From Benjamin Franklin to Charles Carter, 18 April 1748
To Charles Carter1
MS not found; reprinted from Anderson Galleries, Sales Catalogue No. 800 (January 18, 1910), item 90.
Philadelphia, April 18, 1748
Please to pay Mr. Robert Dade2 or Order Thirty-one Pennyweight of Gold, and charge it to Account of, Sir Your humble Servant
B. Franklin3
1. Col. Charles Carter (1707–1764), of Cleve, King George Co., Va.; son of Robert “King” Carter of Corotoman and uncle of Robert Carter of Nomini Hall, the Councillor. Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., XXXI (1923), 39–69. He is charged with glass, lottery tickets, and a few other items, 1749–52, in BF’s Ledger D.
2. Robert Dade, of King George Co., Va., where he married, 1743. 2 Wm. and Mary Quar., x (1930), 45.
3. Noted in the sales catalogue as “With the endorsement of Robert Dade on the reverse.”