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Results 38851-38900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have had no earlier opportunity to acknowledge the Receipt of your very agreeable favour of the...
Copy: Library of Congress The Person mentioned in your Excellency’s Letter of yesterday, has been...
Passy, printed by Benjamin Franklin, [after May 30, 1780]. Form with MS insertions in blanks,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter is the earliest known reference to the script...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library On the 30th. of Augst. I received yr. favr. of June 2d....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding my Industry, which I believe is equal to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There is nothing you could have sent me that would have been...
38858General Orders, 16 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
The same number from the several brigades as settled in the last fatigue detail to go on at...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 16 Sept. 1779. On 22 Sept., GW wrote the Board of War:...
I returned from the expedition against the Senaca & Muncy nations the 14th Inst. & now do myself...
Letter not found : from Robert Howe, 16 Sept. 1779. On 18 Sept., GW wrote Howe: “I was yesterday...
The Minister opened the conference by observing, that The Council of Massachusettes had...
Mr Wilkinson has transmitted me the Copy of a Letter from him to you of the 13th and of your...
I have received Your Letter of the 15th inclosing Copies of the correspondence between you and Mr...
Your Favor by M r . Phelps has arrived— I approve much of your Resolutions respecting Vermont— It...
Your obliging Letter with the Parcel of Tobacco—which came with it arrived Yesterday— I am now to...
Copy: Library of Congress I have now before me your favours of july 31. & Aug. 19. Your testimony...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have sent to the care of our good Monsieur Genet 2 Samples...
AL : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Girardot, Haller & Co. most respectful Compliments...
Copy: National Archives We have received the honor of yours of the 3d. June last to which we...
38871General Orders, 17 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s expenses for this date included £3.4 “To Cash pd the Band of...
I have had the pleasure of your Excellency’s favr of the 14th and am obliged by the communication...
Inclosed are Copies of Two Letters which I received Yesterday from some British Officers lately...
I have to acknowlege the receipt of your favor dated the 5th Instant. My last letter contains my...
Letter not found : from William Heath, 17 Sept. 1779. On 18 Sept., GW wrote Heath: “I have your...
Letter not found : from John Taylor, 17 Sept. 1779. On 19 Sept., GW wrote Taylor: “I have recd...
Your favors of the 25, 26, & 30 July & 12 Inst have thus long remained unanswered. This...
Copy: Library of Congress I have examined the Papers which your Excellency did me the honour to...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress I send herewith to...
Printed by Benjamin Franklin, Passy, 1779. Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Archives...
ADS (draft): Historical Society of Delaware I the underwritten, Minister Plenipotentiary from the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have yours of 2d. June via Boston— I have also since...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We hope you will not be offended at the liberty taken by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I duly received your Excellencys much respected favour of 8...
Copy: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I think it very probable...
ALS and two LS : American Philosophical Society I have never rec’d a line from you in reply to...
38887General Orders, 18 September 1779 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief in consideration of the penitence of the Criminal and the special...
I have been honored with yours of the 9th inclosing an abstract of the powder brought in by Capt....
My plan, and my dearest desire were personnally to take leave of your Excellency, and to go once...
Extract of a letter from Col. Hazen dated Coos 18th Septr 1779. Mr Childs assistant Commissary of...
I have your favors of the 14th & 17th. Genl Knox is just now absent, but when he returns, I will...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 16th Was there occasion for you to remain near Croton, I...
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, that the Chevalier de la Luzerne, who was so obliging...
Letter not found : from Lewis Nicola, 18 Sept. 1779. On 8 Oct., GW wrote Nicola: “I received your...
Letter not found : from Ann Robinson, 18 Sept. 1779. On 27 Oct., GW wrote to Robinson: “I have...
Letter not found : from Major General Stirling, 18 Sept. 1779. On 19 Sept., GW wrote to Stirling:...
Letter not found : from the Virginia Board of War, 18 Sept. 1779. On 20 Oct., GW wrote James...
I have just received the Arrangement of the Virginia line from the Board of War—as settled at...
Your favors of the 25, 26, & 30 July last ^ & 12 Inst ^ have lain by me thus long ^ unnoticed...
On the 12th instant I had the honor of communicating two peices of intelligence respecting the...