Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Logan, 16 April 1748

From James Logan

Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Apr. 16th [1748]

My Friend BF

I was well pleased with thine of the 13th Inst. on both Accounts, that of the Guns and that also of the Militia7 with which Conr. Weiser was So well Satisfied that he declared at his Return hither, that he would not for Some pounds out of his own Pocket, but that Shekallemy one of the 6 Nations and his Son had Seen it,8 and these Indians declare they never Saw Such a Sight before.

My Son who was here last night will deliver thee Jared Elliots discourse of husbandry and inclosed is his Letter,9 for the Sight of both which I thank thee and am Thy assured Loving friend


[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7See below, p. 311.

8Shikellamy (d. 1748), Oneida chief, statesman and diplomat, through whom Pennsylvania handled its Indian affairs; from his seat at Shamokin he protected the interests of the Six Nations in the Susquehanna Valley from 1728 until his death. Paul A. W. Wallace, Conrad Weiser (Phila., 1945), pp. 39–40, 262–3, 274; C. Hale Sipe, The Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania (Butler, Pa., 1927), pp. 122–64. Shikellamy and Weiser attended a Council meeting in Philadelphia, April 11. Pa. Col. Recs., V, 222.

9Jared Eliot, Essays upon Field-Husbandry in New England (New London, Conn., 1748). See above, p. 147 n. The letter has not been found.

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