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Results 3901-3950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
3901June 2d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to study, and I had no Conveniencies, or Companions for Pleasure either in Walking, riding, drinking, husling, or any thing else.
3902June 3rd. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This Day has been lost in much the same, Spiritless manner.
Letter not found: from Robert Carter Nicholas and George Wythe, 3 June 1760. The catalog entry describes this letter as being “on legal matters, concerning the assignment of mortgages and titles.” LS , sold by Charles Hamilton, catalog no. 157, item 123, 11 Aug. 1983.
In my last by Colo. Martin I inform’d you that I had Inlisted a Man to Serve in Allen’s room, but that the extreme unreasonable Terms which Allen insisted on prevented my applying for his Discharge till I hear’d from you, I have since wrote to Capt. McKinzie to see if he could possibly procure a good man for your purpose upon reasonable Terms. It was with great concern I was inform’d that you...
3905June 4th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Read nothing but Magazines as indeed an indisposition rendered me unfit for any Application. Discharged my Venom to Billy Veasey, against the Multitude, Poverty, ill Government, and ill Effects of licensed Houses, and the timorous Temper, as well as criminal Designs of the Select Men, who grant them Approbations. Then Spent the Evening, with Zab, at Mr. Wibirts.
I recd the Proclamation from Mr Green last Thursday & have sent it to Mr Igs Digges in order to know his determination, mine being to meet on the 17th in order to Receive my money & wash my hands of that Troublesome affr. I cannot judge the Reason Mr Cook has so often disapointed me in not sending the vinegar to Bladensburgh in order to Meet my Boat: but shall know it the first opportunity...
3907June 5th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Arose late. Feel disordered. 8 o’Clock, 3 1/2 Hours after Sun rise, is a sluggard’s rising Time. Tis a stupid Waste of so much Time. Tis getting an Habit hard to conquer, and Tis very hurtful to ones Health. 3 1/2, 1/7 of the 24, is thus spiritlessly dozed away. God grant me an Attention to remark, and a Resolution to pursue every Opportunity, for the Improvement of my Mind, and to save, with...
3908June 1760. Friday 6th. June. (Adams Papers)
Arose very late. A cold, rainy northeasterly storm, of several Days continuance. I have an ugly Cold, a phlegmatic stomach and a Cholicky Pain in my Bowells this morning. Read Timon of Athens, the Man hater, in the Evening at the Drs.
Draft: American Philosophical Society The Happiness I enjoy’d last friday has afforded me pleasing reflections for the week past. I attended with delight to your kind Instructions, and my highest Amusement ever since has been to recollect them. You obligingly condescended to satisfy my Curiosity about the Barometer, and by your explanation I clearly conceived the cause of the rise and fall of...
3910Saturday. 7th. (Adams Papers)
Arose late, again. When shall I shake off the shackells of morning slumbers, and arise with the sun? Between sun rise, and Breackfast, I might write, or read, or contemplate, a good deal. I might, before Breakfast, entirely shake off the Drowziness of the Morning, and get my Thoughts into a steady Train, my Imagination raised, my Ambition inflamed, in short every Thing within me and without,...
3911Sunday, 8th. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening and Night at the Coll’s. in ill natured, invidious, Remarks upon Eb. Thayer, and Morals and General Court &c.
My friend Colo. Thomas Moore has applied to me, to assist him with a Sum of Money, to discharge a Debt due to You which he is very anxious of doing, and was it in my power at this time, I would readily advance the Sum he wants, but it realy is not, if your Affairs would permit You to wait a little longer for it, I will engage to see You paid in Six Months I am with my Complimints to Mrs...
3913Monday. 9th. (Adams Papers)
Attended Major Crosbeys Court. Where Capts. Thayer and Hollis made their Appearance. Thayer had taken 2 Accounts of Nathan Spear, in his own Hand Writing, and got the Writts drawn by Niles. But upon my making a Defence for Hunt, Spear was afraid to enter and so agreed to pay Costs and drop. But poor Thayer had to say, several Times I told him so, but he would have his own Way. This little...
According to my promis in my last I Sent over to the Speaker, who sent me the inclosd for you, I am very sorry if your not receveing the money immediatly should be any disadvantage to you, but I have done all in my power to get it for you, and as the demand at first was what I did not expect so was I the less prepard for it, however I hope a few months will not make any great alteration in...
3915Tuesday [10 June]. (Adams Papers)
Altho my Spirits were wasted Yesterday, by sitting so late the Night before, (till one o’Clock I believe) and rising so early Yesterday morning, (by sun rise) and walking in the dewy Grass and damp Air, home to my fathers and then down to Major Crosbeys, yet the Thought of being employed, and of opposing Captn. Thayer and punishing Nathan Spear, and Spreading a Reputation, roused my Faculties,...
ALS : Library of Congress ’Tis a very sensible Question you ask, how the Air can affect the Barometer, when its Opening appears covered with Wood? If indeed it was so closely covered as to admit of no Communication of the outward Air to the Surface of the Mercury, the Change of Weight in the Air could not possibly affect it. But the least Crevice is sufficient for the Purpose; a Pinhole will...
3917Saturday [14 June]. (Adams Papers)
This Week has been spent in Business, i.e. filling Writts, and Journeys to Boston, Scadding, Weighmouth, Abington. The other Night Cranch explained, to Zab and me, the Fire Engine, with which they throw up Water from the Bottoms of their Tin Mines in Cornwall, and Coal Mines in New: Castle. They have a large Cauldron of Plated Iron, filled with Water, and closely covered, and placed over a...
39181760. June 15th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rose early, 5 o clock. A pleasant Morning. The more I write the better. Writing is a most useful improving Exercise. Yesterday morning before Break fast I wrought my Mind into a Course of Thinking, by my Pen, which I should not have fallen into the whole day without it; and indeed not resuming my Pen after Breakfast, I insensibly lost my attention. Let me Aim at Perspicuity, and Correctness...
3919Monday. June 16th. (Adams Papers)
Arose before the sun. Now I am ignorant of my Future Fortune, what Business, what Reputation, I may get, which is now far from my Expectations. How many Actions shall I secure this Day? What new Client shall I have? I found at Evening, I had secured 6 Actions, but not one new Client, that I know of.
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote you a few Lines on Saturday last to go per the Pacquet, in which I mention’d a Pamphlet wrote by my Father in Answer to the Remarks on the Letter to Two Great Men. I could not send you one by that Opportunity, but as Capt. Monk has inform’d my Father that he is just upon the Point of sailing to America, and will take Charge of any Thing we may have to...
I promised myself the Satisfaction of seeing you this Court but on my return from Williamsburg by one of my Horses falling I was thrown out of the Chair & hurt both my Ancles so much as to prevent my Journey. I have therefore got my Son to come up once more for that money of Mr Clifton’s order’d to be paid me by the Decree & hope he will not come without it, not only as my Interest has been...
3922Tuesday. June 17th. (Adams Papers)
Arose before the sun again. This is the last day. What, and who to day? Ebenezer Hayden was altogether new and unexpected. Hollis him self was altogether new and unexpected and John Hayward was altogether new and unexpected. 3 entirely new Clients, all from Captn. Thayers own Parish, and one of whom is himself a Pretender to the Practice, are a considerable Acquisition. I believe, by the Writ...
39231760 June 18th. (Adams Papers)
Read but little, thought but little, for the N.E. storm unstrung me.
3924Thurdsday June 19. (Adams Papers)
I have been the longer in the Arg umen t of this Cause not for the Importance of the Cause itself, for in itself it is infinitely little and contemptible, but for the Importance of its Consequences. These dirty and ridiculous Litigations have been multiplied in this Town, till the very Earth groans and the stones cry out. The Town is become infamous for them throughout the County. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be heartily glad to see You at Mayplace on Sunday—or Saturday—and at all Times. Alas Quebeck! I little thought that We should have to mingle our Sighs for that, when We met. What a Barbarism in a General threatned with a Siege, to go out to fight Those who found[?] themselves strong enough to undertake forceing Him in his Fastness! There never was...
3926Friday June 20th. (Adams Papers)
I must not say so much about my self, nor so much about Hollis and Thayer by Name. I may declaim against Strife, and a litigious Spirit, and about the dirty Dablers in the Law. I have a very good Regard for Lt. White, but he must allow me to have a much greater Veneration for the Law. To see the Forms and Processes of Law and Justice thus prostituted, (I must say prostituted) to revenge an...
On the 17th Instt I drew two setts of Exchange upon you dated the 20th Ulto one sett payable to Mr Jno. Addison amounting to Three hundred and Sixty four pounds Nineteen shillings—the other sett for Three hundred and four pounds fifteen Shillings and three pence and payable to Mr William Digges, both at thirty Days Sight —I don’t doubt their meeting due acceptance & I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt...
Letter not found: to Thomas Hanson Marshall, 20 June 1760. On 21 June Marshall wrote to GW : “Yours of the 20th Instant I Recd this Day.”
3929June 21st. 1760. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
June 21st. 1760. Saturday.
Yours of the 20th Instant I Recd this Day; I have not the Least thought, (nor Ever had) of making Sale of any Part of my Land in Virga, unless I had an oppertunity of Purchasing, Immediately (Lands) Joining to me in Maryland, which there is not the Least Prospect off Just now, as the Lands are in the hands of Gen[tleme]n who have not the Least thought of making Sale thereoff. Captn Posey was...
3931June 23rd. 1760. Monday. (Adams Papers)
A long obstinate Tryal, before Majr. Crosby, of the most litigious, vexatious suit, I think that ever I heard. Such Disputes begin with ill humour and scurrilous language, and End in a Boxing Bout or a Law suit.
ALS : American Philosophical Society You who are no Stranger to the Feelings of Humanity will readily conceive the anxiety of my Mind while I thought my Friend in Danger: It is only such a Situation as I was then in that can make me neglect your Favours. Upon examining the Barometer after I receiv’d your Letter, I found a small Crevice where the piece of hollow wood which covers the Mercury is...
I arrived here the 15th past, after an Agreable journey; and desire You will think me extremely Obliged to you for the favour you did me in sending me to Annapolis, and by the letters you gave me to recommend me. I had not an Opportunity of seeing Mr Sharp; but Dr Macleane has behaved with the greatest Politeness to me, introduced me to General Stanwix by Mr Doe his Aid de Camp, and contrived...
3934Tuesday. 24th. June. (Adams Papers)
Arose early, a very beautiful Morning. Zab. seems to make insufficient Distinctions between the Vowells. He seems to swallow his own Voice. He neither sounds the Vowells nor Articulates distinctly. The story of Yesterdays Tryal, spreads. Salisbury told my Uncle and my Uncle told Coll. Quincy. They say I was saucy, that I whipped the old Major, &c., that I ripped about the Law suits of this...
Copy: Public Record Office, Colonial Office Papers, 5/1295, pp. 296–413 Franklin’s efforts to settle the Assembly’s differences with the Proprietors by direct negotiations had ended in November 1758 with their reply to his Heads of Complaint and their refusal to deal further with him personally (above, VIII , 178–83, 193–4). Thereafter it became necessary to transfer the debate to more public...
3936Wednesday [25 June]. (Adams Papers)
Went out with the Coll., in his Canoe, after Tom Codd. Rowed down, in a still calm, and smooth Water, to Rainsford Island, round which we fished in several Places, but had no Bites. Then we went up the Island, and round the Hill. Upon the North Easterly side of the Hill, or Island, is a prodigious Bank or Head, which is perpetually washing away, with Rains and Tides. Heartley says it has been...
39371760. June 26. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Feel indifferently well after my yesterdays walk and sail. I have begun to read the Spirit of Laws, and have resolved to read that Work, thro, in order and with Attention. I have hit upon a Project that will secure my Attention to it, which is to write in the Margin, a sort of Index to every Paragraph. JA had at least sampled the Spirit of Laws earlier; see Summer 1759 , above, and note 19 there.
3938June 27th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Read 100 Pages in the Spirit of Laws. Rambled away to a fine Spring in my Cozen Adam’s Land, which gushes thro a Crack in a large flat Rock and gurgles down in a pretty Rill. The Water is clear, sweet, and cool, and is supposed to have a very wholsome Quality, because it issues from a Mountain, and runs towards the North. What Physical Quality its northern Direction may give it, I know not. By...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society I wrote a Line to you by the Pacquet, to let you know we were well, and I promis’d to write you fully per Capt. Budden, and answer all your Letters, which I accordingly now set down to do. I am concern’d that so much Trouble should be given you by idle Reports concerning me. Be satisfied, my dear, that while I have my Senses, and God vouchsafes me his...
ALS : Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary By the last Pacquet I sent you the Protests of two of your Bills, one for £200 the other for £100 drawn by Scot and McMichael on Messrs. Portis. My Banker informs me, that they now offer to pay the Money; and tho’ the Protests intitle us to 20 per Cent. from the Drawers, yet as I conceive from some Circumstances I have heard,...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 27 June 1760. On 24 Oct. 1760 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your Letter of the 27th of June . . . is come to hand.”
Letter not found: from John Carlyle, Alexandria, 28 June 1760. The dealer’s catalog gives GW’s following endorsement on the letter: “Colo Carlyle’s Lettr. 28th June 1760 relatg. to my decd Br. Laur Estate.” Included with the letter was a page of accounts. ALS , sold by Anderson Auction Company, catalog no. 260, item 515, 21 Jan. 1904.
3943Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks 0.6.0 17— By Ditto sent Christopher Hardwick by Vale Crawford 30.0.0 30— By Ditto at Cards 2/6 0.2.6 AD , General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 98
3944[July 1760] (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History, concerning the Modesty of Youth, and their Veneration of the Elders. Now I think these young Gentlemen had very little of that Modesty and Veneration, when they went in the face of Law and against the Remonstrances of all the Elders to act their Plays. Mr. Otis says there is no Limitation of Attachments....
3945Tuesday. July 1st. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Mr. Thatcher . You have read a great deal, Mr. Adams, in the Roman History, concerning the Modesty of Youth, and their Veneration of the Elders. Now I think these young Gentlemen had very little of that Modesty and Veneration, when they went in the face of Law and against the Remonstrances of all the Elders to act their Plays. Mr. Otis says there is no Limitation of Attachments....
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours, of the 28th of March, I received, owning the Receipt of a Bill for £200 Sterling, drawn by William Plumsted. The Brevier came safe to hand by Gibbon, looks very well, but sticks, when distributed, most intolerably. Believe it will turn out pretty perfect. By the Captains Falconer and Killner to London, I sent you the first and second...
3947Thurdsday July 3rd. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Read pretty diligently in the Spirit of Laws.—Hayden’s Consultation suggested the following Questions. Q. Is there any Method of compelling a Grantor to give a new Deed when the Deed he has executed before happens to be burned or lost?—Q. May an Agreement in Writing without seal, or by Parol only be given in Evidence against a Bond sealed and delivered? After Confession of the Forfeiture of...
39481760. Saturday July 5th. (Adams Papers)
Last Night Cranch explained to me, the Water Works in the River Thames which convey water, all round the City of London. There is first, a long water Wheel, like the Water Wheel of some saw Mills, which is carried round by the River. On the End of the Axis of this water Wheell are Coggs, which carry round a cogg Wheel. This Cogg wheel has upon the End of its Axis, a Number of Cranks and each...
3949July 6th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Mayhew of Martha’s Vineyard.
3950July 9th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Gould has got the story of White and Bowditch.