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Results 38881-38890 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ADS (draft): Historical Society of Delaware I the underwritten, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of France, have perused the Procès verbaux , or Examinations taken before the Judges of the Admiralty at Morlaix and communicated to Me by M. de Sartine Minister of the Marine, relating to the Capture of the Brigantine Dublin of Bristol, Thomas Griffiths,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have yours of 2d. June via Boston— I have also since received a few Lines from you of 10th. Jany., covering Letters for some French Gentlemen in our Army, which I have forwarded to them— I am glad to find you got mine of the 22d. October last, as I am now certain you have received the loan Office bills for Interest of your Money— You do not mention the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We hope you will not be offended at the liberty taken by Three Distress’d young Men Natives of America who are at preasent on board the Gentile Frigate hear and are Very disireous of getting home as the have very responcible Freinds in America. Therefore most Earnestly Requests youll Demand us that we may return home as we Are sure our assistance is wanted...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I duly received your Excellencys much respected favour of 8 inst, in answer to which I have the honnour to inform your Excellency that on a farther inquiry about the condemnation of the prizes brought into the ports of this kingdom by the American ships of war & privateers, I found that there has been a regulation made by the french Court, & publish’d on...
Copy: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I think it very probable that the Exchange of prisoners upon acct. by certificates at Sea may take some time in considering & arranging if consented to by the British Ministry. In the mean time as I hear that the second Cartel ship is come back, I write one line to you just to suggest that if you can succeed in obtaining...
ALS and two LS : American Philosophical Society I have never rec’d a line from you in reply to the letters I wrote you & Mr. Deane in Decemr. 1777 and confess it surprized me a little, but the matter is entirely cleared up by the receipt of your favour of the 19th Feby last as in a P.S: thereto you mention having answered my said letters which had been entirely satisfactory, desirous of...
38887General Orders, 18 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief in consideration of the penitence of the Criminal and the special intercession of his officers is induced to grant a pardon to Jeremiah Beaman of the 2nd North-Carolina regiment whose sentence was published in orders the 14th instant. The little attention paid to the resolve of Congress of the 4th of September last, published in general orders of the 25th and the number...
I have been honored with yours of the 9th inclosing an abstract of the powder brought in by Capt. Ashmead. It is to be regretted that the quantity falls so far short of the estimate, but I am in hopes that the above with the three hundred Barrels forwarded before, will answer our present purposes. I would however wish that the Marine Committee may be requested not to lose sight of the object,...
My plan, and my dearest desire were personnally to take leave of your Excellency, and to go once more to admire, in a near view, the greatest man and best citizen of America. But a multitude of business, some indisposition and the uncertainty of the epoque of my departure have deprived me of the infinite satisfaction, which I promised myself from this journey. Receive then Sir my adieus in...
Extract of a letter from Col. Hazen dated Coos 18th Septr 1779. Mr Childs assistant Commissary of purchases at this place, has authorised me to assure your Excellency, that he has in consequence of the orders and instructions received from Col. Wadsworth, already secured twelve thousand Bushls of Wheat for the Public use, which calculating at the prices settled at Boston, and other...