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Results 39051-39100 of 184,431 sorted by author
In the multiplicity of important business, which must take up your time and attention, I am...
I was sincerely grieved to find that you been indisposed. Your obliging letter of the 13th. has...
Will your Exellancy Permitt a fourty years agoe Aquentance to Sollicate your notice of the bearer...
I Esteem my Self highly honourd by your Excelencys faivour to Mr Hollingsworth and Shall Imbrace...
I lose no time in forwarding to the seat of Government the enclosed Dispatches from Genl...
Mr. Hall having informed me that the Office of Marshall has become vacant by the resignation of...
After a labour of thirty years in this Country I am reduced to distress—My first place of...
17 September 1803, Norfolk . Enclose “a receipt for thirteen Cases of Wine” forwarded “by the...
New York, May 29, 1786. Seeks Hamilton’s aid as an attorney in a controversy concerning the...
As I had no glass of the quality and size wanted, nor could procure any in this city, which I...
Agreeably to your orders of the 24 Ulto I have shipped on board the Schooner Caroline one box of...
I’ve been accidentally inform’d that your that your friends have prevailed on you to offer...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr Jackson Mr Tracy Mr Donnaldson & Mr Temple present...
As the time for subscribing the State Certificates to the loan of the United States has arrived,...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s Instructions I have held a Court Martial to enquire into the...
On the 3d. Instant a Party of Indians came to the house of William Meek living at the Mouth of...
Mr. Hamilton Dr. to Denis f Donnant from the 17th february 1794. Philadelphia. 2 monts & better...
In appointments for the Army it is impossible for you to become acquainted with the Merits of...
I fear I am doing wrong in claiming any portion of your precious time. I know your situation...
I depart from the beaten track of those who solicit appointments. I apply to Thomas Jefferson...
New York, July 24, 1798. “Permit me to Congratulate you most Respectfully on your promotion.… I...
I have the honor to enclose herewith a letter from Mr. Dupont de Nemours at Paris, which place I...
I have the honor to enclose herewith two letters that I was charged with in France —one of which...
Je répond Monsieur sur le champ à votre lettre . Je suis dezollée de l’accident que vous avés...
Vous devés être bien etonné, Monsieur, d’avoir été sy longtems sans avoir de mes nouvelles, mais...
Vous serés bien etonné Monsieur de ce que Mr. Doradour ne part pas avec Mr. Adams, mais la...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de...
Paris, 1 May 1785 . She and her husband accept TJ’s invitation for Thursday next. RC ( MHi ); 1...
Mde. Doradour cera comblée D’avoir l’honneur de voir Monsieur jeffersson. Elle voudres pouvoir...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson, de lui envoyer quelques...
Md. Doradour envoi savoir des nouvelles de Monsieur jeffersson. Elle aurra celui de le voir...
Je suis arrivée, Monsieur, depuis deux jours, ecrasée de fatigue, et fort incomodée par la...
I am very Bold indeed, to ask your Excellency a new favor, Having been so good as to confer on...
The honor of your letter Dated November 30th. was handed to me by the Governor of the territory,...
§ From Francis J. Le Breton Dorgenoy. 15 November 1805, New Orleans. “I have received with...
(I) L : Library of Congress; copy and transcript: National Archives; press copy of copy: American...
L : Library of Congress M. Le Nonce a l’honneur de faire bien des complimens à Monsieur Franklin,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As your Honour must be entirely unacquainted with my person,...
I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency a Petition herein inclosed presented, by a...
M r: Cottrell presents his Compliments to M r: Adams, and informs Him, that there is no...
The Inhabitants of Providence in Town Meeting legally convened request liberty respectfully to...
I have the Honour to forward You this day per Mail a packet of Books addressed to Your...
I cannot dig, & beg I am asham’d. Sir. Nigh three years ago I open’d a boarding school in...
LS and copy: National Archives; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society ⟨Paris, November 24, 1784:...
Having communicated to my Court the readiness you express’d in your Letter to me of the 9 th. of...
Having communicated to my Court the readiness you express’d in your Letter to me of the 9th. of...
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State...
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This Comes to Let You know that I am one of Maryland Who...
If it be entirely convenient to thyself, and doth not appear improper in me, I should feel...