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Results 3901-3950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of July 28. has been duly rec d and I think on recollection you will be satisfied that the period for the commencem t of int. in each year has been stated in the Notes as was understood and intended by us. the allowance for superintendce to overseers and managers being to be pd out of the proceeds of the crop payment is not expected till that is sold, and custom has established May...
Chancellor Tucker, Mr. Barbour, Judge Carr, as you know had declined accepting the law chair of the University, and yesterday I received a letter from Judge Dade finally declining also. Mr. Gilmer, our first choice had declined on account of his health, very much deranged by his voyage to Europe. that is now in a great degree reestablished, and he is willing to accept. what shall we do? shall...
In my lre of Mar. 16. I ment d to you that it would suit me much better to recieve my Reviews from the Agent in Richmond instead of Fredsbg, my funds being always in the former place where the Agent could at any time call on Col o Peyton my correspdt there for payment, and that I that day wrote to him to furnish me thereafter which he has regularly done, recieving afterwds the Apr. N o 47....
We regret to state, that previous to the reception of your last, our orders to Europe had all been completed and forwarded. The Books mentioned as having been received from England shall be countermanded, & if received in season, they will not be sent. It is unfortunate that you ordered the new edition of Stephens, by subscription, as copies are frequently sold much below the subscription...
In the name of God Amen. I Anne S. Marks of the county of Albemarle, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, for the disposal of all my property real and personal, after my death, as follows, that is to say, in consideration of the manifold, long continued and unceasing kindnesses and services which I have recieved, and am constantly recieving at...
General Lafayette arrived in this City yesterday afternoon and agreeably to the Presidents invitation took up his quarters at the Presidents House—We understand that he will recieve the visits from one to three oclock this day— Mr Force. Gen Lafayette is desirous that notice should be given of his intention to recieve visits tomorrow & I know of no better method of spreading the information...
Mr. and Mrs. Adams request the Honor of Mr Rush’s Company at Dinner on Tuesday the 2 of August at 5 o’Clock The Favor of an Answer is requested. NjP : Papers of Richard Rush.
I herewith hand you Sales of the 2 Hhds. Strips No. 9 & 10 (which I did not dispose of until yesterday) nett proceeds $213.90 which amount is deposited to your credit in the Farmers Bank of Va. and a Certificate for it enclosed. Both these Hhds were dry and sweet. No. 9 was something better than No. 16 sold in June at $8.85 but No. 10 was inferior in quality to No. 7. I valued them at $11. and...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to mrs Miller and regrets that it is not in his power to advise her on the subject of the papers she has sent to him. it is now 52. years since he has withdrawn from the practice of the law, or has had any occasion to turn his mind to subjects of that kind. in the sale of his library to Congress he parted with every law book he owned, insomuch...
M r Joseph bland, an officer of the Mint whose reputation as a chemist and Mineralogist is known to you, has been engaged for nearly twenty years in forming a mineralogical Cabinet. Possessing many advantages and great assiduity in this pursuit, his Collection is now probabily surpassed by very few in the United States. His specimens amount, I understand, to about 4000, are according to...
The Visitors of the Univ ty have not considered the art of using the small sword as making part of the instruction for which that institution has been established by the legislature. the contrary may be strongly inferred from their printed statute respecting weapons which may inflict death, marking in terms of pointed reprobation the offence of using them, and for the commission of which this...
The Mail of yesterday brought us the first information of your having reached Washington, where alone a letter would be sure of finding you; and I avail myself of the first moment to congratulate you on your safe return to your country; as I do your Country on your acceptance of a new & more important career in its service. Mrs. Madison joins me in these congratulations, as I do her in those...
I recd. Sir, some time ago, your favour of June 7. inclosing a sample of the Vicuña wool, and I must ask you to excuse an unintentional delay in thanking you for it. I am not sure that I had before seen the article in its unwrought State: I have often seen the delicate fabric made of it, which is understood to have been a monopoly of the Spanish Court, and obtained thence as a special favor...
Having reached Boston in safety, my dearest grandfather, one of my first cares is to write to you, to thank you for all the kindness I have received from you, & for all the affection you have shewn me, from my infancy & childhood, throughout the course of my maturer years: the only return I can make is by gratitude the deepest & most enduring; and love the most devoted; and although removed by...
Several of the students having formed a class, and employed Mr Xaupi to instruct them in the use of the small sword, hope you will grant them the use of the large room in the vacant Hotel formerly occupied by Mr Bias, which they may use so long as it remains vacant. The privilege of using this room, would be esteemed a favour by the class, and their committee.—Yours with sincere esteem and...
Agreeable to the request contained in yours of the 20th:, have remitted check to E. Copeland of of Boston, for $64.57 Dolls:, have procured the medecines ordered, which are deposited in the same mail with this, and hand herewith your a/c current to date—all which hope will be satisfactory— The cheese ordered was forwarded by a Waggon to charlottesville yesterday, care of Jacobs & Raphael— I...
Since my return to London I have made some enquiries among the bookssellers for publications relating to the dialects of our different English counties: upon which subject I recollect you expressed some curiosity, when I had the pleasure of being at your house in April; particularly as to the connection that might be thus traced between the Anglo-Saxon, and the language confined to the vulgar,...
I return’d home a few weeks ago after a long absence and was highly gratified to find such a change for the better in all the classes of society—before I left Paris finding a British Bookseller from London trying to purchase M r Andrew Michaux’s Silva Americana I bought the whole edition for our schools and public societies as well as the copper plates and intend one coppy for you and one for...
His Serene Highness, the Duke Bernard of Saxe Weimar has expressed a Strong desire of being introduced to you. He is the Second Son of the reigning Grand-Duke of Weimar, who so honorably distinguished himself in 1817, by being the first German Prince to give a Popular Constitution to his subjects. The Wife of the Duke Bernard is sister to the reigning prince of Saxe Meiningen. He is himself a...
About two Years ago, a Gentleman called at my Shop, as he said commissioned by you, to know what were the largest Globes published; at that time Carey’s Twenty One inch were the largest, the enclosed Work being only in progress; he asked when they would be completed, & finding a considerable time must elapse, desired we would send notice when they should be. I accordingly take the liberty of...
Mr. Rebello, Chargé d’Affaires of the Government of Brazil at this Place, having informed me that he is about making an excursion to Virginia, and would be particularly gratified by the opportunity to offer his personal Respects to you before he returns hither, I take great Pleasure in furnishing him with this Letter, to make him known to you. This Gentleman has resided amongst us several...
Thy favor of 22 inst., enclosing ten dollars, is duly received. This pays, & more than pays, for the Works sent thee; & as thou expressed some anxiety lest it might miscarry, I hasten my acknowledgment. Permit me to add, that, much as I need, & value, ten dollar bank notes, rather scarce articles in the pocket, yet I prize, more highly, this testimony of thy regard. In much solicitude about...
M r Robello, Chargé d’Affaires of the Government of Brazil at this place, is about making an excursion to virginia, and would be particularly gratified by the opportunity to offer his personal Respects to you before he returns hither—I take great Pleasure therefore in furnishing him with this Letter, to make him known to you. This Gentleman has resided amongst us several years, and no foreign...
We reced. your favr. of the 23rd Inst. by the mail of yesterday enclosing Check on the Farmers Bank of Virginia for thirty two Dollars twenty five cents, which will balance your Acct. with us up to this time your Obt Serts RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . Letter not found. Partners Richard C. Wortham and Sublett McGruder carried on a wholesale grocery and commission business under the name of...
Permit me to introduce to you my son Doctor Edward Alexander. Being on his return to Baltimore, in the vicinity of which he resides, and expecting to pass by Monticello, he expressed a wish to call and pay his respects to you. The seasons have been very unfavorable to us in this part of the State the present year: our wheat crop so much injured by Fly and rust as to be scarcely merchantable,...
D r Dunglison’s letter herein inclosed will sufficiently explain it’s object. the University of Virga in which he is Professor of anatomy and medicine being a new instn, as yet unprovided with what is necessary for it, he has supposed he could so far rely on your frdshp as to engage you to procure for it the Anatomical articles of which he gives a list in the inclosed letter. joining him in...
After the most deliberate review of the arguments for and against my acceptance of the Chair in the University, which has been lately offered to me, I still retain the opinion, with which I left Monticello, and must decline the invitation. It is not without great reluctance that I determine on a course in anywise thwarting your views, touching an institution, in which you have taken so warm an...
On the 30 th of June I took the liberty of addressing to you a letter requesting your kind aid to the University of Virginia so far as to permit yourself to be made the depository of a sum of 6300. D. or 1350. £ sterl to be called for by mr Barlow of Woolwich, in the manner and for the purposes therein stated; for which sum I inclosed you a bill of exchange; and in the same letter I mentioned...
I now dispatch one of the youths I had some time ago the honour to mention to you, whose qualifications are less extended than those of the other two , but whose preparations for movement are more foward. His name is Robert Wallace, & his birth place the county of King George—though I know not that it is important to say, “to whom ( he is ) related, or by whom begot.” His age exceeds 16...
The bearer of this M r George W Turner being called to Charlottesville as a witness, I avail my self of the opportunity of his calling on you, with your notes to Mr Yancey which he has assigned to me, for the purpose of consolidating them to which I hope you will have no objections, should it be inconvenient for you at this time to take them in— MHi .
In looking over your notes to me for my services in superintending your plantations in Bedford, I find that they are made to carry interest from April, Instead of the first Jan y you know, that the year ended the last of December and I always thought, (although I did not expect to receive the money till the crops were sold), that I was entitled to Interest after my year exspired, but should...
At the request of a friend who proposes to place a son at the University of Virginia, I beg leave to enquire of you what are the facilities & terms of instruction to students in that institution, particularly, in the science of law. I fear that applications of this nature are calculated to touch upon that time which would be devoted to other & more important avocations, & must request you to...
I feel a diffidence in addressing you on a subject, that I am not satisfied is not impertinent & improper. My apology is a desire to assist an honest unfortunate man. I understand that the Government is building a light house on Owl’s head Island in Thomastown Maine. A friend of Mr. John Sherburne of Orland in Maine has requested me to assist Sherburne in getting the appointment of keeper of...
We had fondly hoped my dear Madam & kind & respected friend to embrace you very shortly & cultivate yet more intimately that acquaintance wch my heart wd even now urge me to call friendship. We have been forced to defer this pleasure for the present from the indisposition of my sister occasioned by the excessive heat during the week we lately passed in Philadelphia, & wch decided me to entrust...
I have been duly favored with your Letters covering a communication from you to M r King on the subject of an apparatus for your university. and likewise two accompanying letters from two of your Proffessors on the same subject addressed to persons in London; and in obedience to your wishes I have put these several letters in the letter Bag of the Packet Ship Hudson which departed from this...
We herewith send you an invoice of such American Works, & of those imported, as we could furnish upon terms, as we consider better than to order them anew. Most of the imported Books were purchased in Europe at Auction, & could not probably be again procured upon the same terms, viz: Phil. Transactions, Byzantinae Hist. Kennicott’s Heb. Bible, Stepanie Thesaurus, Cassianus &ca. These mostly...
Your favor of the 18. was duly rec d and it’s contents read with great pleasure. altho in so extensive a range of acqce as that to which our revoln has given birth, there may not be a ground of continued correspdce with every individual with whom it connected us in action, yet we are glad once in a while to hear that our old fellow laborer are alive and well, I have not omitted, when oppties...
I c d have wished & had intended my dear Sir to see you on the subject upon w ch I now write but the indisposition of my sister urged me to place her under the charge of a friend to proceed slowly to Bedford spring on the Alleghany where I must Join her so soon as I have procured some necessary information in this city. You will receive from my paternal friend the prospectus of a plan on w ch...
The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has now commanded me to renew my application to You for a sum of money to enable me to procede in the execution of his purposes on the earth. For those purposes see Isaiah Chapt. 2 Malachi IV. and various other parts of Scripture. I am further commanded on this occasion to shew to You—that the principle...
I flatter myself that when you will have read this letter through, you will admit that my attempting to make any appology for obtruding my self on your notice, would be superfluous—The periodical Journals of the last 4 or 5 years, have shewn, that when called upon to sanction any useful work; or confirm the truth of any conflicting, or contested political matter, that was radically necessary...
Your favor of June 22. was recd in due time, and the books of which it covered the Catalogue, arrived afterwards in good order. we have recently recieved from mr Bohn a last box. it contained books which were in his former catalogue, but which not having come with the others, nor a word heard of them in so long a time, we had considered them as not purchased, and set some of the down in your...
I have this day rec d a Box from Boston for you, which is forwarded by a Waggon to Charlottesville, care Jacobs & Raphael,—hope it will reach you safely— In sending blanks for the renewal of your several notes at Bank, I observe you omit one of $2,000 at Farmers Bank MHi .
Your favor of the 19 th inst. is rec d as had been in due time that which accompanied the volume you were so kind as to send me: that it was not acknoleged at the time I can assure you did not proceed from any want of respect, or of due thankfulness for this mark of attention but from the physical disabilit y of age and infirmities. I have at this time been confined to the house by painful...
If you think mr Coffee’s prices for the Corinthian ornaments extravagantly high, assuredly they ought not to be taken. there are probably workmen in that line in Wash n Balt. & Phila. it might not be amiss to enquire even at Boston. the spread eagles of Delorme would be best. The boxes of minerals are to be delivered to D r Emmett in whose care they will be under such arrangemts as he shall...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 18 th and, according to the request expressed in it, now inclose you a hand-bill which will give the information wished for by the gentlemen who propose to send their sons to our University. we have great reason to be satisfied so far with the success of the principle we adopt for the government of the Institution. we recieve and treat our students as...
Par la prochaine occasion pour l’Europe devant ecrire à M. de Humboldt tout en le remerciant de m’avoir adressé à vous, je desire lui donner des nouvelles de vôtre santé. Lorsque j’ai été à Monticello, elle n’etait pas parfaite. Permettez donc, que je m’adresse directement à vous même, et que je vous prie de vouloir bien m’ecrire deux mots pour me faire savoir, si vôtre santé est maintenant...
Your Letter is this moment put into my hands my beloved Son, and I hasten to answer it, apologizing at the same time for a neglect which has been caused entirely by the dull sameness of our lives, and the utter impossibility of finding any subject on which to write. I guessed what your silence meant on the subject of my Letter , for I had like yourself cried out, what a falling off is here!...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Brockenbrough to inform him of the date of the remittance of 3000. D. to mr Appleton this last spring. every thing from him may be daily expected. all except the capitels were on board ship at the date of his letter Apr. 13. every thing should therefore be got in readiness to run up the columns immediately. send me also Raggi’s contract for the bases. ViU :...
I have a letter from M r Coffee stating his prices for the ornaments for the Corinthian cornice in the room intended for the Museum—I think them extravagantly high, he puts down the leaf of the Modilion in Putty composition at 40 ½ cents and in his composition (the baked earth we have heretofore gotten of him) at 28c—in lead 56c for each leaf For the Frize ornaments in Putty composition 3....
I hope this fav r may find you well and in Good hellth we begin to tin the west side of the house and we have youst 5 ½ boxis we shol in a few days finish that side except the Potcos the rouft is so ruft that I am fast to imploy both of the boys the house being chatiry with oak we hav to strip evry Port the ridg Pists all ar sound and Look on the Turit we ar Pusil to git the two for the...