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Results 3931-3980 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your Letters of Septr 14. 15. and 19th. The Letters inclosed in them, from Govr. Sinclair, Judge Patterson and Dr. James Sykes, I return to you inclosed with this, that you may be able to preserve together all the Papers, relative to the successor to Dr. Way in the Treasury of the Mint. Tomorrow I shall sett out on my Journey to the Southward, and shall Stop at East Chester...
The History of Queen Ann’s reign and of the Treaty of Utrecht is So instructive, that it is worth while to look into the Life of Mesnager, and into that of the Abby Gautria. Mesnager was a Merchant of Rouen; in great Commerce but preferring Politicks of to trade Louis 14th. informed of his Talents, Sent him twice into Spain, to regulate the commerce of the Indias; and after wards into Holland...
As I consider y’r ladyship as always imprison’d during a session of Congress I congratulate you upon y’r jail delivery by their rise they have not been very angry during this session consequently not very entertaining—our two sons arrived here in good health & spirits at the proper season and a furious snow wh’ blocked up all the roads detain’d them here for three or four days and enliven’d my...
Last night I received your favor of the 22d. and rejoice to find you have received dispatches from Stevens and Maitland. If the British merchant vessels are to enter the ports of Cape Francoise & Port au Prince under a flagg of truce, and ours are not & if an agent from the British government is not admitted, while one from the United States is, this will render it more necessary for us to be...
3935Sunday April 27th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Smith. In the Evening, I had a great deal of Conversation with Ezekiel Price, Yesterday about Politicks, &c. I provoked him to speak freely by calling him an Hutchinsonian.—I swear says he I think the Lieutenant Governor an honest Man, and I think he has been most damnably abused and slandered and bely’d, &c. I know all his violent Opposers—I know them and what they are after, and...
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me on the 17th: of this month. I am glad to see that your memoirs of Dr. Williamson are to be published in the transactions of your Historical Society. New York is exhibiting splended specimens of improvement in many things; in Literature & Science in general; in Agriculture, Manufactures, the fine Arts as well as the Mechanic Arts....
I received to day, your Favour of 11. You may purchase L’Art Dramatique, alone if you please. But I know nothing of the Dramatick Character of Mercier. He is not very famous, as I remember, and therefore, I think it is Scarcely worth while to go to the Expence of all his Works. I shall make you a present of Some Volumes of Pope soon.—I have seen a Terence, in three Volumes, with the Latin on...
By the new Arrangement, which was brought by the Marquis de la Fayette I find myself restored to the Character of a private Citizen. The Appointment of a single Minister, at the Court of Versailles was not unexpected to me, because I had not been two Months in Europe, before I was convinced of the Policy, and indeed of the Necessity of such a Measure. But I ever entertained hopes that when the...
Your pathetic Letter of the 2d. has filled my heart with Sympathy and Grief. Your Son, by all that I know, or have heard of him, would have been an ornament to Society. Your Sorrow at his loss must be exquisite. I can give you no better Advice for your Consolation, than to read your favourite Dr Barrow. It is the Lot of humanity! You are not alone! If I look back for Sixty years, what a long...
It is now determined what the President has to depend on after the 4 th March. The Committee determined against raising the Salary of P. or V. P. The House which the P. had for 500 £ cannot again be had under 1000 £ — Horses are from 3 times to five times as high as they were Seven Years ago, Carriages three times as high—Provisions &c In Short all Levees and Drawing Rooms and Dinners must be...
This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing, as Hints for future Enquiries rather than as a satisfactory Theory. The Desire of Power Power Dominion, that encroaching, grasping, restless, and ungovernable Principle in human Nature, that Principle which has made so much Havock and Desolation, among the Works of God, in all the Variety of...
I thank you for your agreable Letter of the Twenty fourth of March. I rejoice with you that our Friends are once more in Possession of the Town of Boston, and am glad to hear that so little damage is done to our House. I hope you and your Sister and Brothers will take proper Notice of these great Events, and remember under whose wise and kind Providence they are all conducted. Not a Sparrow...
In obedience to the Law, I now present to both Houses of Congress, my annual account of Expenditures from the Contingent Fund during the year 1797. by which it appears, that on the first of January last there remained in the Treasury a Balance of Fifteen thousand, four hundred, and ninety four dollars and twenty four Cents, Subject to future dispositions of Government. DNA : RG 46—Records of...
In yours of the 10th. of Novr. you desire me to give you the Connection between the Premises and conclusion, when I said that the Navigation act would compell all the other states to imitate it. If they do not the Massachusetts will soon get so much of their carrying Trade as will richly compensate her for any present Inconvenience. I take it for granted that the United States will make peace...
Another Passage, which Mr Otis read from Ashley gave Occasion, as I suppose, to another memorable and very curious Event, which your esteemed Pupil and my beloved Friend Judge Minot has recorded. The Passage is in the 42 page. “In fine, I would humbly propose that the duties, on foreign Sugar and Rum imposed by the before mentioned Act, of the 6th of King George the Second, remain as they are,...
I congratulate you on your Admission to the Bar and your taking Possession of an Office in So good a Part of the Town, and I would not advise you to exhange it for any other, without an absolute necessity. There is a great Advantage to a Lawyer in being always to be found in the Same place. I wish you as much Success as you can desire and all the Pleasure and Profit from your Practice in a...
The President of the United States refers the inclosed law of Tennessee, and letter from the Govenor, laid before him, by the Senators and Representatives of that state this day, to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of War, & requests their examination into the subject & a report of their opinion, what is in the power of the President to do for the accommodation of the people of...
I am under great obligation to you for the Presidents message, & for the Documents of the War Office, & Navy Office, and I am proud to see how abley and faithfully the Government is conducted, & these communications are the more acceptable, as comeing from a Grand Son of my beloved Brother I wish you a pleasant and satisfactory session, / and am your obliged / Uncle MHi : Adams Family Papers,...
February 21. Saturday. 22. Sunday, and 23. Monday Monday exhibited such Scaenes as were new to me, except in the Histories of Voyages, and the descriptions of the Poets. We lost sight of our Ennemy it is true, but We found Ourselves in the Gulph Stream, in one of the most furious Storms, that ever Ship survived, the Wind North East, then North and then North West. It would be fruitless to...
I have rec d your favour of Nov. 23.— M r Cooper The Friend of our Diplomatic at the Hague, I hear was very active in the Election of M r Ames.— I wish that both Parties and all Parties may be convinced that Some Qualification of Voters is necessary; but if Negroes & Sailors and Tapsters all unqualified by Law as Oliver Cromwell used to call them are to vote for one why not for another.? You...
I have Sent to The Post Office this Morning, your Diploma, as Member of our Accademy. How many years ago ought you to have had it? I hope you will now communicate your Speculations to that Body through Mr Quincy their corresponding Secretary. I should advise Mr George Marsden to petition Congress for Relief, Setting forth his Service Commissions and present Circumstances. of Meteroric Stones I...
The day before Yesterday I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me on the Eighteenth of March, inclosing a Commission, Instructions and Letter of Credence to the Court of Great Britain, and a duplicate of your Letter of February 11. with the Ratification of the Loan in Holland The Appointment to the Court of Great Britain demands my most grateful Acknowledgments to Congress and...
3953[August 1762] (Adams Papers)
Reading, Thinking, Writing—have I totally renounced all three? Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis. Yesterday I found in some of Crafts Books of Heraldry, a Coat of Arms given by Garter, King at Arms, about 130 Years ago, to one William Adams of the Middle Temple, Counsellor at Law. It consists of Three Martlets sable, on a Bend between two O’s—bezants. Jus et Libertas. Jus suum cuique...
Colonel Humphreys and Col Tudor did me the honor of a Visit on Saturday and We had much Conversation about you, which made me feel as if I was Sitting at my Fire Side among my Children whom I had not found together for many Years. I was highly rejoiced to hear of your health, and the honor Esteem and respect which the Men of Connecticutt, which the Men of Connecticutt, have at length the Sense...
I have rec d. your favor of Dec r. 3 d , & thank You for the Register, Catalogue & Pamphlet, which are precious Presents to me. Since the Date of your Letter, you have rec d. no doubt a great deal of News, and I should be very glad if I could this moment know from you the Operation of it, about which We are very anxious. We are not yet certain about the Arrangement of the British Ministry,...
The subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United states of America has the Honour to acquaint his Most serene Highness, that the said United states in Congress assembled have given him, their permission to return to America, after the 24 th. day of February 1788. & have resolved that his Mission to the Republick of the United Netherlands, should then determine, It is to him a...
Inclosed are recommendations of Joseph Williston & Habijah Savage, to be midshipman to whom I pray you to send warrants. If they can be admitted on board the Boston I shall be glad—if not they may be appointed to some other ship MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I received Yesterday your Favour of 27. July. and wish it were in my Power to relieve your Anxiety by giving you any comfortable Hopes from this Country. The national Sense and public Voice is decidedly against Us in the Whale Trade and Ship trade, and there are as yet but feeble Parties for Us in the West India Trade and Colony Trade. I may Say to you that, if Ireland had not escaped from the...
You have puzzled and confounded me, by your Letter of the 3 of Aug.—After allarming me with Some Suggestions or Suspicions of Infidelity in the Post office you Say “I Suppose the Crime is perpetrated in Massachusetts. Look at the inclosed Sealing. it is from you?” I thought this gave me a Right and made it my duty to open it, and Lo! a lovely Letter from your amiable Daughter to your worthy...
In answer to yours of the 2d I have agreed to the appointment of Major David Hopkins to be Marshall of Maryland, according to the advice of Mr Stoddert, although it was a great disappointment & mortification to me to loose the only opportunity I shall ever have of testifying to the world, the high opinion I have of the merits of a great majistrate, by the appointment of his son to an office...
Inclosed is a Duplicate of a Letter from Miranda with some Estimates. Read it and think of it. A number of questions and considerations over . We are Friends with Spain. If We were Ennemies, would the Project be usefull to us.—It will not be in for me to answer the Letter. Will any Notice of it, in any manner be proper. I shall send it by Mr. Humphreys, with Mr. Gerrys Papers. I am &c. MHi :...
39621780 January 8. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from San Juan Segun, to Paredese de Nava. We have passed thro a Village every League. The Villages are all built of Mud and Straw. They have no Timber nor Wood nor Stone. The Villages all appear going to decay. Every Village has Churches and Convents enough in it, to ruin it, and the whole Country round about it, even if they had nothing to pay to the King or the Landlord. But all three...
Your Grand Daughter writes so beautiful a hand that you need not be at a loss for an Amanuensis. I have received your favour of the 25th of August and had before received in its Season that in which you explained the Word Dormant. I never took any offence at that Word but if I had your Explanation would have cleared all up. I hope Hamilton reported and was forgiven. And I wish the Same could...
Shakespeare, in the Character of Lady Mackbeth, and of Gertrude, the Wife of old Hamlet, and afterwards of King Claudius, and in the Character of Lady Anne in King Richard, has shewn a sense of the Weakness of Woman’s Reason, and strength of their Passions. The Horror of both divine and Human Vengeance, that attends guilty minds is strongly represented in the Characters of Mackbeth and his...
I have received your polite favour of the 3d: of this month. I am afraid that you are engaged in speculations that will never be profitable to you. The age of sculpture & painting have not yet arrived in this country and I hope it will not arrive very soon. Artists have done what they pleased with my face & eyes head & shoulders, stature & figure and they have made of them monsters as fit for...
Mr John Marston has requested me to write your Honour on a Subject in which I am very sensible I have no colour of right or pretentions to interfere, and on which I am not qualified to form a judgement.— All that I can say is, that I was acquainted with his Father, who had been an Officer in the Conquest of Louisbourg in one thousand seven hundred and forty five, that Mr Marston was himself in...
39671772. Feby. 2d. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Have omitted now for 3 months almost to keep any “Note of Time or of its Loss.” Thomas Newcomb dined with me. He says that Etter, the Stocking Weaver, told him about a fortnight ago, that he saw the Governor within these 3 Months, and told him, he hoped the People would be contented and easy now they had a Governor from among themselves. The Governor said, “there were some Discontents...
My Son would go home, very improperly without a Letter to M rs Warren, whose Virtues and Accomplishments his Father has so long admired. The Time is at length come in which the United States of America are to have a Minister at the Court of Great Britain. a time foretold by the Prophets and Seers, and Dreamers of Dreams but never, untill very lately Stedfastly believed by any to be so near at...
I know not by what right or colour of right, I address you: but as the World agrees that you are Benevolence personified I presume upon that principle to introduce to you Mr Samuel Gilman, whose Accademical Education was in the Family of my beloved Sister, whose University Education was at Harvard Colledge, whose Genius has already exhibited very promising productions in verse and prose from...
By the same Token that the Bearer hereof satt up with you last night I hereby order you to give him, as many Kisses, and as many Hours of your Company after 9 O’Clock as he shall please to Demand and charge them to my Account: This Order, or Requisition call it which you will is in Consideration of a similar order Upon Aurelia for the like favour, and I presume I have good Right to draw upon...
When I wrote you a line of Acknowledgment for your Lecture upon Tobacco, I kept no Copy of it, not expecting to ever hear any thing more of it, and I really remember very little that was in it. Tobacco, I have found by a long experience, having learned the use of it upon Ponds of Ice, when Skating with Boys at Eight years of Age, to be a very dangerous Vegetable, extremely apt to Steal upon a...
Yours of the Twenty Second is before me. You mention, the Delicacy of appointing, an Officer of the Same State over another. And you put the Case of Coll Varnum and yourself. I have been a long Time puzzled to account, for Varnums Standing on the List of Colonells before you, whom I know to be many Years older than that Gentleman, has been represented to me to be. I have heard, this young...
The President requests the Several heads of Departments to take the most prudent and oeconomical Arrangements for the removal of the public offices, Clerks and Papers, according to their own best Judgments as soon as may be convenient, in Such manner that the public offices may be opened in the City of Washington for the dispatch of Business by the fifteenth of June. DLC : Miscellaneous...
Paris, 8 May 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 23–26). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand( Adams Papers ). In the Letterbook this letter begins on the page following that of 11 May, numbered 64. printed: Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:656–660. In this letter, read in Congress on...
I suppose I must write every day, in order to keep or rather to restore good Humour, whether I have any thing to say or not. The Scaffold is cutt away, and I am left kicking and sprawling in the Mire, I think. It is hardly a state of Disgrace that I am in but rather of total Neglect and Contempt. The humane People about me, feel for my situation they say: But I feel for my Countrys situation....
You would be pleased to See the pretty Figure your Peach Trees and Cherry Trees make in my Garden. Their buds are at least a fortnight more forward than any of our native Trees. I hope you will contrive to come and see them next fall. Be Sure to bring the Sprightly Elizabeth with you. Tell her never to forget how her great grandfather Smoked his Segar. Tell her, if She will come and See him...
39771780. January 14. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Ezpexo to Orduña, four Leagues. The Road is made all the Way, at a great Expence, but the Descent of the Mountains of Orduña is a great Curiosity. These Mountains are chiefly Rocks, of a vast hight: But a Road has been blown out of the Rocks, from the Hight of the Mountains, quite down into the Valey. After winding round and round a great Way, and observing the Marks of the Drills...
I thank you kindly for the Portrate of Mr Jay, which I very much admire, it is a great likeness it is stamped with wisdom sagacity, and benevolence as they have been, stamped upon his Countenance and Conduct, all his Life time.—I have delivered your formal letter to Mr Charles Shaw, to Mr William Smith Shaw the superintendent of the Boston Atheneaum and I shall deliver that inclosed with Mr...
If I am committing an indiscretion, I hope you will pardon it. The Reverend Mr Henry Colman of Hingham, a Clergyman established in the Affections and Esteem of this Neighbourhood is on a Journey to Philadelphia. He has an Ardent desire to See the Old Patriots of the Revolution, and where can I look for an older one, than to Governor M. Kean? In addition to his professional Virtues of Piety and...
Answer of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, to the Articles to serve as a Basis to the Negotiation, for the Re-establishment of Peace. The United States of America, have no Objection provided their Allies have none to a Treaty with Great Britain, concerning the Re-establishment of Peace in America, or to another concerning the Re-establishment of Commerce, between...