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Results 3841-3870 of 184,431 sorted by author
3841[Monday September 30. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday September 30. 1776. Resolved that the Board of War be impowered and directed, on...
I duely recd. your favour of Jan 10th and Should have Sooner acknowledged it if Indisposition had...
The inclosed Volume was lately sent in to me by a Servant—I have Since heard that the Author of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had, Yesterday, the Honour of yours of the 24th. inclosing...
Enclosed is a letter from Elias Backman, Consul in Sweden with an account, which you will please...
3846[June 1771] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Day at Worcester in Riding about with Mr. Putnam to see his Farm. He does what he...
I have rec’d y’r letter of the 26th of last month—and I thank you for y’r infinitessinal...
I had last night the honour of your Letter of the 22d and I most heartily congratulate the French...
3849March 2. Monday. (Adams Papers)
A fine Wind still and a pleasant Morning. The Colour of the Water which is green, not blue as it...
I have just received your favor of the 20th of Jan. & am sensibly touched with the remembrance of...
Yours of the 5th came to me the 8th. You will see by this Post, that the River is past and the...
I received in season your obliging favour of the 27th of October, but an unusual combination of...
The enclosed N o. 121 of the Politique Hollandais, having translated a few Sentences of mine, and...
I have transmitted your letter to Mr Adams but in total despair of success. The heads of...
The Newspapers will inform you of our interminable Delays. The House have asked for Papers and...
I am very well yet:—write to me as often as you can, and send your Letters to the Office in...
38571775. Decr. 9th. (Adams Papers)
Having Yesterday as ked and obtained Leave of Congress to go home, this Morning I mounted, with...
The report that John Quincy Adams has written to his father, or any one else that “the war which...
I have received this day the letter which your Excellency did me the honour to write me on the...
The Mistakes of Gazettes and fugitive Pamphlets, may pass unnoticed, because they are not...
Enclosed is a letter of the 20th from Dr Leib together with a petition from Philip Desh & Abraham...
I received by the last Post, and have read with great pleasure your obliging letter; and the...
Inclosed is an Answer to your Questions, to the best of my Knowledge of a Subject to which I have...
I thank you for the honor of your letter of the 3d. I know the worth of Mr. Bayard & should be...
Before I proceed to St. Domingo, I have a few Words more to say. And after all I expect to forget...
I fear you will complain of me, for not writing so often as I ought. But I write as often as I...
Last Evening Mr: Apthrop put into my hand your polite Letter of the first of this Month from New...
I thank you for all your kind favours. I wish I could write to you, much oftener than I do. I...
I am under a great obligation to you for the two volumes of the your American Annals, and am...
I had two days ago the Pleasure of receiving a Duplicate your Letter of the 20 of April—the...