James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Edward Jones, 13 January 1802

From Edward Jones, 13 January 1802

Pointe á Pitre Jany. 13th. 1802.


I had the Honor of writing you on the 1 Int. and enclosing some documents relative to this Government. Since then we have a new Governor Mr. Roustagnenq for the Iland, which remains very quiet.

Thomas Budd an invalid Seaman of New York & discharged from an English Ship of War, Leviathan Capt. Christopher Cole, I have supplied with Clothes and provision and sent him to Wilmington No. Carolina, he not being able to do duty.

I fear applications of this kind will be numerous Should the English discharge their Seamen to Windward, as Budd says they have a number of Americans on board. Be good enough, Sir to direct me in such cases how to act. The provision made by Congress for distressed Seamen of 12 cts. pr. diem will be far Short of supplying a man in this Island. The Hospital fees are a Dollar ⅌ day the Cheapest mode of providing for them. I have the Honour to be very respectfully Sir Your mo obt. & very Hble Sert.

Edwd: Jones

Thos Budd
pd. for Jacket, trousers & Shirt. 7.33
provisions—Supplied Captn.
Benjn. Wilson of the Schooner
Two Brothers, for his passage }16:

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