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Results 39051-39100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
How shall I express my gratitude, my thanks, my admiration , of your very beautiful lines, my...
I had yesterday the high satisfaction of receiving your Official letter of Decr. 2. covering two...
I laid before the General Assembly of Virginia the letter which I had the honor to receive from...
I have the honor of introducing to you Capt. McKinley who states that he wishes to make to you...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Mr. Morrow to dine with him on Saturday the 24th. at half...
Des rapports officiels m’annoncent l’avenement et le Chargement dans le port de Newyork de deux...
The inclosed copy of a letter to Mr. Ervine, accompanying a statement of the case of the Marquis...
The inclosed copy of a letter to Mr Ervine, accompanying a statement of the case of the Marquis...
General Wilkinson having, under a military order, sent to Charleston Dr. Bolman, charged with a...
I have the honor to transmit you Duplicates annexed of my last respects 10th. November ulto. &...
A statement of the case of the Marquis de Casa Yrujo is inclosed; with a view to enable you to...
Abr Baldwin presents his Respects to the President of the United States He incloses the essays...
Mr Clark has the honor of enclosing to the President the Letters put into his hands respecting...
The last letter I had the honor to address to you was dated the 10th. Ultimo; but not having had...
I most anxiously hope the almost unanimous wish of your country men, may induce you to consent to...
I recieved two days ago a letter from Genl. Wilkinson dated at N. Orleans Dec. 14. in which he...
In Consequence of an application to the President of the United States, for the Pardon of Jacob...
Since I wrote you, which was last Thursday, I have received three letters from you, which call...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the Republicans of the County of Chenango, in the State...
You will recollect that in my first or 2d Communication relating to Coll Burr, that I mentioned...
The republicans of the County of Queens state of New York view with approbation the measures of...
I had the pleasure of receiving your esteemed favor of the 19th. inst: by the mail of to day....
I have the honor to request your signature to the Commissions herewith sent. They are required...
Most respectfully presented, believing, that whatever tends to promote the happiness of the...
The Republicans of Wilmington and County of New Hanover, N.C., having understood through the...
I have just understood that complaints have been made to you respecting my conduct as Marshall...
“I, a few minutes since, received the interesting information which you will find in the...
Narrowly bound in a DisInterested Friendship of Many Years, with Mr John Luzac Proffessor att...
I should deem myself deficient in gratitude was I not to return you my acknowledgment for your...
I have received your letter respecting Daniel Clark’s case. Should evidence from the Department...
The instructions from the President are necessary before I can purchase the bills. Every thing in...
I have the honor to wait on you with the three following accounts, arising in the concerns of the...
There is under your custody a prisoner of the name of Philip Williams, under a conviction of...
On my return home, a friend made known to me a report in circulation, so deeply affecting my...
Quoi que certain de dérober au bien public quelques uns de vos précieux instants, je ne peux...
Keep the contents of this letter, if you please, to yourself. I yesterday nominated you to the...
At a time when the American people from distant and remote parts of the Union, are approaching...
I think it is full time to take my pen and inquire after your Health, and to assure you that I...
Your letter of the 6th and the enclosures, arrived safe last evening. I was a little surprized at...
Thomas Jefferson , President of the United States of America, To all who shall see these...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving Your letter of the 10th. of November last, with a copy of...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th. ultimo p the Schooner Fr anklin John Smith Master...
A bond of Mr Perry’s to Mrs Carter, for the hire of some negroes, has been put into my hands for...
I beg the favor of you to give me leave to introduce to you my friend Colonel Thomas Forrest one...
I recieved last night your favor of the 12th. and I now remit you an order of the bank of this...
Th: Jefferson returns mr Price his thanks for the communication of mr Morgan’s letter. the...
Le General Wilkinson m’avoit sur ma demande accordè un ordre au Comandant militaire a...
I am sorry to inform you that the walls of the new addition to the toal mill has fallen down...
The inclosed is a copy of my address to the two Houses of Assembly. On yesterday General Adair,...
My obligations to you are much increased by your very oblidging Letter of June 26th. particularly...