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Results 3931-3980 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
3931June 23rd. 1760. Monday. (Adams Papers)
A long obstinate Tryal, before Majr. Crosby, of the most litigious, vexatious suit, I think that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who are no Stranger to the Feelings of Humanity will...
I arrived here the 15th past, after an Agreable journey; and desire You will think me extremely...
3934Tuesday. 24th. June. (Adams Papers)
Arose early, a very beautiful Morning. Zab. seems to make insufficient Distinctions between the...
Copy: Public Record Office, Colonial Office Papers, 5/1295, pp. 296–413 Franklin’s efforts to...
3936Wednesday [25 June]. (Adams Papers)
Went out with the Coll., in his Canoe, after Tom Codd. Rowed down, in a still calm, and smooth...
39371760. June 26. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Feel indifferently well after my yesterdays walk and sail. I have begun to read the Spirit of...
3938June 27th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Read 100 Pages in the Spirit of Laws. Rambled away to a fine Spring in my Cozen Adam’s Land,...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society I wrote a Line to you by the Pacquet, to let you know...
ALS : Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary By the last Pacquet I sent you...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 27 June 1760. On 24 Oct. 1760 GW wrote to Robert Cary &...
Letter not found: from John Carlyle, Alexandria, 28 June 1760. The dealer’s catalog gives GW’s...
3943Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks...
3944[July 1760] (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History,...
3945Tuesday. July 1st. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History,...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours, of the 28th of March, I received, owning...
3947Thurdsday July 3rd. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Read pretty diligently in the Spirit of Laws.—Hayden’s Consultation suggested the following...
39481760. Saturday July 5th. (Adams Papers)
Last Night Cranch explained to me, the Water Works in the River Thames which convey water, all...
3949July 6th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Mayhew of Martha’s Vineyard.
3950July 9th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Gould has got the story of White and Bowditch.
3951Saturday [12 or 19 July]. (Adams Papers)
I find upon Examination, that a Warrant of Attorney given by an Infant is void; so that, if you...
The week before last Salome Pope appeared before Coll. Quincy, to confess herself with Child, by...
Letter not found: to Joseph Valentine, 24 July 1760. On 9 Aug. 1760 Valentine wrote to GW : “I...
3954Fryday July 25th. (Adams Papers)
We contend that the Plaintiffs ought to recover nothing on this Bond, because according to the...
39551760. July 26. (Adams Papers)
This Bond has been at least once and an half, if not twice, paid. The Case is this. About 15...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some time since I wrote—my last being...
Captn Cawsey at the time he receivd my Tobo wrote me, that he shoud be in these parts before he...
Please to call upon Mr Farrel, and he will discharge the Balle of my Account with you—viz....
Draft: American Philosophical Society Since you are pleas’d to say you shall be glad of a Line...
3960Cash Accounts, August 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra Augt 1— By Ditto [cash] pd Thos Hardin (Mrs Steptoes Overr) for 34 Barl Corn £19.11. 0 2—...
you wrot to me a bout Beaves[.] Catle Sels Considerable dearer then ever I knew them & are scase...
3962[August 1760] (Adams Papers)
Hollis has appealed. If he prosecutes his Appeal, he shall be paid. I believe there never was an...
3963August 3d. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Hollis has appealed. If he prosecutes his Appeal, he shall be paid. I believe there never was an...
39641760. Aug. 9th. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincys, with Coll. Gooch and Dr. Gardiner. I see Gooch’s fiery Spirit, his...
I Recd Yours dated July 24th and I am very sorrey to give you such a disagreeable ⟨account⟩ of...
By my friend Mr Fairfax I take the oppertunity of acknowledging the receipt of your favour pr...
By my Friend Mr Fairfax I take the oppertunity of acknowledging the Receipts of your several...
Colo. Fairfax’s departure for England in a Ship for London affords me the best oppertunity...
39691760. Aug. 12th. (Adams Papers)
Remonstrated at the sessions vers. Licensing Lambard, because the select Men had refused to...
Though I have as small a Title as any Person whatever to the least Share of your Esteem, yet, by...
39711760 Aug. 19th. (Adams Papers)
I began Popes Homer, last Saturday Night was a Week, and last Night, which was Monday night I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Letters by Mr. Keene, and some others, which...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some Time since I wrote last, which I...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I received yours, of the 14th of June, with two...
ALS : Yale University Library The Mail was made up and sent for Falmouth on Saturday last, so...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Above is Copy of my Last by Captain Friend....
Inclosed You have my Survey of G. Brent’s Pattent: when I came to look over my papers, I found I...
1 st None shall be admitted (unless by a particular Act of the Governors) but such as can read...
3979Cash Accounts, September 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra Septr 3— By Joseph Ransom in part £ 0.15.0 8— By Gerrard Bowling Inspecting Tobo 0.15.0 By...
DS (two) and copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission On July 4, 1760, Francis Eyre,...