Adams Papers

To John Adams from Hendrik van Blomberg, 26 September 1780

From Hendrik van Blomberg

Amsterdam 26 September 1780


I Waited Yesterday for a Second him [time?] on Messr. Van Vollenhoven after the recpt of your favour.1 The affair in question is to Extended to decide it by letters, for Which reason I beg the favour of You to do me the honour to Cale on me this Evening at 6 o’Clock, When I shall take Care to have a Person With me, witt wohm we Can speak in Confidence.2 I am With great regard Sir! Your Most ob. Servt.

H V Blomberg

RC, with JA’s reply (Adams Papers).

1No letter from JA to either van Blomberg or the van Vollenhovens has been found.

2At the bottom of the page JA wrote: Sir

I received the Honour of your Billet of this Morning and will with Pleasure wait on you this Evening at six o Clock. I am sir, your most obt.

The person with whom JA and van Blomberg were to meet is unclear, but he may have been Anthony Mylius. See Mylius’ letter of 29 Sept. (below).

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