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Results 3931-3960 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3931 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 11 March 1782 1782-03-11 Une petite absence de chez moi durant la plus grande partie de la journée d’hier, a retardé les...
3932 Second Congregational Church of Newport, Rhode … Adams, John To John Adams from the Second Congregational Church of … 1783-05-26 Permit us the Comm̃ee of the Second Congregational Church in Newport to call your attention for a...
3933 Holt, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Holt, 27 August 1820 1820-08-27 It will possibly amuse a few of the leisure moments of your latter years, to receive an act of...
3934 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 5 December 1788 1788-12-05 I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2 d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. you will...
3935 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 4 June 1780 1780-06-04 There is a Destinction between Ceremony and Attention which is not always observed tho often...
3936 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 1 … 1813-06-01 I can not express you—how warmlÿ I am obliged to you for your your last kind favour of May 20th....
3937 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 11 March 1809 1809-03-11 On the first of the month I received your favour of the 22d. ult. with a copy of a speech of a...
3938 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Hamilton, 20 October 1798 1798-10-20 The very obliging manner, in which you was pleased to assure me of the appointment of my nephew...
3939 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Adams, John To John Adams from the Comte de Vergennes, 30 June 1780 1780-06-30 J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. de ce mois...
3940 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 19 October 1790 1790-10-19 I have a Letter from you which has called forth the few remaining sparks of my attenion to...
3941 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 20 November 1799 1799-11-20 Agreeably to the President’s direction, the Secretary of State respectfully offers the following...
3942 Adams, John Adams, John From John Adams to John Adams, 2 February 1812 1812-02-02 I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in...
3943 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 15 June 1811 1811-06-15 I have received your letter dated the sixth of February last, and was very much delighted to see...
3944 Lloyd, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Lloyd, 6 February 1815 1815-02-06 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your respected letter.—for the interesting details...
3945 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 29 March 1800 1800-03-29 On the petition of David Steward & other respectable citizens of Baltimore, praying the President...
3946 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 June 1777 1777-06-01 I designd to have wrote you by the last Post, but have been so unwell for the week past that I...
3947 Pinckney, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Pinckney, 10 July 1787 1787-07-10 I embrace the earliest opportunity of acknowledging your Excellency’s favors of the 21 st. of...
3948 Digges, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Digges, 28 March 1780 1780-03-28 I am obligd to You for a letter the 14th Instant. My writing to You is from the motive of making...
3949 Ronaldson, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Ronaldson, 16 February 1820 1820-02-16 In the generation that follows the Heroes and statesmen of the Revolution, General Andrew Jackson...
3950 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Barclay to John Adams, 25 December 1784 1784-12-25 As I passed through Nantes in my way to Bordeaux I received a letter from M rs. Barclay wherin...
3951 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 13 February 1795 1795-02-13 I received your favor of the eleventh yesterday. M rs Smith has quite recovered from her illness...
3952 Cushing, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Cushing, 21 October 1778 1778-10-21 I embrace this Oppertunity by the Brigantine Saturn Rene Maillett Master (which I have dispatched...
3953 Bourne, Sylvanus Adams, John To John Adams from Sylvanus Bourne, 18 August 1789 1789-08-18 It gives me sensible pain to be under the necessity of troubling you further with my personal...
3954 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 14 January 1789 1789-01-14 I now do myself the pleasure to inclose to you a copy of the Arret explanatory of that of Sep....
3955 Chalut, Abbé Adams, John To John Adams from the Abbés Chalut and Arnoux, 6 March … 1781-03-06 M. Searle nous à remis dans son tems, notre cher et estimable ami, la lettre donc vous l’aviez...
3956 Ogden, John Cosens Adams, John To John Adams from John Cosens Ogden, 9 March 1797 1797-03-09 The health of David Austin Esqr. the present Collector of the customs in New Haven, is declining...
3957 Washington, George Adams, John From George Washington to John Adams, 3 March 1799 1799-03-03 I have been duly honoured with your favour of the 19th Ulto, mentioning the nomination of Mr...
3958 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 14 March 1809 1809-03-14 My solicitude to see your strictures upon Mr. Pickering’s Letter was satisfied by the last mail....
3959 Grand, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Grand, 31 May 1782 1782-05-31 Pursuant to Doctor Franklin’s Approbation I have Settled your Account in the only way you could...
3960 MacCreery, William Adams, John To John Adams from William MacCreery, 11 December 1790 1790-12-11 Altho’ it be the fate of persons high in power to be exposed to the importunity of the many, and...