Adams Papers



I tarried at home this forenoon, in order to write a Letter to my Sister.1 In the afternoon I attended at meeting.2 Went up to Mr. Cranch’s after meeting and pass’d an hour there. I took my leave of them, and went home to prepare for returning to Newbury-Port. I know not that I ever left Braintree with so much regret. I have past my time most agreeably here these five weeks, and have had almost all my nearest connexions and dearest friends about me: but otherwise, almost all the Time has been lost to me, and I must return to those pursuits which are to be the support of my future Life. In the winter I hope, to spend some weeks here, and then I shall endeavour to join the utile dulci.

1Letter not found.

2“Heard Parson Wibird” (D/JQA/13, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 16).

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