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Results 3871-3900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3871 Stewart, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Stewart, 14 May 1760 1760-05-14 Three Days after I parted with you I got a Man to Inlist in the room of Allen, for about 50/....
3872 Roberts, Hugh Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Hugh Roberts, 15 May 1760 1760-05-15 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am convinced thou thinks it a Duty to pay those Debts,...
3873 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 May 1760] 1760-05-15 Thursday May 15th. Drying Winds—People at Muddy hole again.
3874 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 May 1760] 1760-05-16 Friday May 16th. Still Cool and Windy—my People yet continuing at Muddy hole. My Brother Jno....
3875 Franklin, Benjamin Hewson, Mary (Polly) Stevenson From Benjamin Franklin to Mary Stevenson, 17 May 1760 1760-05-17 ALS : Feehan Memorial Library, St. Mary of the Lake Seminary; transcript (part MS , part...
3876 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 May 1760] 1760-05-17 Saturday May 17th. Mulatto Jack returnd from King William with 3 Yoke of Oxen & lost Punch the...
3877 Bessborough, William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Earl of Bessborough, 18 … 1760-05-18 AL : American Philosophical Society Lord Bessborough Complements to Mr. Franklin and desires the...
3878 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 May 1760] 1760-05-18 Sunday May 18th. Set out in Company with Mr. George Johnston. At Colchester was informd by Colo....
3879 Hardwick, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Hardwick, 18 May … 1760-05-18 we are disopinted in sending two Wagings down Magnis Tate has declind Coming down & Mr Crafords...
3880 Strother, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Anthony Strother, 18 May 1760 1760-05-18 I reciev’d yours, in answer to which I can only say that I think that Land was conveyd to your...
3881 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 May 1760] 1760-05-19 Monday May 19th. Went to Alexandria to see Captn. Littledales Ship Launchd wch. went of...
3882 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 May 1760] 1760-05-20 Tuesday May 20th. Being Court day Mr. Clifton’s Land in the Neck was exposd to Sale and I bought...
3883 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 May 1760] 1760-05-21 Wednesday May 21. Wrote to Messrs. Nicholas & With for Advice how to act in regard to Clifton’s...
3884 Washington, George Nicholas, Robert Carter From George Washington to Robert Carter Nicholas and … 1760-05-21 Letter not found: to Robert Carter Nicholas and George Wythe, 21 May 1760. On 27 May Nicholas and...
3885 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 May 1760] 1760-05-22 Thursday May 22d. Continued shearing my sheep. A good deal of Rain at Night—and Cool as it has...
3886 Adams, John [May 1760] 1760-05-26 Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a...
3887 Adams, John Monday May 26th 1760. 1760-05-26 Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a...
3888 Adams, John Tuesday [27 May]. 1760-05-27 At home. Read, in Naval Trade and Commerce.
3889 Nicholas, Robert Carter Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Carter Nicholas and … 1760-05-27 Yesterday we received your Letter of the 21st Instant & are sorry to find you are likely to be...
3890 Valentine, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Valentine, 27 May 1760 1760-05-27 I this day Recd a Letter ⟨ illegible ⟩ hand of Mr Nicholas⟨;⟩ have also Recd a Letter from him to...
3891 Adams, John Wednesday [28 May]. 1760-05-28 Loitered the forenoon away upon this Question in Arithmetic. 3 men give 20 shillings for a...
3892 Valentine, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Valentine, 28 May 1760 1760-05-28 I in tended to sent old George but when I cam to Rones George was sick and I was obligd to send...
3893 Adams, John 1760. May 29. Thurdsday. 1760-05-29 Rose and breakfasted. Have done nothing yet to day, and God only knows what I shall do. The...
3894 Adams, John Draft of a Letter on the Evils of Licensed Houses, 29 … 1760-05-29 Braintree, 29 May 1760. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
3895 Adams, John May 30 1760. Friday. 1760-05-30 Rose early. Several Country Towns, within my observation, have at least a Dozen Taverns and...
3896 Adams, John 1760 May 31th. Saturday 1760-05-31 Read in naval Trade and Commerce, concerning Factors, Consuls, Embassadors, &c., and the South...
3897 Robert Cary & Company Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Cary & Co., 31 May … 1760-05-31 Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 31 May 1760. On 28 Sept. 1760 GW wrote to Robert Cary &...
3898 Washington, George Cash Accounts, June 1760 1760-06-01 Cash June 9— To Ditto [cash] of Jno. Gist for Smiths Acct for self & Mother £1.13.9 To Ditto of...
3899 Adams, John [June 1760] 1760-06-01 Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....
3900 Adams, John June 1st. Sunday. 1760-06-01 Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....