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Results 3931-3940 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your Letters of Septr 14. 15. and 19th. The Letters inclosed in them, from Govr. Sinclair, Judge Patterson and Dr. James Sykes, I return to you inclosed with this, that you may be able to preserve together all the Papers, relative to the successor to Dr. Way in the Treasury of the Mint. Tomorrow I shall sett out on my Journey to the Southward, and shall Stop at East Chester...
The History of Queen Ann’s reign and of the Treaty of Utrecht is So instructive, that it is worth while to look into the Life of Mesnager, and into that of the Abby Gautria. Mesnager was a Merchant of Rouen; in great Commerce but preferring Politicks of to trade Louis 14th. informed of his Talents, Sent him twice into Spain, to regulate the commerce of the Indias; and after wards into Holland...
As I consider y’r ladyship as always imprison’d during a session of Congress I congratulate you upon y’r jail delivery by their rise they have not been very angry during this session consequently not very entertaining—our two sons arrived here in good health & spirits at the proper season and a furious snow wh’ blocked up all the roads detain’d them here for three or four days and enliven’d my...
Last night I received your favor of the 22d. and rejoice to find you have received dispatches from Stevens and Maitland. If the British merchant vessels are to enter the ports of Cape Francoise & Port au Prince under a flagg of truce, and ours are not & if an agent from the British government is not admitted, while one from the United States is, this will render it more necessary for us to be...
3935Sunday April 27th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Smith. In the Evening, I had a great deal of Conversation with Ezekiel Price, Yesterday about Politicks, &c. I provoked him to speak freely by calling him an Hutchinsonian.—I swear says he I think the Lieutenant Governor an honest Man, and I think he has been most damnably abused and slandered and bely’d, &c. I know all his violent Opposers—I know them and what they are after, and...
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me on the 17th: of this month. I am glad to see that your memoirs of Dr. Williamson are to be published in the transactions of your Historical Society. New York is exhibiting splended specimens of improvement in many things; in Literature & Science in general; in Agriculture, Manufactures, the fine Arts as well as the Mechanic Arts....
I received to day, your Favour of 11. You may purchase L’Art Dramatique, alone if you please. But I know nothing of the Dramatick Character of Mercier. He is not very famous, as I remember, and therefore, I think it is Scarcely worth while to go to the Expence of all his Works. I shall make you a present of Some Volumes of Pope soon.—I have seen a Terence, in three Volumes, with the Latin on...
By the new Arrangement, which was brought by the Marquis de la Fayette I find myself restored to the Character of a private Citizen. The Appointment of a single Minister, at the Court of Versailles was not unexpected to me, because I had not been two Months in Europe, before I was convinced of the Policy, and indeed of the Necessity of such a Measure. But I ever entertained hopes that when the...
Your pathetic Letter of the 2d. has filled my heart with Sympathy and Grief. Your Son, by all that I know, or have heard of him, would have been an ornament to Society. Your Sorrow at his loss must be exquisite. I can give you no better Advice for your Consolation, than to read your favourite Dr Barrow. It is the Lot of humanity! You are not alone! If I look back for Sixty years, what a long...
It is now determined what the President has to depend on after the 4 th March. The Committee determined against raising the Salary of P. or V. P. The House which the P. had for 500 £ cannot again be had under 1000 £ — Horses are from 3 times to five times as high as they were Seven Years ago, Carriages three times as high—Provisions &c In Short all Levees and Drawing Rooms and Dinners must be...