3911765. Jany. 24th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Soon after I got to Boston, at Jany. Court Mr. Fitch came to me upon Change, and told me, that Mr. Gridley and he had something to communicate to me, that I should like, in Sacred Confidence however. I waited on Mr. Gridley, at his office, (after many Conjectures what the secret might be) and he told me, That He and Mr. Fitch had proposed a Law Clubb—a private Association, for the study of Law...
392Thurdsday January 24th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
I rode to Boston on Purpose to meet at Fitchs. Gridley came. We read the 3 first Titles of the feudal Law, and We read Gothofreds Notes and We looked into Strykius for the Explanation of many hard Words in those 3 Titles—The Valvasors, Capitanii, Guardia and Guastaldi. This Strykius wrote an Examen Juris feudalis, by Way of Question and Answer. His account of the original of the Consuetudines...
393Thurdsday. Jany. 31st. (Adams Papers)
The snowy Weather prevented me from going to Dudleys. The Sodality however met and read the two Titles assigned, and assigned the three next vizt. the 6th. Episcopum, vel Abbatem veil Abbatissam, vel Dominum plebis feudum dare non posse. Tit. 7th. De Natura Feudi, and Tit. 8th. De successione Feudi.
394Thurdsday. February 21st. 1765. (Adams Papers)
At Boston, entertained the Sodality at Blodgets. We were never in better Spirits, or more Social. We began the 13th. Title of the feudal Law De Alienatione Feudi and read three Titles. Gridley proposed that we should mark all those Passages, which are adopted by the English Law, that when we come to read Ld. Coke we may recur back upon Occasion, to the originals of our Law. The 14th. Title is...
395[February 1765] (Adams Papers)
This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing, as Hints for future Enquiries rather than as a satisfactory Theory. The Desire of Power Power Dominion, that encroaching, grasping, restless, and ungovernable Principle in human Nature, that Principle which has made so much Havock and Desolation, among the Works of God, in all the Variety of...
This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing, as Hints for future Enquiries rather than as a satisfactory Theory. The Desire of Power Power Dominion, that encroaching, grasping, restless, and ungovernable Principle in human Nature, that Principle which has made so much Havock and Desolation, among the Works of God, in all the Variety of...
397[June 1765] (Adams Papers)
£ s d June 7th. 1765. Paid at Goodwins for Dinners 0: 10: 0 Paid at Lovejoys for Lodging Suppers &c 0: 8: 0 June 8th. Paid at Springers for Horse keeping 2s:8d, at Sewals for Lodging and Breakfast and Suppers 2s:6d and at Lovejoys for Lemmons Rum and sugar 1s:4d: 0: 6: 6 Paid at Springers for Reckoning 3s:2d: and for Shewing Horse 1s:2d 0: 4:
398[Accounts on the Eastern Circuit, 7–12 June 1765.] (Adams Papers)
£ s d June 7th. 1765. Paid at Goodwins for Dinners 0: 10: 0 Paid at Lovejoys for Lodging Suppers &c 0: 8: 0 June 8th. Paid at Springers for Horse keeping 2s:8d, at Sewals for Lodging and Breakfast and Suppers 2s:6d and at Lovejoys for Lemmons Rum and sugar 1s:4d: 0: 6: 6 Paid at Springers for Reckoning 3s:2d: and for Shewing Horse 1s:2d 0: 4:
399[August 1765] (Adams Papers)
I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of Yesterday and last Night, at Boston. Is there any Evidence, that Mr. Oliver ever wrote to the Ministry, or to any Body in England any unfavourable Representations, of the People of this Province? Has he ever placed the Character of the People, their Manners, their Laws, their Principles in...
400August 15th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of Yesterday and last Night, at Boston. Is there any Evidence, that Mr. Oliver ever wrote to the Ministry, or to any Body in England any unfavourable Representations, of the People of this Province? Has he ever placed the Character of the People, their Manners, their Laws, their Principles in...