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Results 381-430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
381 Washington, George Cash Accounts, August 1759 1759-08-01 Cash Augt 9— To Cash of Sampson Darrel for the Rent of Mrs Gists Pl[antatio]n £6. 1.8 10— To...
382 Jefferson, John Garland Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Garland Jefferson, 31 … 1793-03-31 I have been driving on since I wrote to you last post haste in my old pursuit. I have almost...
383 Wichelhausen, Frederick Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 18 … 1803-07-18 18 July 1803, Bremen . Wrote last on 12 June of the occupation of Hanover by French troops....
384 Washington, George Acct. of the Weather in Decr. [1774] 1774-12-01 Decr. 1st. Clear and pleasant, with but little Wind and that Southerly. 2. Cool & frosty in the...
385 Jefferson, Thomas Ludlam, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Ludlam, 16 September … 1789-09-16 The American bills drawn on the American commissioners then at Paris, were paid as long as either...
386 American Commissioners Whipple, Abraham The American Commissioners to Abraham Whipple, 13 June … 1778-06-13 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two), University of...
387 O’Brien, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard O’Brien, 22 July 1801 1801-07-22 On the 9th. Inst. arrived at algiers The us. Ship President and Schooner Enterprize. I have recd....
388 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1787-07-31 A cold north-east storm. Reading and writing all day. Wrote a letter to my mother, and one to my...
389 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 10 March 1808 1808-03-10 Capt: Nathl. Harvey of the Ship Eliza of Baltimore Joseph Street & others owners died here on the...
390 Jefferson, Thomas Greene, Nathanael From Thomas Jefferson to Nathanael Greene, 1 April 1781 1781-04-01 I am honoured with your Favor of the 27th. by Mr. Daniel. I informed you by Colo. Morris of the...
391 Harrison, Jesse B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jesse B. Harrison, 27 April … 1826-04-27 I hope you will believe me sincere when I assure you that it is with the greatest reluctance that...
392 Geiger, Jacob H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob H. Geiger, 26 June 1807 1807-06-26 The petition of Jacob H. Geiger humbly represents that at a Circuit Court of the District of...
393 Ingersoll, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Ingersoll, 18 … 1799-02-18 In obedience to your order 30th. Ulto. enclosed are the Returns, of the Men, Clothing, Arms and...
394 Washington, George Annemours, Chevalier d’ George Washington to Chevalier d’Annemours, 19 June … 1777-06-19 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 19, 1777. Discusses advantages of an overt declaration of war by...
395 Washington, George Gildart, James From George Washington to James Gildart, 3 April 1761 1761-04-03 Several of your favours now lye before me, but the last of Novr 9th I shall particularly take...
396 Chavagnes, Bidé de Adams, John To John Adams from Bidé de Chavagnes, 19 September 1781 1781-09-19 Quoyque je ne puisse scavoir par personne positivement si vous estes a paris de retour de vos...
397 Franklin, Benjamin Contract between Vergennes and Franklin, 16 July 1782 1782-07-16 DS : Archives Nationales; DS , two copies, and transcript: National Archives Contrat entre le Roi...
398 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 13 September 1806 1806-09-13 I have the pleasure to Send you a copy of my note to Mr. Fox and of his answer respecting the...
399 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 26 October … 1756-10-26 I recd Your Letter from Augusta & observe its Contents —the Behaviour of the Militia is very...
400 Washington, George Heintz, Jean, chevalier de From George Washington to Heintz, 21 January 1784 1784-01-21 As soon as I had the honor of receiving your Letter containing a proposal of the order of the...
401 Washington, George Goddard, John Instructions to John Goddard, 9 August 1775 1775-08-09 Df , in Joseph Reed’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The draft includes the...
402 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Smith, 11 October 1806 1806-10-11 Mr. Madison was to set out on Monday last, & is expected here to-day. we have some matters of...
403 Holt, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Holt, 3 December 1801 1801-12-03 Last Sunday evening, in great haste, I happened to direct a letter, on the subject of printing...
404 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 18 May 1821 1821-05-18 I wrote about a week ago to mr Yancey to hurry down my tob o from Bedford . it was lying at...
405 Adams, Abigail Lovell, James Abigail Adams to James Lovell, 8 January 1782 1782-01-08 Yes I have been Sick confined to my chamber with a slow fever. I have been unhappy through...
406 Hamilton, Alexander Rice, Nathan From Alexander Hamilton to Nathan Rice, 6 January 1800 1800-01-06 I have received your letter of Decr. 17th. It was not my intention that the relative rank of your...
407 Adams, John Quincy 26th. Wednesday. 1782-06-26 Stay’d at home all day. Mr. Artaud dined at Mr. Rimbert’s. In the afternoon Mr. D. went and took...
408 Jefferson, Thomas II. Second Draft by Jefferson, [before 13 June 1776] 1776-06-01 A Bill for new modelling the form of government and for establishing the Fundamental principles...
409 Jefferson, Thomas La Vingtrie, Bayard de From Thomas Jefferson to La Vingtrie, 12 February 1788 1788-02-12 Je ne connois personne ici, Monsieur, qui a des terres à vendre en Amérique, et meme s’il y en...
410 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 5 November 1798 1798-11-05 I intended some time since to have returned an answer to the letter you did me the honor to send...
411 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Steuben, 27 June … 1779-06-27 Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Steuben, 27 June 1779. GW wrote Steuben on 1 July: “I have been...
412 Jackson, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Henry Jackson, 15 … 1780-01-15 I receivd a note from Colonel Harrison this morning desireing I would State to your Excellency in...
413 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 September 1773] 1773-09-18 18. Went to a Barbicue of my own giving at Accotinck. Mr. Robt. Alexander & his Bror. George came...
414 Washington, George Lincoln, Benjamin From George Washington to Major General Benjamin … 1781-02-21 I have lately been obliged to make so large a temporary detachment, that it becomes indispensibly...
415 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 24 … 1794-09-24 The Secry of the Treasury presents his respects to The President. He finds it will be...
416 Pseudonym: “A Stranger and a Friend” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pseudonym: "A Stranger and a … 1808-06-22 As you naturally take an Interest in every thing that relates to the Embargo; permit me to direct...
417 Hubley, Adam Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Adam … 1779-05-19 By the resighnation of Colo: Hartley of the 11th Pennsya Regt—I, as eldest Lieut. Colo: of the...
418 Sherburne, John Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Henry Sherburne, 29 June … 1825-06-29 I have the honor of transmitting herewith, an Engraving of John Paul Jones , which I received...
419 Washington, George Parker, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Parker, 28 September … 1799-09-28 In a letter from General Hamilton, enclosing the one I now forwd to you, I am requested to...
420 Page, Jesse, and Wife Jefferson, Thomas Petition of Jesse Page and Wife, 1 December 1803 1803-12-01 The Petition of Jesse Page, and Wife, of Ann Arundel County, in the State of Maryland;...
421 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 9 June 1801 1801-06-09 I wrote you last week that I expected to sail on board the Catherine, Captain Ingersoll, from...
422 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 20 July 1757 1757-07-20 I rec’d yr Favor of the 17th inst. this Day by your Messenger. The Narrative of the Deposition...
423 Jefferson, Thomas Grymes, Philip Ludwell From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Ludwell Grymes, 24 July … 1800-07-24 Your father & the late Peyton Randolph, as securities for John Randolph were answerable to mrs...
424 Thaxter, John Adams, Abigail John Thaxter to Abigail Adams, 27 November 1782 1782-11-27 You will believe me, when I inform You, that I am grievously disappointed in only having to...
425 Perkins, William Lee Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee Perkins, 17 … 1784-11-17 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I had the honor to deliver the paper upon the Influenza...
426 Putnam, Daniel Adams, John To John Adams from Daniel Putnam, 23 May 1818 1818-05-23 Will you allow me Sir, the honor of presenting, and afford me the gratification of perusing the...
427 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 24 February 1816 1816-02-24 I have for many Months made it a rule, to enclose to you a Newspaper, every week, and I have...
428 Burwell, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Burwell, 11 August … 1791-08-11 Carter’s Grove, 11 Aug. 1791 . In response to TJ’s of 1st, he is sorry to report failure of...
429 Shecut, John Linnaeus Edward Whitridge Jefferson, Thomas John L. E. W. Shecut to Thomas Jefferson, 13 October … 1814-10-13 Your very obliging letter of the 25. Ult , has been received and I cannot but be grateful for the...
430 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 17 August 1780 1780-08-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society I never was more amuzed with political Speculations, than...