint as I have been for more than 2. months....
Ever since the middle of the last month we have been in such a succession of events and...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Dickins, and thanks him for the copy of his oration of...
I have duly received the copy of your Oration at Concord on the 19th. of April last; and have...
Aussitôt après avoir imprimé mon ouvrage La Decouverte des sources du Mississipi etc., à la...
Th:Jefferson sends his watch to mr Leschot to be put to rights. she goes 12 or 15. hours after...
Col o Wallace my son, now on his way to Staunton, being a delegate to the proposed convention,...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance D r Gunnell, formerly of Virginia, but now a resident...
An abscess, occasioned by the rays of the Sun powerfully heating my Saddle, has prevented me from...
I write to you on a subject which I am sure will give you pleasure—A gentleman has requested me...
You will observe that I Date my Letter from Nassau Street, truly Republican ground, where we...
This will be delivered to you. by my friend Mr. Robert G. Scott, a member of the Privy council,...
( Private ) I fear you will think me your greatest & most constant pest in your old age, It...
Your Letter of the 2d. Instt. has remained some days unanswered, more from a repugnance in me to...
I hope you will excuse the freedom of strangers addressing a citizen of the first reputation and...
My Nephew John Z. Coalter, who is on a visit to me during the vacation of S. Carolina Columbia...
Mrs. Madison unites in the request that you will so obliging, in case J. P. Todd should not be in...
I duly received yours covering a Check dated 7th. inst. for $500. which is herewith returned you,...
We have been suffering so much from intense heat this Summer my dear George it has been...
I have sent by the Schooner Virginia, Capt. Otis, a Box containing a plaister Bust of Mr. Adams,...
I have recd your friendly letter of June 30. and congratulate you on your safe return from so...
I am requested by the Proctor, to inform you that there is a box here sent from Co l Peyton; it...
This Letter will Be delivered By M. de Syon a Good Young French man who was acquainted with us in...
My friends Colo Tennant, a distinguished merchant of Baltimore, and his son in law, M r Kennedy,...
You will find in the inclos’d letter, my account current for the Capitals & c & c balance due me,...
My last letter of the 22 nd of June, was Sent by the Brig Tamworth, Capt. Hamor, for Boston.—by...
Thomas Jefferson esq. of Virg a To Tho s Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 Dollars June To amount of...
The portrait I recieved yesterday in your favor of the 7 th is now returned. I do not wonder that...
As I am afraid you will hardly recieve my Letter in time I hasten to tell you that if you have no...
I enclosed you on the 5th. inst. a Certificate for $548.11 deposited to your credit. The 2 Hhds....
I was glad to recieve your letter of yesterday, altho’ I assure you it was not necessary to...
I find I had been too sanguine in believing that my complaint was wearing off. the symptoms...
I feel a strong conviction that it is necessary I should make this endeavour to counteract the...
I have recd. yours of June 27th with a copy of Proposals, for publishing a Weekly agricultural...
Your favor of the 3 d was recieved yesterday. in our University the science of Political economy...
Though not Known to you except by a letter from D r Mitchill of N. York which I enclosed to you...
I have had the honor duly to receive your much esteemed favor of the 2 d inst. , which has caused...
The last of yr. letters dated June 12. came to hand but a few days ago. You are very kind in...