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Results 3881-3910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Docr. Edwards of Philada. will be so obliging as to take charge of this Letter. I regret that he...
Doctr. Franklin sets out this morning for Havre from whence he is to cross over to Cowes there to...
Altho I know not of a single opportunity by which I can convey to You my constant anxiety and...
I have often wished, since I came here into the Country, to fancy I could find a time when I...
Madame d’Hogendorp, who currently lives at The Hague, and her husband, councilor of Rotterdam,...
In the situation which has already detained me here between four and five months, and from which...
As a Citizen, of the Commonwealth, of Massachusetts Bay, and an individual, of the United States...
I have the honour to enclose a letter to General Lincoln directing the payment of the Sums which...
I beg leave to inform you that Princes Chronology is now in the office, unless the same fairy who...
I Waited Yesterday for a Second him time on Messr. Van Vollenhoven after the recpt of your...
We received at three ô clock the honour of your Excellencies Esteemed favour of 5 inst, in...
I again take the liberty to solicit an appointment under Your Administration, as it is presumable...
In order not to be tedious or Embarrassing to you I must be brief. I am a son of a Republican who...
When I rec’d your Letter dated from Badimage Hall, I then read it, according to the meaning of...
In the Letter you did me the honor of writing to me previous to my Departure from Philadelphia,...
The President of the United States has directed me to submit to the Senate, the copy of a letter...
I had the satisfaction to lay before Your Exellency by the Letter, I took the Liberty to address...
It has been repeatedly mentioned to me that you have, on different occasions, asserted the...
The 28th. Ultimo I had the honour of writing to you by the Messenger Frederick Weare and of...
I write to announce our safe arrival at this place from whence we propose to start on a visit of...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Having concluded to provide for...
The rain comeing on the morning I left Bristol, I reachd Vantilburys about noon & remaind there...
Since the 22 d . February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with...
Some few days since I had the honor to pay my Respects to you, at the same time express’d to you...
The Notables met yesterday. The king opened the assembly with a short speech, wherein he...
I have the honour to inclose the Copy of a letter from Mr. Jonathan Waldo, respecting the...
At a Meeting of the Citizens of the Town of Petersburg Convened at the Courthouse of the said...
I have the great pleasure of sending you a portion of the Pears, collected from the Endicott...
I find that Mr. Lovell is the only Man in Boston capable of decyphering intricate papers. I have...
May 19. It thunderd early this Morning and raind about 7 or 8. About 9 a Darkness came on...