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Results 3851-3900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your esteemed favor of Inst t is just rec d & your enclosures will be immediately forwarded, by...
I have received your letter of the 14th instant, and have shipped the plough to the care of...
I have just recd advice that on the evening of the 9th about forty sail of Vessels were seen off...
3854[Diary entry: 5 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. Cloudy all day & now and then Misting. Wind at No. Et.
It is well known to all the world that your Excellency, after having fought for the liberty of...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Anderson, and informs him that he will, on Friday next,...
Your letter of the 31st. of January has come to hand. The information it conveyed respecting the...
No Man could have written from Memory Mr Otis’s Argument of four or five hours against The Acts...
In fulfilment of my promise I send you Dr. Coopers Lectures on Political Economy. I do not wish...
I have received your letter of the 3d. Instant, enclosing a copy of your speech on the right of...
M r Brooks , who tells me, that he is going to the University , to cover some of the buildings...
By the President of the United States, A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by the fourth section of the act...
In making an Alteration in my Office the Lists of the Domesticks of the foreign Ministers Are so...
I should want feeling & friendship were I not penetrated by the affectionate concern you so...
You will perhaps be surprized to receive a letter from such a poor unworthy creature as I am, and...
Notwithstanding the order of the 8th Instant for the relief of all your men on duty at West Point...
Le Comité chargé par l’assemblée nationale de rediger un projet de Constitution et ne voulant...
3868General Orders, 2 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Colonel Tupper[,] Lieutenant...
I had the honor of addressing you the 10th. ultimo No. 50, & the 18. Do. No. 51 By the former I...
The Commissioner of the provision law, I think he is called, being so exceedingly ill as to be...
When I wrote you Yesterday—I informed you that Genl Poor, with his Brigade, was to proceed to...
Since my Respects of the 8th. December Last, I had the misfortune of Supporting Two Irreparable...
3873Cash Accounts, June 1771 (Washington Papers)
Cash June 3— To Cash recd for my old Schooner £  4. 0. 0 To Ditto for 8 weathers @ 16/ 6. 8. 0 To...
Your Excellency Questions for consideration—handed to the Generals dated the 20th Inst. I have...
Your favor of 17th Dec. is recived & contents noted. the Size of the Pannel is 5 feet 4 in we did...
The information I gave you relative to M r. Hammonds official Character at the moment of your...
At the request of Mr. R. Harrison, who is well acquainted with the Bearer Mr. James H. Hooe, I...
I do not ask you to consider this as a letter to you. I have writen so much for several days that...
I have received two letters from you—one of the 8th of March—the other the 5th instt—& thank you...
3880[Diary entry: 21 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Mar. 21st. Colo. Fairfax & Mrs. Fx. returnd home. The Wind being No. Easterly the Morng....
18 September 1802, Demerara. Reports his arrival on 14 Sept. after a passage of forty days from...
The Attorney general of the United States has the honor of submitting to the Secretary of State...
I have recd your letter of May 10. communicating the mark of attention conferred on me by the...
Copy: Library of Congress; transcripts: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives I do...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “Thos. Jefferson Esq.” Docketed by Jefferson, “Madison...
Your first Letter to me is now before me. The true Cause why General Frie, has not received from...
Spring Forest, Virginia. 5 Mch. 1790 . Agreeable to TJ’s request , he has searched “every book,...
Voici une petite Cargaison de Lettres, qui m’ont été remises par M. le D. De la Vauguyon pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, August 18, 1778, in French: I delivered a letter to...
Thomas Jefferson Esq e To Patrick Gibson Dr To Cash p d for a Bale Cotton 232 lb at 22 Cents....
21 October 1801, Philadelphia. Explains that the illness and subsequent death of his friend and...
It being intended to establish immediately a recruiting rendezvous at Albany, I take the liberty...
You will issue Provisions to the People employed in the Departments of the Quarter Master General...
L’Orient, 28 Dec. 1787 . TJ’s attention “to the interests of America” persuades them that much...
I do not blame you for the wages which you gave Evans; I have no doubt of your having engaged him...
I lamented very much when you wrote to me for the Portrait by Stewart , that I had not finished a...
While I was in philadelphia, I wrote your Excellency, that I had little prospect of being able,...
I inclose you the Proceedings of a Genl Court Martial held Yesterday. You will observe the...
I had the honour to write to you, & also to the President of the United States on the 1st of May...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th of March by the ship Piomingo to the care of Mr....