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Results 3901-3950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Having concluded to provide for the Payment of the Bills drawn on Mr. Laurens in favour of Mr Ross, which were presented to you last Year, this is to request that you would examine and accept the said Bills, and keep an Account of them. I have ordered Money into the Hands of Messrs Fizeaux and Grand for the Payment of those that...
The rain comeing on the morning I left Bristol, I reachd Vantilburys about noon & remaind there untill Yesterday Mor’g when I procceeded to Brunswick. Soon after I got there the col & Major Ripley arrived, and informd me that Mrs smith would expect me to dinner. we accordingly sit out and got here about 2 oclock. the col was not able to be absent as Gen’ ll Hamilton was on his way to Camp—and...
Since the 22 d . February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with yours of the 4. 5. and 11 Novem r . and 2. 6. 9. 12. and 15 and one of Decem r . last and also of 4 th . 21. and 26. January 1786. All of them have been laid before Congress, from whom I have no Instructions to say any thing more on the Subjects of them than what you will find in my Letter to you of...
Some few days since I had the honor to pay my Respects to you, at the same time express’d to you my desire of entering in the Merine Service. you was Kind enough to permit me the liberty of addressing you, enclosing such recommendation’s of my Character as would Entitle me to your confidence. Your granting me this indulgence enduces to renew my Solecitations for a Commission in the Merine...
The Notables met yesterday. The king opened the assembly with a short speech, wherein he expressed his inclination to consult with them on the affairs of his kingdom, to receive their opinions on the plans he had digested, and to endeavor to imitate the head of his family Henry IV. whose name is so dear to the nation. The speech was affectionate. The Guarde des sceaux spoke about 20 minutes,...
I have the honour to inclose the Copy of a letter from Mr. Jonathan Waldo, respecting the application of monies for the improvement of the defences of Salem, and an alteration in the name of the Fort, with my answer. The circumstances and time did not seem to admit of a previous communication to you had it been considered necessary in such a case. Generally forts have been named by the...
At a Meeting of the Citizens of the Town of Petersburg Convened at the Courthouse of the said Town the 19th May 1798 Agreable to public Notice given for the purpose of expressing their Opinion on the present Important and critical Situation of our Country— William Prentice Mayor of the said Town being Appointed to the Chair and John Grammer Secty— Resolved Unannimously, as the sense of this...
I have the great pleasure of sending you a portion of the Pears, collected from the Endicott Tree. It is an additional pleasure, that among the increasing demands, Capt E. assures me, that this is the only portion spared from the family, & that I have the direction of it. In Gratitude only are our exclusive faverers rich to us, & this gift I intend as the testimony of my grateful recollection...
I find that Mr. Lovell is the only Man in Boston capable of decyphering intricate papers. I have conversed with him upon the subject & shown him the method in which the figures are placed. He despairs of being able to find a Key to the papers, but will nevertheless wait upon your Excellency to see if there is a possibility of obtaining a Key by which he can decypher them. I am with great...
May 19. It thunderd early this Morning and raind about 7 or 8. About 9 a Darkness came on gradually encreasing at 11. I could neither read nor write without a Candle which soon became necessary for Family Business and continued untill past 3 P.M. A Heavy black Cloud hung at the Westward and Northward, a Thin Vapour Smoak or Fog rising up now and then and almost covering it at Times streaming...
En attendant le Sort de la Lettre, que j’ai pris la Liberté d’addresser á Vôtre Excellence, le 8e. Decembre 1791. par le Cape. Rose, de la Marylande; parti d’ici pour Georgetown; renfermant une Copie de ma derniére Lettre á S. E. le Genl. Washington, Président du Congrés des Etats unis de l’Amérique: permettés, que j’aye l’Honneur de Vous faire Part du triste Etat actuel, de vôtre jadis...
Whereas, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Francis Dana, and James Lovell Esqrs. have been chosen by joint Ballot of the two Houses of Assembly to represent the State of the Massachusetts Bay in New England in the American Congress until the first day of January Anno Domini 1778. Resolved, That they, or any three or more of them are hereby fully...
To confer the tribute of respect to the venerable statesman and Philosopher; and the man who has held with distinguished abilities, the higst station in the gift of our Republic; would have been sufficient inducement to have solicited the acceptance of a Discourse pronounced on the occasion of the consecration of the new Hebrew Synagogue recently erected in this City. But, in this act, I have...
C’est avec bien de la reconnoissance que j’ai reçû la communication que Vous avés bien voulu me faire, de la maniére dont les Etats unis d’Amérique, ont accueilli la decision du Roi mon Maitre, de la question proposée par Vous, Monsieur, il ÿ a quelque tems au Ministre du Roi, alors à la Haÿe, M r. de S t. Saphorin, par rapport à la reception de Candidats Américains dans les Ordres saints de...
From your Letter of the 7th. I find some Misconception has arisen between you & the Editor of the N.A. Review. Your note of the 5th. I handed to that gentleman, & told him how fully I agreed with you in the Sentiment that the Hutchinsonian Controversy & the Impeachment of the Judges, if not the Pivots upon which the Revolution turned they certainly urged on & hastened, those Measures which...
Yesterday’s advices from England inform us, that Gen. Lincoln was collecting an Army in S. Carolina to meet the Invaders, and that Prévot was to be re-inforcd from N. York; so that it looks as if the War woud be transferd to the Southward. The English loan rises rapidly in its value, as appears by the Omnium, which in a few days mounted from 4 PCt. to 6½. Besides this our Enemies will...
I have just receiv’d your letter of the 25th of July inclosing the recommendations of several gentlemen for the vacant office of Marshal for this district. I am sensible of the confidence you place in me, when you authorize me to fill the commission with the name of such person, as on the best information I can collect, shall appear most proper; & I shoud not have hesitated to insert the name...
I am honored by your letter of the 5th, and wholly agree with you on the appropriateness of a policy focused on protecting French and Spanish commerce and destroying the enemy’s, and wish that such a policy be adopted and pursued. On the other hand, it should be noted that the English have experienced an astonishing run of good luck, while the others have seen only continued misfortunes....
This is to acknowledge and thank you for your favour of Novr. 5 . (a day anciently memorable in this Country on account of the Gunpowder plot, to destroy the King and Parlamment) And the application therein made to our great Men of Mayne, in their anxiety and eagerness to Acquire an Independence from Massa. and the Indifference to its places of Honour and profit, after they had acquired...
When I had the honour of calling on you, I only conjectured that the printing of the Journals of the Convention, &c would be under the direction of the Secretary of State; but by the inclosed N. Intelligencer it appears to be very certain that the publication will be committed to his care.— You will recollect that in the letter wh. I shewed you from Mr: King, it was suggested that, were I on...
John Foncin appointed at first Engineer at Baltimore, and newly at Boston, presents to the President of the united States his most respectful thanks; happy, if by his fidelity, and his constant endeavours to perform his duty, he may deserve the continuation of Such a favor; happy again if during many years, he may consider and admire the high influence of the Virtues of the President, who by...
I take the Liberty of Sending my little work to the Nestor of the united States, who more fortunate than he of ancient times, has a Son Who So honorably fulfills the place of a Ulisses. I have the honor to be / Venerable Sir / your most humble / and obedient Servant DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters.
our two Tenants are come, and I have occupation enough. I have set them to clear the manure out of the Barn and to digg the Garden put all the wall up and look to the fences. when that is done, I shall send them to clear up the Bushes in Curtis’s pasture. I hope you will not be detaind longer than the Month of April. you will be weary of hearing of my wants, and of supplying them, but I find...
It is sometime since I have written to you but still longer since I have had a line from my dear father. I do not repine for while you are happy in your feilds I will willingly give up that share of pleasure and instruction which I constantly received from your kind communications. It appears as if this City was fated to be the scene of constant disquietude and jarring cabal no sooner have the...
We have had the honour in obedience to your commands maturely to consider the papers and subject referred to us in your letter dated 29 January Ultimo, and the law of Tennessee passed the 26. October 1799 and a letter from the Governor of the said State to William Cocke and Joseph Anderson Senators and William Charles Cole Claiborne Representative of the State of Tennessee in the Congress of...
Could I have supposed that Your Excellency would have returned to Amsterdam before the Ship sailed, I should certainly have done myself the honor and agreeable satisfaction of waiting upon you before I left this Country—but this pleasure is denied me—and I am scarce allowed time by Mr. Thaxter’s immediate departure to bid Your Excellency farewell in this abrupt manner —but I lean with...
In this Beautifull month when Nature wears her gayest garb, and animal and vegetable life is diffused on every side, when the Chearfull hand of industery is laying a foundation for a plentifull Harvest who can forbear to rejoice in the Season, or refrain looking “through Nature up to Nature’s God?” While my Heart expands, it sighing seeks its associate and joins its first parent in that...
I have been honored with your Letters of the 10 th. 19. & 30 April and 1 st: May last. Since the sitting of the Convention a sufficient number of States for the Dispatch of Business have not been represented in Congress, so that it has neither been in my Power officially to communicate your Letters to them, nor to write on several Subjects on which it is proper that Congress should make known...
I crave your permission for to offer You this mark of my respect, which, at once displays my confidence, and congratulates your Excellency on being chosen President of the American Congress.—Who ever is acquainted with your vigorous, and efficacious exertions in the Support of your Country, during its hard struggle for Independence, must applaud the choice, and still admire in your invariable...
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your kind favors of the 4 th Septem r. and partake in the happiness of your being “at length settled in a regular Train, both of public & private Life”— While the Nation, of which I am a Citizen, will receive the greatest benefit from your labors in the former line—permit me to hope that the remembrance of an old friend may, now & then, afford...
Une petite absence de chez moi durant la plus grande partie de la journée d’hier, a retardé les incluses; J’espere que leur retard est sans conséquence. Elles sont arrivées toutes deux d’Amsterdam, et notamment le cachet de l’une dans l’état ou vous le verrez. J’ai une Lettre de Mr. Carmichael, qui me dit entre autres —“I wish Mr. Adams all the success he can desire. You will please to inform...
Permit us the Comm̃ee of the Second Congregational Church in Newport to call your attention for a few moments from the weighty affairs of politics, in which you are so honorably and so usefully engaged to a matter which respects a religious society to whose constitution we consider you as a Friend. The early and active part which our congregation took in the opposition to the arbitrary and...
It will possibly amuse a few of the leisure moments of your latter years, to receive an act of political justice and literary homage, not the less to be valued as it is late in offering, when accompanied by my sincere regret that it had not be tendered before. Twenty years ago, Sir, I was the editor of a party newspaper in Connecticut (the Bee), and was imprisoned under the Sedition law for a...
I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2 d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. you will have known since that that the interposition of Denmark, as auxiliary to Russia against Sweden, has been suppressed magisterially by England and Prussia. this seemed to prove that these two powers did not mean to enter into the war; that on the contrary they wished seriously to quiet things on the...
There is a Destinction between Ceremony and Attention which is not always observed tho often useful. I Of the latter former I hope there will be little of V between us, of the latter much. Public as well as personal Considerations dictate this Conduct, on my Part, and I am happy to find by your favor of the 15 Inst. Ultimo, that you approve it in the same Light mean not to be punctilious. The...
I can not express you—how warmlÿ I am obliged to you for your your last kind favour of May 20th. It Saÿs—nothing that it pleased and instructed—no—it did much more—It relieved mÿ drooping Spirits it dissipated in part the deep gloom, which has latelÿ taken possession of me—listen—mÿ Dear! I have one friend yet left—he would Soothe mÿ Sorrows—was he in the neighbourhood, altho he participated...
On the first of the month I received your favour of the 22d. ult. with a copy of a speech of a ci-divant Minister to the Six Nations. Having been ill of the prevailing influenza, and expecting, mail after mail, to receive your answer to my letters of the 20th. and 23d. of Feb. I have delayed this acknowledgment. I hope that this evening will relieve my impatience to see the speculations you...
The very obliging manner, in which you was pleased to assure me of the appointment of my nephew Philip Church , and the actual appointment of my relation Captan Hamilton to a Lieutenancy in the Navy, which I just learn from the Marine Department, are circumstances from which I derive much pleasure, which I consider as conferring upon me a personal obligation, and for which I beg you to accept...
J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. de ce mois concernant la resolution du Congrès du 18. mars dernier. Je vous ai déja prévenu que mon intention n’étoit aucunement d’analiser cette resolution en tant qu’elle est relative aux Citoïens des Etats unis, ni d’examiner si les circonstances en légitiment ou non les dispositions. En vous écrivant avec la...
I have a Letter from you which has called forth the few remaining sparks of my attenion to politics— Were my own mind at ease, I should at the present time enter more than ever into the spirit of speculation upon public affairs. The prospect is really glorious; but it is perhaps impossible, at least for a man whose patriotism is not tinctured with more heroism than mine, to consider the...
Agreeably to the President’s direction, the Secretary of State respectfully offers the following notices of matters appearing to him proper to be communicated to Congress, at the opening of their approaching session. “It appearing probable; from the information I had received, that our commercial intercourse with some ports of the Island of St. Domingo might safely be renewed: Conformably to...
I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in answering either of them till this Time. That of the 21st of January is now before me, and is dated. Give my Love to your Brother, and tell him, he forgot to give any date to his. For your Comfort and Georges too, I can tell you, that you write as well as your Father did at your Age. But what a Writer...
I have received your letter dated the sixth of February last, and was very much delighted to see it so well written; because I know that it was written by yourself.—I have marked it down, number one, and put it upon my file—When your next letter comes, and I hope that will be soon, I shall compare the hand-writing with that of number one, and shall see what progress you make in writing. I...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your respected letter.—for the interesting details which it contains be pleased to accept my thanks.—it will afford me some compensation for the repugnance under which I felt myself in a degree constrained to enter into a public political correspondence, that it has produced to me information from a source from whence I might not otherwise have...
On the petition of David Steward & other respectable citizens of Baltimore, praying the President to order a nolle presequi in the case of Captain Levin Jones, late master of the American Brigantine called the David Stewart, who has been indicted for the crime of murder committed, as alledged on the body of William Davis one of his crew, on the high seas. The Secretary of State, in obedience...
I designd to have wrote you by the last Post, but have been so unwell for the week past that I have not been able. We have had very Hot weather which you know never agrees well with me, and greatly distresses me under my present circumstances. I loose my rest a nights, which makes me more unable to bear the Heat of the day. I look forward to the middle of july with more anxiety than I can...
I embrace the earliest opportunity of acknowledging your Excellency’s favors of the 21 st. of April by M r Miller and the 22 nd of the same month by M r. Heyward which were yesterday handed to me.— The intelligence they contain of attempts to counterfiet our paper Currency in Great Britain will I hope by putting Us on our Guard enable us to repell the threatened mischief. At the same time that...
I am obligd to You for a letter the 14th Instant. My writing to You is from the motive of making You acquainted from time to time with any material movement or particular news from this quarter, which may be interesting or serving in any way the business you are engagd in; Your particular situation must put it out of your power to write when even you may wish to do so, and I by no means expect...
In the generation that follows the Heroes and statesmen of the Revolution, General Andrew Jackson is a most distinguished character, one who has laid aside all personal consideration when the interest of his country required the sacrifice. Under the belief that there exists a fellowship of feeling between strong minds; men who acted on the theatre of War & politics; when , life and reputation...
As I passed through Nantes in my way to Bordeaux I received a letter from M rs. Barclay wherin she mentions your Intention of going to England Next Month, and that you wish’d to see me before you set out. I have three public accounts of Consequence to settle at Bordeaux, and shall the Moment they are finish’d proceed home. you will oblige me by letting me Know by a line, addressed to the Care...