Results 3931-3960 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In looking over your notes to me for my services in superintending your plantations in Bedford, I...
At the request of a friend who proposes to place a son at the University of Virginia, I beg leave...
I feel a diffidence in addressing you on a subject, that I am not satisfied is not impertinent &...
We had fondly hoped my dear Madam & kind & respected friend to embrace you very shortly &...
I have been duly favored with your Letters covering a communication from you to M r King on the...
We herewith send you an invoice of such American Works, & of those imported, as we could furnish...
Your favor of the 18. was duly rec d and it’s contents read with great pleasure. altho in so...
I c d have wished & had intended my dear Sir to see you on the subject upon w ch I now write but...
The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has...
I flatter myself that when you will have read this letter through, you will admit that my...
Your favor of June 22. was recd in due time, and the books of which it covered the Catalogue,...
I have this day rec d a Box from Boston for you, which is forwarded by a Waggon to...
Your favor of the 19 th inst. is rec d as had been in due time that which accompanied the volume...
If you think mr Coffee’s prices for the Corinthian ornaments extravagantly high, assuredly they...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 18 th and, according to the request expressed in it, now...
Par la prochaine occasion pour l’Europe devant ecrire à M. de Humboldt tout en le remerciant de...
Your Letter is this moment put into my hands my beloved Son, and I hasten to answer it,...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Brockenbrough to inform him of the date of the remittance of...
I have a letter from M r Coffee stating his prices for the ornaments for the Corinthian cornice...
I hope this fav r may find you well and in Good hellth we begin to tin the west side of the house...
I have the pleasure to enclose you a catalogue of the books contained in the box I last opened;...
It gave me great pleasure to recieve your favor of June 20. altho’ with so extensive a range of...
Your letter from Charlottesville came duly to hand, and an earlier answer would have been given...
I delayed answering your[s] of May 10. in the hope of finding a private conveyance; having...
The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has...
As directed by Col o Randolph I am to enclose a letter for him, which it is important he should...
Having occasion to make a remittance to mr Appleton of Leghorn I desired Jefferson to make...
Yours of the 18 th is recieved, and finds me ready, as I ever am, to render you what service I...
Mr. Tod is in the City. I delivered him your letter yesterday and had the pleasure of seeing him...
I thank you for the copies of your two public addresses inclosed in your favor of the 6 th inst....