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Results 3931-3960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
3931June 23rd. 1760. Monday. (Adams Papers)
A long obstinate Tryal, before Majr. Crosby, of the most litigious, vexatious suit, I think that ever I heard. Such Disputes begin with ill humour and scurrilous language, and End in a Boxing Bout or a Law suit.
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who are no Stranger to the Feelings of Humanity will readily conceive the anxiety of my Mind while I thought my Friend in Danger: It is only such a Situation as I was then in that can make me neglect your Favours. Upon examining the Barometer after I receiv’d your Letter, I found a small Crevice where the piece of hollow wood which covers the Mercury is...
I arrived here the 15th past, after an Agreable journey; and desire You will think me extremely Obliged to you for the favour you did me in sending me to Annapolis, and by the letters you gave me to recommend me. I had not an Opportunity of seeing Mr Sharp; but Dr Macleane has behaved with the greatest Politeness to me, introduced me to General Stanwix by Mr Doe his Aid de Camp, and contrived...
3934Tuesday. 24th. June. (Adams Papers)
Arose early, a very beautiful Morning. Zab. seems to make insufficient Distinctions between the Vowells. He seems to swallow his own Voice. He neither sounds the Vowells nor Articulates distinctly. The story of Yesterdays Tryal, spreads. Salisbury told my Uncle and my Uncle told Coll. Quincy. They say I was saucy, that I whipped the old Major, &c., that I ripped about the Law suits of this...
Copy: Public Record Office, Colonial Office Papers, 5/1295, pp. 296–413 Franklin’s efforts to settle the Assembly’s differences with the Proprietors by direct negotiations had ended in November 1758 with their reply to his Heads of Complaint and their refusal to deal further with him personally (above, VIII , 178–83, 193–4). Thereafter it became necessary to transfer the debate to more public...
3936Wednesday [25 June]. (Adams Papers)
Went out with the Coll., in his Canoe, after Tom Codd. Rowed down, in a still calm, and smooth Water, to Rainsford Island, round which we fished in several Places, but had no Bites. Then we went up the Island, and round the Hill. Upon the North Easterly side of the Hill, or Island, is a prodigious Bank or Head, which is perpetually washing away, with Rains and Tides. Heartley says it has been...
39371760. June 26. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Feel indifferently well after my yesterdays walk and sail. I have begun to read the Spirit of Laws, and have resolved to read that Work, thro, in order and with Attention. I have hit upon a Project that will secure my Attention to it, which is to write in the Margin, a sort of Index to every Paragraph. JA had at least sampled the Spirit of Laws earlier; see Summer 1759 , above, and note 19 there.
3938June 27th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Read 100 Pages in the Spirit of Laws. Rambled away to a fine Spring in my Cozen Adam’s Land, which gushes thro a Crack in a large flat Rock and gurgles down in a pretty Rill. The Water is clear, sweet, and cool, and is supposed to have a very wholsome Quality, because it issues from a Mountain, and runs towards the North. What Physical Quality its northern Direction may give it, I know not. By...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society I wrote a Line to you by the Pacquet, to let you know we were well, and I promis’d to write you fully per Capt. Budden, and answer all your Letters, which I accordingly now set down to do. I am concern’d that so much Trouble should be given you by idle Reports concerning me. Be satisfied, my dear, that while I have my Senses, and God vouchsafes me his...
ALS : Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary By the last Pacquet I sent you the Protests of two of your Bills, one for £200 the other for £100 drawn by Scot and McMichael on Messrs. Portis. My Banker informs me, that they now offer to pay the Money; and tho’ the Protests intitle us to 20 per Cent. from the Drawers, yet as I conceive from some Circumstances I have heard,...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 27 June 1760. On 24 Oct. 1760 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your Letter of the 27th of June . . . is come to hand.”
Letter not found: from John Carlyle, Alexandria, 28 June 1760. The dealer’s catalog gives GW’s following endorsement on the letter: “Colo Carlyle’s Lettr. 28th June 1760 relatg. to my decd Br. Laur Estate.” Included with the letter was a page of accounts. ALS , sold by Anderson Auction Company, catalog no. 260, item 515, 21 Jan. 1904.
3943Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks 0.6.0 17— By Ditto sent Christopher Hardwick by Vale Crawford 30.0.0 30— By Ditto at Cards 2/6 0.2.6 AD , General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 98
3944[July 1760] (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History, concerning the Modesty of Youth, and their Veneration of the Elders. Now I think these young Gentlemen had very little of that Modesty and Veneration, when they went in the face of Law and against the Remonstrances of all the Elders to act their Plays. Mr. Otis says there is no Limitation of Attachments....
3945Tuesday. July 1st. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History, concerning the Modesty of Youth, and their Veneration of the Elders. Now I think these young Gentlemen had very little of that Modesty and Veneration, when they went in the face of Law and against the Remonstrances of all the Elders to act their Plays. Mr. Otis says there is no Limitation of Attachments....
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours, of the 28th of March, I received, owning the Receipt of a Bill for £200 Sterling, drawn by William Plumsted. The Brevier came safe to hand by Gibbon, looks very well, but sticks, when distributed, most intolerably. Believe it will turn out pretty perfect. By the Captains Falconer and Killner to London, I sent you the first and second...
3947Thurdsday July 3rd. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Read pretty diligently in the Spirit of Laws.—Hayden’s Consultation suggested the following Questions. Q. Is there any Method of compelling a Grantor to give a new Deed when the Deed he has executed before happens to be burned or lost?—Q. May an Agreement in Writing without seal, or by Parol only be given in Evidence against a Bond sealed and delivered? After Confession of the Forfeiture of...
39481760. Saturday July 5th. (Adams Papers)
Last Night Cranch explained to me, the Water Works in the River Thames which convey water, all round the City of London. There is first, a long water Wheel, like the Water Wheel of some saw Mills, which is carried round by the River. On the End of the Axis of this water Wheell are Coggs, which carry round a cogg Wheel. This Cogg wheel has upon the End of its Axis, a Number of Cranks and each...
3949July 6th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Mayhew of Martha’s Vineyard.
3950July 9th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Gould has got the story of White and Bowditch.
3951Saturday [12 or 19 July]. (Adams Papers)
I find upon Examination, that a Warrant of Attorney given by an Infant is void; so that, if you intend during your Apprentices Absence, to put the Note you mentioned to me in suit, or to sue for the Detention of the Province Note, or any other wise to prosecute your Right, the only Way I can think of is, for the Lad to elect your father for his Guardian and see to procure the Judge of Probates...
The week before last Salome Pope appeared before Coll. Quincy, to confess herself with Child, by Jos. Ryford. Her Intention was to complain against Jos. Ryford and charge him before the Justice with being the father of the Bastard Child with which she is now pregnant. Now what Occasion for taking her Examination upon Oath?—By the Province Law. Here a line is drawn across the page in the MS and...
Letter not found: to Joseph Valentine, 24 July 1760. On 9 Aug. 1760 Valentine wrote to GW : “I Recd Yours dated July 24th.”
3954Fryday July 25th. (Adams Papers)
We contend that the Plaintiffs ought to recover nothing on this Bond, because according to the original Agreement it is paid. The Case was this. The Plaintiffs about 15 years ago conveyed to one Tower, a Tract of Land, containing with such and such Boundaries, 30 Acres. And the present Defendants became jointly bound with the Grantee for the Money, which was £750, for which they gave 8 or 10...
39551760. July 26. (Adams Papers)
This Bond has been at least once and an half, if not twice, paid. The Case is this. About 15 Years ago, the Plaintiffs sold a tract of Land, containing 30 Acres, within such and such Boundaries, to one Tower, for 750£, and He together with the present Defendants became jointly bound to the Plaintiffs, in 10 different Bonds, of which this is one, for the Payment of the Money. But in the Time of...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some time since I wrote—my last being of the 15th April since which I have recd yours 9th January 19. 21. 29 Feb and 11 March with several Copies. The Proprietors endeavouring to repeal our late Laws is what we might expect from their Conduct towards us for some Years past. But the Confusion the dissallowance of our Mony Act, and...
Captn Cawsey at the time he receivd my Tobo wrote me, that he shoud be in these parts before he Saild in order to give Bills of Lading and receive Letters for your House. But I suppose the Captns business renderd it inconvenient for him to do so, and my not seeing, nor hearing from him since, and getting no Bills of Lading at all, must plead an excuse for my silence till now. He has doubtless...
Please to call upon Mr Farrel, and he will discharge the Balle of my Account with you—viz. £51.5s.11d. —I am Sir, Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt By the Nugent Only, Captn Copithorn. Copy, By the Hero, Captn Littledale. LB , in GW’s hand, DLC:GW . See GW to Farell & Jones, this date .
Draft: American Philosophical Society Since you are pleas’d to say you shall be glad of a Line from me I will find Leisure. In my Letter to my Mother, I mention’d I had a Question to ask you. It is this, What is the reason the Water at this place becomes warm by pumping tho it is not so at the spring? Pardon my Impertinence. Goodnatur’d persons have always more impos’d on them than others; yet...
3960Cash Accounts, August 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra Augt 1— By Ditto [cash] pd Thos Hardin (Mrs Steptoes Overr) for 34 Barl Corn £19.11. 0 2— By Do pd Messrs Digges & Addison—their Costs in Cliftons Suit besides Tobo 2.10. 0 By Do paid Levies Taxes &ca to John West besides Tobo 12. 0. 0 6— By Do paid Doctr McCarmick on acct of Jno. Adams 1. 1. 9 By Ditto paid Mr Richd Stephen—in Acct 2.10. 0 7— By Ditto paid Mr Danl Payne—store Acct...