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Results 3861-3910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3861 Marshall, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Marshall, 12 August 1800 1800-08-12 I send you the copy of a letter transmitted to this department by the Chevallier de Yrujo. Your...
3862 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 20 April 1790 1790-04-20 Encroachments being made on the Eastern limits of the United States by Settlers under the British...
3863 Lovell, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Lovell, 2 January 1781 1781-01-02 Your Favor of Sepr. 20th. reached me at Christmas. I inclose you a Resolve but am not able to...
3864 McKean, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas McKean, 15 October 1814 1814-10-15 The communications of our Plenepotentiaries at Ghent give complete evidence of the temper & views...
3865 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 9 … 1811-02-09 It is certainlÿ a long while, that you received not a line from me, and this nothwithstanding I...
3866 Chavagnes, Bidé de Adams, John To John Adams from Bidé de Chavagnes, 12 November 1779 1779-11-12 D’après lespece de certitude que m’avoit donné monsieur allaine que j aurois Ihonneur et le...
3867 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 15 … 1805-02-15 As I esteem a peculiar favour that you continue to honour me with your correspondence, for which...
3868 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & … 1788-01-29 We are honored with Your Excellency’s respected favor of 22 d. Ins t: —informing us You and Col...
3869 Delaplaine, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Delaplaine, 5 March 1822 1822-03-05 A few weeks ago I had the honour of informing you that I have a fine portrait by King, of your...
3870 Hichborn, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Hichborn, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 If tears of blood were to follow my pen, they wou’d but faintly marke the distressing anxiety I...
3871 Carmarthen, the Marquis of Adams, John To John Adams from the Marquis of Carmarthen, 28 … 1786-02-28 In Answer to the Memorial You did me the Honour to deliver to me on the 8 th. Dec r: , I have to...
3872 Jackson, Jonathan Adams, John Jonathan Jackson to John Adams, 7 June 1784 1784-06-07 I have to acknowledge the receipt of three Letters from you & to ask pardon for the appearance of...
3873 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John From Abigail Smith Adams to John Adams, 31 August 1815 1815-08-31 knowing what a punctilious young gentleman you are, I would not let your old Captain Bronson Sail...
3874 Cutting, John Brown Adams, John To John Adams from John Brown Cutting, 13 December 1786 1786-12-13 A croud of thanks to You for the pleasure and instruction I have received from your defence of...
3875 Dumas, C. W. F. Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams, 25 February 1785 1785-02-25 La copie ci-jointe de la réponse de Mr. le Conseiller Fiscal de l’Amirauté van der Hoop, aux...
3876 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 4 September … 1825-09-04 It was an unexpected pleasure which I received in your letter of the 17th. of last month, as I...
3877 Willink, Jan Adams, John To John Adams from Jan Willink, 31 March 1797 1797-03-31 Permit us to congratulate your Excellency on your Election to the first office in your Country:...
3878 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 10 December 1792 1792-12-10 In obedience to the orders of the President of the United States, I have the honor to submit to...
3879 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 12 August 1776 1776-08-12 Yours 30 of July reachd me by Saturdays post, and found me with Johnny and Tommy quite Recoverd...
3880 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, John To John Adams from Elbridge Gerry, 10 April 1813 1813-04-10 I addressed a line to you yesterday, with a bound collection of Edes’ Gazettes printed in 1775 &...
3881 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 27 July 1794 1794-07-27 Docr. Edwards of Philada. will be so obliging as to take charge of this Letter. I regret that he...
3882 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 11 July 1785 1785-07-11 Doctr. Franklin sets out this morning for Havre from whence he is to cross over to Cowes there to...
3883 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 17 March 1782 1782-03-17 Altho I know not of a single opportunity by which I can convey to You my constant anxiety and...
3884 Pownall, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Pownall, 18 December 1786 1786-12-18 I have often wished, since I came here into the Country, to fancy I could find a time when I...
3885 Berckel, Engelbert François van Adams, John Engelbert François van Berckel to John Adams: A … 1782-07-22 Madame d’Hogendorp, who currently lives at The Hague, and her husband, councilor of Rotterdam,...
3886 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 20 March 1796 1796-03-20 In the situation which has already detained me here between four and five months, and from which...
3887 Nazro, Nathaniel Adams, John To John Adams from Nathaniel Nazro, November 1781 1781-11-01 As a Citizen, of the Commonwealth, of Massachusetts Bay, and an individual, of the United States...
3888 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 25 March 1799 1799-03-25 I have the honour to enclose a letter to General Lincoln directing the payment of the Sums which...
3889 Palmer, Mary Adams, John To John Adams from Mary Palmer, 25 November 1789 1789-11-25 I beg leave to inform you that Princes Chronology is now in the office, unless the same fairy who...
3890 Blomberg, Hendrik van Adams, John To John Adams from Hendrik van Blomberg, 26 September … 1780-09-26 I Waited Yesterday for a Second him time on Messr. Van Vollenhoven after the recpt of your...
3891 Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & … 1783-07-07 We received at three ô clock the honour of your Excellencies Esteemed favour of 5 inst, in...
3892 Knapp, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Knapp, 5 May 1800 1800-05-05 I again take the liberty to solicit an appointment under Your Administration, as it is presumable...
3893 Clark, T. D. Adams, John To John Adams from T. D. Clark, 6 October 1825 1825-10-06 In order not to be tedious or Embarrassing to you I must be brief. I am a son of a Republican who...
3894 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 21 August … 1822-08-21 When I rec’d your Letter dated from Badimage Hall, I then read it, according to the meaning of...
3895 Franklin, William Temple Adams, John To John Adams from William Temple Franklin, 25 February … 1791-02-25 In the Letter you did me the honor of writing to me previous to my Departure from Philadelphia,...
3896 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 24 December 1792 1792-12-24 The President of the United States has directed me to submit to the Senate, the copy of a letter...
3897 Heyman, Herman Adams, John To John Adams from Herman Heyman, 17 January 1784 1784-01-17 I had the satisfaction to lay before Your Exellency by the Letter, I took the Liberty to address...
3898 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Hamilton, 1 August 1800 1800-08-01 It has been repeatedly mentioned to me that you have, on different occasions, asserted the...
3899 Laurens, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from the President of the Congress, 3 … 1777-12-03 The 28th. Ultimo I had the honour of writing to you by the Messenger Frederick Weare and of...
3900 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 20 … 1823-08-20 I write to announce our safe arrival at this place from whence we propose to start on a visit of...
3901 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 12 March 1782 1782-03-12 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Having concluded to provide for...
3902 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 22 May 1800 1800-05-22 The rain comeing on the morning I left Bristol, I reachd Vantilburys about noon & remaind there...
3903 Jay, John Adams, John From John Jay to John Adams, 4 May 1786 (second letter) 1786-05-04 Since the 22 d . February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with...
3904 Gardner, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Gardner, 10 October 1800 1800-10-10 Some few days since I had the honor to pay my Respects to you, at the same time express’d to you...
3905 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 23 February 1787 1787-02-23 The Notables met yesterday. The king opened the assembly with a short speech, wherein he...
3906 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 28 August 1799 1799-08-28 I have the honour to inclose the Copy of a letter from Mr. Jonathan Waldo, respecting the...
3907 Prentis, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Prentis, 19 May 1798 1798-05-19 At a Meeting of the Citizens of the Town of Petersburg Convened at the Courthouse of the said...
3908 Bentley, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Bentley, 28 September 1810 1810-09-28 I have the great pleasure of sending you a portion of the Pears, collected from the Endicott...
3909 Cooper, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Cooper, 28 March 1799 1799-03-28 I find that Mr. Lovell is the only Man in Boston capable of decyphering intricate papers. I have...
3910 Tufts, Cotton Adams, John Enclosure No. 2: Account of the Dark Day in May 1780 1780-05-19 May 19. It thunderd early this Morning and raind about 7 or 8. About 9 a Darkness came on...