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Results 3921-3930 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Daniel Brent presents his respectful Compliments to m r Jefferson , and has the Pleasure to transmit to him the enclosed Letter, just received at the Dep t of State from m r Rush .   He takes advantage of the occasion to acknowledge the receipt of a note which m r J.
§ From William Bushby. 24 September 1805, “Washington Navy Yard.” “Last summer I waited on you with a line from Mr. George Hite wishing your favour with Mr. Latrobe to obtain for me employment as a Painter on the Publick buildings in the City. As Mr. Latrobe was then absent, and you observed might return when you was not present—you advised me on his coming to show him my recommendations—(as...
I had a mantua makaker & a Tailor last week which keept me so fully imploy’d that I had not time to write I receiv’d your kind Letter by the Post a thursday & rejoice that you have got into such good order so soon. I do not rise quite so early as you but I should if I could get all my folks to Bed in season you do well to devote so much of the day to riding I hope the difficulty the bad roads...
The Board have the Honor of transmitting you a Copy of a Letter from Genl Greene, respecting the necessity of a Resolution of Congress, declaring that all Prisoners of War who engage in the Enemy’s Service, from whatever pretence shall be treated as Deserters on which they request you to favor them with your Sentiments. The Board are unhappy to inform you, that nothing is yet done in...
3925[Diary entry: 21 June 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 21st. Attended Convention. Dined at Mr. Pragers, and spent the evening in my Chamber. Mr. Prager is probably Mark Prager, Sr., a member of the Jewish mercantile family that came to Philadelphia shortly after the Revolution. The firm, at first called Pragers, Liebaert & Co., was some time before 1791 changed to Pragers & Co. GW had written William Fitzhugh on 23 July 1784 introducing...
I have just returned from my Northern trip, & am sincerely thankful for the facilities you afforded me, by the letters enclosed to Washington, they ensured me a warm reception every where, & were, in other respects, of real value to me—I have no doubt my business will be much improved by it— I called on the collector of New York, & paid the small sum you were due him, mentioned in one of your...
39274th. (Adams Papers)
Eliza, spent the day at Mr. White’s. Mr. Thaxter was here in the Evening. The weather very mild: a farmer, who was here in the Course of the day, said the river was very ticklish.
The several appropriations made at the last session of Congress for the progress of the work on the Public Buildings, have, during the late recess of the Legislature been applied to their specific objects in the manner which I now beg leave to report to You.  1. South Wing of the Capitol In this wing all the wood work & the covering of the Roof have been painted,—the Iron railing of the...
3929[Diary entry: 3 November 1797] (Washington Papers)
3. Calm, Clear & pleasant—Mer. at .
This day, I think, has been the most remarkable of all. Sullivan came here from Lord Howe, five days ago with a Message that his Lordship desired a half an Hours Conversation with some of the Members of Congress, in their private Capacities. We have spent three or four days in debating whether We should take any Notice of it. I have, to the Utmost of my Abilities during the whole Time, opposed...