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Results 3811-3860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letters of the 25th of April and 14th of May have duly reached me; since the receipt of that...
I beg leave to state to you some Circumstances attending, the Court Marshall held on me in Novr....
Inclosed I send you the bill you wish for on Paris and I have only to regret the determination...
I yesterday received yours of the 19 of October. Sometime Since I received the other of the 19th....
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 28 Nov. 1775. On 15 Dec. GW wrote to Reed...
Copy: Library of Congress I enclose the Letters for M. Beyerlé. But as by the Note concerning him...
Jefferson. Oct. 9.—letters written & recd.—prudential motives prevent friend & myself giving...
Dalla mia Scritale di New york avra inteso che M’inbarcai in detta Cità ⅌ questo porto di...
§ From Harry Toulmin. 8 August 1805 . “I mentioned to you in a letter some time since, that I...
Braintree, post 17 May 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
Mr Peyrouney solliciting for leave to attend the Assembly, hoping to have some allowance made for...
I return the letter from M r Cabell with your answer to it inclosed in yours of the 16 th just...
ALS and AL : American Philosophical Society I have been prevented from having the honor of...
On the reciept of your favour of the 17th. I applied to Mr. Willing, President of the bank, to...
In a letter from mr Paul Allen of Philadelphia , I was informed that other business had obliged...
Je profite d’un Courier que M. l’Ambassadeur se propose d’expédier demain ou après-demain à sa...
I thank you for your favor of the 22 inst & the two Connecticut gazettes which I have given to...
I have recd. fellow Citizens, the congratulations upon the conclusion of an honorable peace with...
I have received information that measures, imposing serious restrictions on our navigation and...
I have been honoured with your letter of the 26th. inst. enclosing the letters of Judge Campbell...
I recieved your letter my dear Child only a few days since and am charmed to find that George and...
The amount of the propositions this day made by the Creek Chiefs, are that we pay them $200,000...
I omitted in my letter of the 23d to say any thing on the subject of mr Wirt; which however was...
The favours and kindness, with which, I have been treated by you, Since the Year 1803, are too...
Mr Booth, a British merchant, taken with Ld Cornwallis at York, having been lately ordered on...
I have the Honor of enclosing you a Duplicate of my Letter by the last Mail and a Copy of the one...
I received by Mr. Poindexter your favor of July 21 . with copies of your will and deed of trust ....
I am unwilling to trouble you—though, from the interest you have expressed in my health, & in the...
I thank you for this Address which has been transmitted to me by The Chief Justice of the State,...
By means of a merchant vessel that sails from this place for L’Orient, I have the pleasure to...
+  considering the great captiousness of the opposition, I respectfully, suggest for...
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer copie d’une lettre que Je reςois de M. Gallatin en réponse à...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Lafreté a reçû a la Campagne le petit Billet de Monsieur...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Nov. 24. and am sorry that I am not able to serve your wishes:...
I recieve with due sensibility the mark of attention which the benevolent institution , in whose...
Reprinted from [Thomas Balch, ed.,] Letters and Papers Relating Chiefly to the Provincial History...
3847General Orders, 22 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton wrote Col. Samuel...
3848General Orders, 5 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
Brigade returns of the Drafts and recruits regimentally digested, who have joined since the last...
I had the Honor of writing you on the 1 Int. and enclosing some documents relative to this...
There being no established principles to govern the appointments to the vacancies of officers in...
Your esteemed favor of Inst t is just rec d & your enclosures will be immediately forwarded, by...
I have received your letter of the 14th instant, and have shipped the plough to the care of...
I have just recd advice that on the evening of the 9th about forty sail of Vessels were seen off...
3854[Diary entry: 5 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. Cloudy all day & now and then Misting. Wind at No. Et.
It is well known to all the world that your Excellency, after having fought for the liberty of...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Anderson, and informs him that he will, on Friday next,...
Your letter of the 31st. of January has come to hand. The information it conveyed respecting the...
No Man could have written from Memory Mr Otis’s Argument of four or five hours against The Acts...
In fulfilment of my promise I send you Dr. Coopers Lectures on Political Economy. I do not wish...
I have received your letter of the 3d. Instant, enclosing a copy of your speech on the right of...