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Results 38461-38490 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Being favoured with a good Oportunity & for Fear of Miscariage of a Letter dated the 7th Inst. from me, According to the Secretary at wars notification I take the Liberty of Informing you I await your orders at the Above prescribed place wi th Attention or a Letter directed to downingsto wn — Office Pennsylvania Will be attended to By Your vary Obedient Servt. Note I would rather wish to be on...
I have the honor to inclose two letters one for the commanding Officer at Fort Mifflin the other for Major Adlum their Objects will appear on perusal. perhaps you may think it expedient to give some Special direction to the Quarter Master General, for assisting the conveyance of Masseys Compy. If you see no objection you will please to forward the letters. The arrangement as relative to this...
Capt. Massey’s Company of Artillerists having been ordered from fort Mifflin you will immediately cause Capt. Irvin’s Compy. to proceed to that Fort to replace the other. For this purpose, you will take the proper arrangement with the contractor’s Agent for transportation and supply from Reading to Fort Mifflin. The Compy. will avoid going into Philadelphia With great consideration &c P.S. I...
You will forthwith take arrangements and give orders for the conveyance of Capt. Littlefield with his Company to West Chester in this State, there to repair to the rendezvous a Camp of the 12th. Regiment commanded by Col: Smith, and wait for further order—reporting his arrival immediately to me, it is intended that he Shall proceed thence to the Potomack where your Battalion is to assemble....
You will see, from the — enclosed return that a sufficient supply of clothing has been sent on for the present use of your regiment—It appears from a letter of Major Darling to the Secretary of War that he has not received the proportion of supplies to which he is entitled—This has arisen from the last parcel having been sent entirely to Portsmouth. You will therefore take care that a...
The Secretary of War (to whom your letters were irregularly addressed has sent me a copy of your letter of the thirty first of August which was irregularly addressed to that officer. A sufficient supply has been sent on for the present use of the Regiment to which you belong, and I have written to Col. Graves directing him to forward to you such a part of the Articles furnished as shall make...
Immediately upon the receipt of this, you will make arrangements for the conveyance of Capt. Masseys company of Artillerists to Norfolk in Virginia, and you will cause it to proceed thither without unnecessary delay. The rout which appears to me proper is by Wilmington Elktown and down the Chesapeak by Water. You will of course take your arrangements with the person or persons who now supplies...
The enclosed letters, were transmitted to me, by Dwight Foster Esquire, under cover of a letter to me, from himself, dated Brookfield the 23d. ulto. As Mr. Foster appears to be warmly interested in favour of William Richardson, whose discharge from the army is solicitted, and a delay has been occasioned, by inattention on my part to the application, I have to request, you will, as soon as...
I last evening received a letter dated the 7th. instant from the Superintendant of Military Stores, enclosing papers exhibitting charges against the United States for materials and fitting up the Hats of the 7th. Regiment of Infantry, and a Draft on the purveyor by Colonel Bentley Commandant, expressed to be for binding and looping Seven hundred and four Soldiers Hats. I enclose a copy of my...
Immediately on the publication of the Secretary of War Requiring the Officers of the different Regiments to Report themselves to you, being then in Philadelphia I wrote to you giving my Address, but hearing nothing from you, being anxious to join my Regiment and fearing my letter might have miscarried thro’ the Negligence of a Servant by whom I sent it to your Lodgings; I again on the...
I have received your letter of the 30th ultimo, this morning—when it has been detaind I am not informed—I have received an Artillery Coat and Vest from Colonel Stevens and have put them into the hands of the Contractor to serve as Patterns for any he may have orders to make— shall be glad to receive the Cavalry Coat, as they, under an idea of an alteration, have been suspended—they may soon be...
I have with great pleasure to Acknowledge your two favors of the 22nd & 29th of August, and lament my Situation has been such as to prevent my personal appearance Long ere this at New York, But Sir, with all my antiety & the great scill of My Surgeon, I have not as yet been Able to Move, But flatter My self, My Leg is Now in a sure way of Recovery, & the Moment I am in a Situation to move...
I inclose twenty four copies, of a Contract, entered into with James OHara Esquire, for supplying rations, to the troops, on the North Western Frontiers, Mississippi, in Tennessee, Kentucky, and on the Tombigbee. You will please communicate them to such Persons, as it may be necessary, to inform particularly of the Contract. I am Sir with great respect your obedient servant ( LS , Hamilton...
Our Desaertions — encrease so rapidly that I believe some Examples of Severity will become necessary Suppose they are condemned to work on some Fortification’s with Badges of infamy—Six went off last Night. I have five Officers in persuit. I shall perhaps incur more Expence than will be allowed. But I thought it necessary to use uncommon Exertion to take them. It is four Weeks since I gave...
I have received a Copy of a letter from you to Majr Tousard disolving questions in points of Military duty arrising between him and Capt Wm. Littlefield and your opinion and orders on the same. I think the Quarantine Laws refered to by Capt. Littlefield, must have some reference to my orders, which I made Major Tousard acquainted with before I issued them at Newport—and for this reason I...
The Secy. of War tells me that I am to instruct you with respect to the routes by which the cloathing for the Western Army is to be forwarded. Except in one particular I would leave the matter entirely to your Judgment. This respects the portion which is destined for the troops on the lower part of the Mississippi Fort Adams &c. As it is doubtful whether during the proper season these could...
The Secy at War has transmitted to the Quarter Master Genl. an order for clothing for the following Posts—Oswego, Niagara, Fort Fayette, Detroit, Michilimacinac, Fort Wayne, Fort Pickering, Fort Sargent, Fort McHenry, Fort Stoddert, Fort Adams, and Fort Massac, & has desired that your order should be taken as to the rout by which they were to be forwarded & also respecting their delivery—Your...
Herewith I transmit the Recruiting Arrangements for the sixth Regiment of Infantry, together with a copy of the Orders relative thereto; I shall forward one, agreeably to your Orders, to the Secretary of War, and I shall transmit one to Major General Pinckney. The officers proceeded to their respective Recruiting Rendezvouss on the 8th. instt. which was immediately after the arrival of the...
Dr. Jones, the attending Surgeon to this garrison, has visited the guard at the powder magazine. He has reported, that John Day and Thomas Brisen have every symptom of the yellow fever; that they are attended by Dr. Burroughs at the request of one their friends; that, in the opinion of Dr. Jones, their removal would be attended with great inconveniency, if not danger to them, and that there...
The arrangement mentione Suggested in your letter of the 4th. inst. relative to Capt Brock and his recruits I approve, and desire you to carry it into effect— As to what rela that part of your letter which relates contains your request for leave of Absence, I have lately written to you, referring you to General Pinckney for an answer on that subject With great consideration &c ( Df , in the...
I have received your letter of the twenty third of August, and have given orders for the discharge of the person to whom it relates. With I am Sir Yr. obt S ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your letter of the seventh of this Month— With great Considertn. I am, Sir &c ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I enclose to you some extracts from Col. Bentleys letter of the twenty-sixth of August. I would recommend that the request of Col. Bentley be complied with as far as may be practicable unless they should be opposed by considerations of which I am ignorant. I enclose to you likewise the copy of a circular letter to the several Commandants—You will see from this that the authority given did not...
I enclose to you the copy of a letter which I have written to General Wilkins on the subject mentioned in your note of the yesterday. As General Wilkins is absent I would observe to you that the route of Pittsburg appears to me the most eligible for all the Cloathing except such parts as may be destined for New Orleans the lower Posts on the Mississippi. — The packages that are intended for...
Your letter of the 10th. inst. is now before me. The model of the Cavalry Coat has been sent in to the Secy. of War, to whom you will app ly for instructions relative to your doubts as to the other part of the Cloathing; he having hitherto directed that part of the business and — of course being in possession of more accurate informati on respecting the quantity wanted ordered— I am infinitely...
On the receipt of this you will grant a furlough for four weeks, to Capt. Cochran—in order that he may visit his father who is extremely ill and anxious to see him With great consideration &c ( Df , in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Your letter of the twenty sixth of August has been delivered to me. The contents have been duly attended to, and the result when known will be communicated. I have just received your letter of the fifth of this month, and am satisfied with the explanation which that it contains. The desire which you express to cultivate harmony is highly praiseworthy, and I hope the present which the last — it...
It has been suggested to me that Avery Herrick of Montgomery County is desirous of a commission in the Army—I do not know that I have seen him these seven years a great part of that time he has been in Virginia—He is about thirty two years old & from what I have seen of him formerly & heard of him lately I believe he will make a very good officer of any rank not higher than that of a...
as this is Post Day, this is only to inform you that I arrived here yesterday— Inclosed is a Duplicate of the Proceedings of a General Court Martial I have the honor to be Sir with Very great Respect your Most obedient and Very humble Servent ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Enclosed is a letter to Mr Simmons the accountant with an Account annexed which I have against the United States, for services rendered at Fort Jay in the Medical department—it was transferred to the paymaster General for examination and payment—he has returned it to me for your approbation, which if you will be so good as to signify by a note on the Back of the acct. he will pay...