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Results 39051-39100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
39051[Diary entry: 31 March 1790] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 31st. Exercised on Horseback.
Well knowing the difficulties in which you are involved it ever gives me pain to make application...
The bearer of this, Mr. Waldo, is the Gentleman whom I mentioned, in a letter which I had the...
I have shipped to your care, in the Sloop Harmony, Ellwood, Master, twenty two boxes containing...
It is some time since I took the liberty of mentioning the name of John Emmerson Esqr of Green...
20 July 1758. Worthington C. Ford printed the following as the text of a letter written by GW to...
39057[Diary entry: 24 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
24. Dined at the Club & Spent the Evening at Mr. Andersons.
All Prisoners guilty of Capital Crimes & Crimes not triable by a Regimental Court Martial are to...
I have now to acknolege the receipt of your favor of Octob. the 29th. which I have duly laid...
17 January 1803, Department of State. Asks that Gallatin cause a certified statement to be made...
§ From David Airth. 31 December 1805, Gothenburg. “I had the honour of addressing your Excellency...
J’apprends á l’instant d’une maniere á peû prés certaine que vous etes élû président des Etats...
I wrote you this, Amelia, in answer to yours, No. 8, received a day or two ago, for which accept...
Your Excellency will have been informed by the Chevr de la Luzerne of the ardent wishes of these...
I enclose you another letter My Dearest Father, irksome as it is for me to add to your vexations...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the President of the United States has appointed you...
I embrace this opportunity to introduce to your notice M r John Aspinwall, who will have the...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 16 Aug. 1795. GW wrote Pearce on 23 Aug., “Your letter of...
Next to the Supports of religion; is the sympathy of Friends in affliction, of the first you have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote thee per Capt. Robinson on the 15th Instant to which...
Having been so unfortunate as to be taken Prisoners on our passage in the Sandwich packet to...
Yours of 26 and 29 Ultimo I have received and another with the Court Gazette with the...
Printed in A Catalogue of Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia . Philadelphia:...
You will be surprized perhaps at receiving a letter from me—but if the end is answered for which...
Mr. Pinkney is now with us collecting his outfit of information, and is to sail from Baltimore on...
That you are a damned Scoundrel is the opinion of your former friend but present ennemy a If you...
I thank you for your kind letter of the 4 th: inst t: which came to hand last evening,...
Letter not found. 6 July 1801. Acknowledged in JM to Jones, 13 July 1801 . Encloses memorial from...
Copy: Library of Congress As our Salaries are payables in Sterling money, I am too much at a Loss...
A few days since I returned from a journey of 3 weeks into the lower country during which from...
Your’s of the 1 st is recieved, and I note your recommendation of mr Askew , to whom I should be...
Having just heard of a Small Brig bound directly from Nantes to Boston, I write you, one Line....
The great loss of papers in the several States, but more especially in those to the Southward,...
Altho’ I am well aware, that if every one to whom your beneficence have been extended, was to...
39085[Diary entry: 21 July 1772] (Washington Papers)
21. Colo. Fairfax & the two Mrs. Fairfax’s—Miss Carlyle, Mr. Norton & Mr. Prentis went away after...
I have the honor of Confirming you my Letters of the 27th. May & 9th. June last. On the 1st....
39087[Diary entry: 7 January 1769] (Washington Papers)
7. Wind at Southwest & moderate. Raing. slowly most part of the day.
On the first Instant I received the letter your Excellency honoured me with the 27th. Ulto. on...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3d , my dear Jefferson, and to...
A belief that nothing is uninteresting to you that is connected with the history or character of...
39091[Diary entry: 10 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
10. Went up to the little Falls to Balendines Sale. Returnd in the Evening. John Ballendine was...
If perchance you should happen to see Mr. Blagden before you leave the City, be so good as to get...
I am greatly disappointed in being obliged to give up the attempt to reach Monticello before you...
8 April 1805, Department of State . “I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 19th....
I arrived here after a long & tedious journey & found the yellow fever in the city : I did not...
I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 30 th. I am much gratified that...
I hasten to forward to you Wilkinson’s dispatch received late last night. I have forwarded...
At length, after eighty days of tedious and dangerous navigation, we are all safely landed at the...
I take the liberty and send you Five of your first inaugural address—Should you be pleased with...
I have the pleasure of your letter by Dr. B . and feel great pleasure at the partial measures,...