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Results 3901-3950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3901 Jefferson, Thomas Yancey, Joel From Thomas Jefferson to Joel Yancey, 4 August 1825 1825-08-04 Your favor of July 28. has been duly rec d and I think on recollection you will be satisfied that...
3902 Jefferson, Thomas University of Virginia Board of Visitors From Thomas Jefferson to University of Virginia Board … 1825-08-04 Chancellor Tucker, Mr. Barbour, Judge Carr, as you know had declined accepting the law chair of...
3903 Jefferson, Thomas Gray, William F. From Thomas Jefferson to William F. Gray, 3 August 1825 1825-08-03 In my lre of Mar. 16. I ment d to you that it would suit me much better to recieve my Reviews...
3904 Hilliard, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Hilliard, 3 August … 1825-08-03 We regret to state, that previous to the reception of your last, our orders to Europe had all...
3905 Marks, Anne Scott Will of Anne Scott Marks, with Bequests to TJR, Samuel … 1825-08-03 In the name of God Amen. I Anne S. Marks of the county of Albemarle, being of sound and disposing...
3906 Adams, John Force, Peter From John Adams to Peter Force, 2 August 1825 1825-08-02 General Lafayette arrived in this City yesterday afternoon and agreeably to the Presidents...
3907 Adams, John Quincy Rush, Richard From John Quincy Adams to Richard Rush, 2 August 1825 1825-08-02 Mr. and Mrs. Adams request the Honor of Mr Rush’s Company at Dinner on Tuesday the 2 of August at...
3908 Lay, John O. Madison, James To James Madison from John O. Lay, 2 August 1825 1825-08-02 I herewith hand you Sales of the 2 Hhds. Strips No. 9 & 10 (which I did not dispose of until...
3909 Jefferson, Thomas Miller, Mrs. From Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. Miller, 2 August 1825 1825-08-02 Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to mrs Miller and regrets that it is not in his...
3910 Moore, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Moore, 2 August 1825 1825-08-02 M r Joseph bland, an officer of the Mint whose reputation as a chemist and Mineralogist is known...
3911 Jefferson, Thomas Thompson, Robert A. From Thomas Jefferson to Robert A. Thompson, 2 August … 1825-08-02 The Visitors of the Univ ty have not considered the art of using the small sword as making part...
3912 Madison, James Rush, Richard From James Madison to Richard Rush, 1 August 1825 1825-08-01 The Mail of yesterday brought us the first information of your having reached Washington, where...
3913 Madison, James Slaughter, Albert G. From James Madison to Albert G. Slaughter, 1 August … 1825-08-01 I recd. Sir, some time ago, your favour of June 7. inclosing a sample of the Vicuña wool, and I...
3914 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph … 1825-08-01 Having reached Boston in safety, my dearest grandfather, one of my first cares is to write to...
3915 Thompson, Robert A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert A. Thompson, 1 August … 1825-08-01 Several of the students having formed a class, and employed Mr Xaupi to instruct them in the use...
3916 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 31 July 1825 1825-07-31 Agreeable to the request contained in yours of the 20th:, have remitted check to E. Copeland of...
3917 Denison, J. Evelyn Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. Evelyn Denison, 30 July … 1825-07-30 Since my return to London I have made some enquiries among the bookssellers for publications...
3918 Maclure, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Maclure, 30 July 1825 1825-07-30 I return’d home a few weeks ago after a long absence and was highly gratified to find such a...
3919 Everett, Edward Adams, John To John Adams from Edward Everett, 29 July 1825 1825-07-29 His Serene Highness, the Duke Bernard of Saxe Weimar has expressed a Strong desire of being...
3920 Addison, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Addison, 29 July 1825 1825-07-29 About two Years ago, a Gentleman called at my Shop, as he said commissioned by you, to know what...
3921 Brent, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Brent, 29 July 1825 1825-07-29 Mr. Rebello, Chargé d’Affaires of the Government of Brazil at this Place, having informed me that...
3922 Spafford, Horatio Gates Madison, James To James Madison from Horatio Gates Spafford, 29 July … 1825-07-29 Thy favor of 22 inst., enclosing ten dollars, is duly received. This pays, & more than pays, for...
3923 Brent, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Brent, 29 July 1825 1825-07-29 M r Robello, Chargé d’Affaires of the Government of Brazil at this place, is about making an...
3924 Wortham & McGruder Madison, James To James Madison from Wortham & McGruder, 28 July … 1825-07-28 We reced. your favr. of the 23rd Inst. by the mail of yesterday enclosing Check on the Farmers...
3925 Alexander, Gerard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gerard Alexander, 28 July 1825 1825-07-28 Permit me to introduce to you my son Doctor Edward Alexander. Being on his return to Baltimore,...
3926 Jefferson, Thomas Calloway, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Calloway, 28 July 1825 1825-07-28 D r Dunglison’s letter herein inclosed will sufficiently explain it’s object. the University of...
3927 Dade, William A.G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William A.G. Dade, 28 July … 1825-07-28 After the most deliberate review of the arguments for and against my acceptance of the Chair in...
3928 Jefferson, Thomas King, Rufus From Thomas Jefferson to Rufus King, 28 July 1825 1825-07-28 On the 30 th of June I took the liberty of addressing to you a letter requesting your kind aid to...
3929 Lee, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Lee, 28 July 1825 1825-07-28 I now dispatch one of the youths I had some time ago the honour to mention to you, whose...
3930 Robertson, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald Robertson, 28 July … 1825-07-28 The bearer of this M r George W Turner being called to Charlottesville as a witness, I avail my...
3931 Yancey, Joel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joel Yancey, 28 July 1825 1825-07-28 In looking over your notes to me for my services in superintending your plantations in Bedford, I...
3932 Haynes, Charles Eaton Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Eaton Haynes, 27 July … 1825-07-27 At the request of a friend who proposes to place a son at the University of Virginia, I beg leave...
3933 Peabody, Stephen Adams, John Quincy From Stephen Peabody to John Quincy Adams, 26 July 1825 1825-07-26 I feel a diffidence in addressing you on a subject, that I am not satisfied is not impertinent &...
3934 Wright, Frances Madison, Dolley Frances Wright to Dolley Madison, 26 July 1825 1825-07-26 We had fondly hoped my dear Madam & kind & respected friend to embrace you very shortly &...
3935 Bailey, Theodorus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Theodorus Bailey, 26 July 1825 1825-07-26 I have been duly favored with your Letters covering a communication from you to M r King on the...
3936 Hilliard, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Hilliard, 26 July 1825 1825-07-26 We herewith send you an invoice of such American Works, & of those imported, as we could furnish...
3937 Jefferson, Thomas Mumford, Gurdon S. From Thomas Jefferson to Gurdon S. Mumford, 26 July … 1825-07-26 Your favor of the 18. was duly rec d and it’s contents read with great pleasure. altho in so...
3938 Wright, Frances Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Frances Wright, 26 July 1825 1825-07-26 I c d have wished & had intended my dear Sir to see you on the subject upon w ch I now write but...
3939 Crane, Gabriel Madison, James To James Madison from Gabriel Crane, 25 July 1825 1825-07-25 The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has...
3940 Brennan, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Brennan, 25 July 1825 1825-07-25 I flatter myself that when you will have read this letter through, you will admit that my...
3941 Jefferson, Thomas Hilliard, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Hilliard, 25 July 1825 1825-07-25 Your favor of June 22. was recd in due time, and the books of which it covered the Catalogue,...
3942 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 25 July 1825 1825-07-25 I have this day rec d a Box from Boston for you, which is forwarded by a Waggon to...
3943 Jefferson, Thomas Beltrami, J.C. From Thomas Jefferson to J.C. Beltrami, 24 July 1825 1825-07-24 Your favor of the 19 th inst. is rec d as had been in due time that which accompanied the volume...
3944 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 24 … 1825-07-24 If you think mr Coffee’s prices for the Corinthian ornaments extravagantly high, assuredly they...
3945 Jefferson, Thomas Greenhow, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Greenhow, 24 July 1825 1825-07-24 I have duly recieved your favor of the 18 th and, according to the request expressed in it, now...
3946 Vidua, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Vidua, 24 July 1825 1825-07-24 Par la prochaine occasion pour l’Europe devant ecrire à M. de Humboldt tout en le remerciant de...
3947 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, George Washington From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to George … 1825-07-23 Your Letter is this moment put into my hands my beloved Son, and I hasten to answer it,...
3948 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 23 … 1825-07-23 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Brockenbrough to inform him of the date of the remittance of...
3949 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 23 … 1825-07-23 I have a letter from M r Coffee stating his prices for the ornaments for the Corinthian cornice...
3950 Hemings, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Hemings, 23 July 1825 1825-07-23 I hope this fav r may find you well and in Good hellth we begin to tin the west side of the house...