Results 391-400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I hope you will believe me sincere when I assure you that it is with the greatest reluctance that I intrude on the quiet of your calm retreat, at an age when exertion must be irksome; yet when I reflect that there is a motive which has ever been more powerful with you than even the love of philosophie ease, the love of active kindness, I am emboldened to beg a few moments of your time. Having...
The petition of Jacob H. Geiger humbly represents that at a Circuit Court of the District of Columbia held for the County of Washington on the fourth monday of July 1805 the Grand Inquest of said County found a presentment against your petitioner on a charge of having assaulted a certain Robert Casey the Commission of which, he is entirely ignorant; That at a term of the same Court held on the...
In obedience to your order 30th. Ulto. enclosed are the Returns, of the Men, Clothing, Arms and Accoutrements, & Camp equipage. The articles in the Quarter Masters Store, with Inspection Returns of the four Companies of Artillerists and Engineers under my Command. With a Return of the Artillery for the use; and the practice of the troops. It being the Generals order, to give a full; and...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 19, 1777. Discusses advantages of an overt declaration of war by France. Corrects error in estimate of British losses at Danbury, Connecticut. Questions purpose of General William Howe’s recent moves. Df , in writings of Richard Kidder Meade and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles François Adrien le Paulnier, Chevalier d’Annemours, was...
Several of your favours now lye before me, but the last of Novr 9th I shall particularly take notice of —with astonishment then did I receive the Account of Sales of that Hhd Tobo pr the Everton where only £8.4.1¼ is renderd for it at the sametime that Mr Cary was selling the like Tobo at £17 & 18£ a Hhd. As to the exceptions which for two or three years past you have made to the quality of...
Quoyque je ne puisse scavoir par personne positivement si vous estes a paris de retour de vos voyages, l envie que jay de scavoir de vos cheres nouvelles, de celle de vos chers enfants et patriotes, mengage a avoir lhonneur de vous ecrire cette lettre, quand elle devroit voyager aprés vous. Je desire fort que votre santé nait point souffert des longues et dures courses que vous avez fait, et...
DS : Archives Nationales; DS , two copies, and transcript: National Archives Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, passé entre M. le Cte. de Vergennes et M. Franklin, le 16. Juillet 1782. À ce Contrat sont annexés les Pleines-Pouvoirs des Plénipotentiaires respectifs. Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale. Le Roi ayant...
I have the pleasure to Send you a copy of my note to Mr. Fox and of his answer respecting the misconduct of Captain Whitby at the port of New York in April last. You will find by it that that officer was removed from the command of the Leander by an order from the Admiralty of the 22d. of June, and that he is to be brought home to be tried by a Court Martial on that charge. I have lately...
I recd Your Letter from Augusta & observe its Contents —the Behaviour of the Militia is very unaccountable, & am convinc’d they are under no Command; I order’d Part of the Militia to the Frontiers & there to remain till reliev’d by others, which I propos’d shou’d be done in a monthly manner, & so to be continued by a proper Rotation, instead thereof they go & come at their own Pleasure, & many...
As soon as I had the honor of receiving your Letter containing a proposal of the order of the Knights of Divine Providence; I referred the subject of it to the decision of Congress, in my letter to that august Body dated the 28th of August last, a copy of which is enclosed. Whereupon the United States in Congress assembled, were pleased to pass their Act of the 5th Inst: which is properly...