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Results 3881-3910 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
3881[Diary entry: 19 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday May 19th. Went to Alexandria to see Captn. Littledales Ship Launchd wch. went of extreamely well. This day was attended with slight shower’s. Colo. F[airfa]x had a Mare Cover’d. So had Captn. Dalton. In 1760 Isaac Littledale was establishing his trade between his home in Whitehaven, Eng., and the Potomac River valley. For this trade the Hero , a 200–ton ship which required 14 hands, was...
3882[Diary entry: 20 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday May 20th. Being Court day Mr. Clifton’s Land in the Neck was exposd to Sale and I bought it for £1210 Sterlg. & under many threats and disadvantages paid the Money into the Comrs. hands and returnd home at Night with Colo. Fairfax & Famy. Captn. Dalton’s Dun Mare again Covd. The final decree of the General Court in chancery (decree, Clifton v. Carroll et al., 12 April 1760, NjWdHi )...
3883[Diary entry: 21 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday May 21. Wrote to Messrs. Nicholas & With for Advice how to act in regard to Clifton’s Land. Sent the Letter by the Post. A good deal of Rain in the Night. Colo. Fairfax went home. Began shearing my Sheep. ⟨Dalton’s sorrel⟩ Mare coverd. In their reply of 27 May 1760 Robert Carter Nicholas and George Wythe stated they were “sorry to find you are likely to be involved in so much...
Letter not found: to Robert Carter Nicholas and George Wythe, 21 May 1760. On 27 May Nicholas and Wythe wrote to GW : “Yesterday we received your Letter of the 21st Instant.”
3885[Diary entry: 22 May 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday May 22d. Continued shearing my sheep. A good deal of Rain at Night—and Cool as it has been ever since the first Reign on the 12th. Captn. Dalton had a sorrell Mare coverd. My Black Mare that came Frederick was Coverd Yesterday & the day before. Captn. McCarty had a Mare Coverd the 20th. Memms. To have 600 Tobo. Hills Marld at Williamsons quarter—to try the Virtues of it—to do it more...
3886[May 1760] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a remarkable Instance of Mr. Ben. Franklin’s Activity, and Resolution, to improve the Productions of his own Country, for from that source it must have sprang, or else from an unheard of Stretch of Benevolence to a stranger. Mr. Franklin, happening upon a Visit to his Germantown Friends, to be at Mr....
3887Monday May 26th 1760. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a remarkable Instance of Mr. Ben. Franklin’s Activity, and Resolution, to improve the Productions of his own Country, for from that source it must have sprang, or else from an unheard of Stretch of Benevolence to a stranger. Mr. Franklin, happening upon a Visit to his Germantown Friends, to be at Mr....
3888Tuesday [27 May]. (Adams Papers)
At home. Read, in Naval Trade and Commerce.
Yesterday we received your Letter of the 21st Instant & are sorry to find you are likely to be involved in so much Trouble by your late Purchase of Clifton’s Neck, & the more so, because we don’t find ourselves able, even after the maturest Deliberation, to point out such Measures for you to conduct yourself by, as can with any Certainty be relied on; however, as you desire it, we ⟨&⟩ will...
I this day Recd a Letter ⟨ illegible ⟩ hand of Mr Nicholas⟨;⟩ have also Recd a Letter from him to ⟨you⟩ which I send ⟨off⟩ immediately to you by George from King Wm who I think ⟨is the⟩ safest hand I Can send it By —I also Recd your Letter the 18th sent by melato Jack and will do my ⟨truest⟩ endeavours to get an over seer to sute you —Ass to Colo. Johnson I Cant get one farding of money from...
3891Wednesday [28 May]. (Adams Papers)
Loitered the forenoon away upon this Question in Arithmetic. 3 men give 20 shillings for a Bushell of Corn. A pays in the Proportion of one half, B in the Proportion of 1/3 and C in the Proportion of 1/4. Now how many shillings and Pence does each one pay? I put x, an Algebraicall Expression, for that unknown Quantity, whose 1/2 1/3 and 1/4 added together would make 20 shillings. In the...
I in tended to sent old George but when I cam to Rones George was sick and I was obligd to send Stephen ass I was a fraid to send any but what had had the Small pox ass I understood it was in the way ass they Came they have a prospect of a fine Crop heare if please God the year permits. I am Sir your Most Humble Servant ALS , ViHi : Custis Papers. For George’s probable identity, see Valentine...
38931760. May 29. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Rose and breakfasted. Have done nothing yet to day, and God only knows what I shall do. The Question of the Pipe. A Pipe of Wine has 3 Cocks, one of which would discharge it in 1/4 of an hour, another in 1/2 an hour and the 3rd in 3/4 of an hour all open and running at once. Quere in what Time, all three together will empty the Cask? Let me Note these Proportions for the Present. Perhaps this...
Braintree, 29 May 1760. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:128–129 . For the context of this draft and its three sequels, Jan.? – May? 1761, none apparently published at the time, see note in same, p. 129–130 , and JA ’s MS map of taverns, same, facing p. 65 , with description and...
3895May 30 1760. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Rose early. Several Country Towns, within my observation, have at least a Dozen Taverns and Retailers. Here The Time, the Money, the Health and the Modesty, of most that are young and of many old, are wasted; here Diseases, vicious Habits, Bastards and Legislators, are frequently begotten. Nightingale, Hayden, Saunders, J. Spear, N. Spear, Benoni Spear, would vote for any Man for a little...
38961760 May 31th. Saturday (Adams Papers)
Read in naval Trade and Commerce, concerning Factors, Consuls, Embassadors, &c., and the South Sea Company, &c. Went into Water. Talked with Wm. Veasey about Church &c. He will not allow that Dr. Mayhew has any uncommon Parts. He had haughty Spirits, and Vanity &c.—How the Judgment is darkened and perverted by Party Passions! Drank Tea with Zab. Ran over the past Passages of my Life. Little...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 31 May 1760. On 28 Sept. 1760 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your Letter of the 31st May Via Bristol came to hand.”
3898Cash Accounts, June 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash June 9— To Ditto [cash] of Jno. Gist for Smiths Acct for self & Mother £1.13.9 To Ditto of Mr Sampson Darrel—for Ditto 1.11.0 21— To Ditto of Captn Possey—Balle Accts 5.17.6 To Ditto of Mr Piper for 20,602 lbs. Tobo @ 20/ prCt 206. 0.5 Contra June 2— By Mr Mercer. A fee for his Opinion in Cliftons dispute 5. 0.0 By Cash gave Widow Nation’s 0.10.0 5— By ditto gave Jno. Askew 20/ 1. 0.0
3899[June 1760] (Adams Papers)
Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll. received Letters from Mr. Turner of London, with a Bill of Lading and Invoice of about £150 sterlings worth of Glass and Hinges and Nails, and Locks &c. for a House. These were the Value of a sum of the Coll’s. Money, which Mr. Turner had retained, in his own Hands, about seven Years since, to satisfy a...
3900June 1st. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll. received Letters from Mr. Turner of London, with a Bill of Lading and Invoice of about £150 sterlings worth of Glass and Hinges and Nails, and Locks &c. for a House. These were the Value of a sum of the Coll’s. Money, which Mr. Turner had retained, in his own Hands, about seven Years since, to satisfy a...
3901June 2d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to study, and I had no Conveniencies, or Companions for Pleasure either in Walking, riding, drinking, husling, or any thing else.
3902June 3rd. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This Day has been lost in much the same, Spiritless manner.
Letter not found: from Robert Carter Nicholas and George Wythe, 3 June 1760. The catalog entry describes this letter as being “on legal matters, concerning the assignment of mortgages and titles.” LS , sold by Charles Hamilton, catalog no. 157, item 123, 11 Aug. 1983.
In my last by Colo. Martin I inform’d you that I had Inlisted a Man to Serve in Allen’s room, but that the extreme unreasonable Terms which Allen insisted on prevented my applying for his Discharge till I hear’d from you, I have since wrote to Capt. McKinzie to see if he could possibly procure a good man for your purpose upon reasonable Terms. It was with great concern I was inform’d that you...
3905June 4th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Read nothing but Magazines as indeed an indisposition rendered me unfit for any Application. Discharged my Venom to Billy Veasey, against the Multitude, Poverty, ill Government, and ill Effects of licensed Houses, and the timorous Temper, as well as criminal Designs of the Select Men, who grant them Approbations. Then Spent the Evening, with Zab, at Mr. Wibirts.
I recd the Proclamation from Mr Green last Thursday & have sent it to Mr Igs Digges in order to know his determination, mine being to meet on the 17th in order to Receive my money & wash my hands of that Troublesome affr. I cannot judge the Reason Mr Cook has so often disapointed me in not sending the vinegar to Bladensburgh in order to Meet my Boat: but shall know it the first opportunity...
3907June 5th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Arose late. Feel disordered. 8 o’Clock, 3 1/2 Hours after Sun rise, is a sluggard’s rising Time. Tis a stupid Waste of so much Time. Tis getting an Habit hard to conquer, and Tis very hurtful to ones Health. 3 1/2, 1/7 of the 24, is thus spiritlessly dozed away. God grant me an Attention to remark, and a Resolution to pursue every Opportunity, for the Improvement of my Mind, and to save, with...
3908June 1760. Friday 6th. June. (Adams Papers)
Arose very late. A cold, rainy northeasterly storm, of several Days continuance. I have an ugly Cold, a phlegmatic stomach and a Cholicky Pain in my Bowells this morning. Read Timon of Athens, the Man hater, in the Evening at the Drs.
Draft: American Philosophical Society The Happiness I enjoy’d last friday has afforded me pleasing reflections for the week past. I attended with delight to your kind Instructions, and my highest Amusement ever since has been to recollect them. You obligingly condescended to satisfy my Curiosity about the Barometer, and by your explanation I clearly conceived the cause of the rise and fall of...
3910Saturday. 7th. (Adams Papers)
Arose late, again. When shall I shake off the shackells of morning slumbers, and arise with the sun? Between sun rise, and Breackfast, I might write, or read, or contemplate, a good deal. I might, before Breakfast, entirely shake off the Drowziness of the Morning, and get my Thoughts into a steady Train, my Imagination raised, my Ambition inflamed, in short every Thing within me and without,...