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Results 381-390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
381Cash Accounts, August 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Augt 9— To Cash of Sampson Darrel for the Rent of Mrs Gists Pl[antatio]n £6. 1.8 10— To Ditto of Mr F. Lewis for 2 Hhds Tobo at Dixon’s WareHo. 38. 3.6 To ditto of Captn Posey Maryland Curry 1. 1.6 27— To ditto of Mrs Manley —Carpenter’s Work 8. 7.6 To ditto for Wool 0. 6.0 *To ditto of Colo. Carlyle for the use of my Horse 0.10.0 To ditto Smithwork of R. Scott pd by Mr Clifton 0. 2.6 To...
I have been driving on since I wrote to you last post haste in my old pursuit. I have almost finished Tracy Atkins in the first collumn , I have finished Smith’s wealth of nations in the second, and Burnet’s history in the third. I have besides these perused the grecian history and Ferguson’s philosophy. The roman history I have not yet been able to procure, but intend to read it as soon as...
18 July 1803, Bremen . Wrote last on 12 June of the occupation of Hanover by French troops. Feared that “on the shores of the Elbe, it might … come to bloody actions,” due to the Hanoverian troops’ having refused to “lay down their arms” when the king of England did not ratify the Convention of Suhlingen. “However upon repeated remonstrances made to them of their resistance being fruitless,...
Decr. 1st. Clear and pleasant, with but little Wind and that Southerly. 2. Cool & frosty in the Morning but very pleasant afterwards with but little Wind & that South. 3. Clear & calm in the forenoon but lowering afterwards. Wind blowing fresh from So. Wt. 4. Lowering Morning but Warm. Clear afterwards. Wind still Southerly. 5. Wind in the same place & Warm. Abt. Noon Cloudy with a few drops...
The American bills drawn on the American commissioners then at Paris, were paid as long as either of those commissioners remained here, and even a year or two longer by Mr. Barclay the American consul, till he also returned and the books were sent to New York to the board of Treasury. It is there alone they can now be examined or paid. I beleive the whole of those now floating out are...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two), University of Virginia Library, Yale University Library <Passy, June 13, 1778: Mr. Hezekiah Ford, chaplain to North Carolina troops in the continental service, was captured and sent to Europe, and has now found his way to us in Paris. We recommend him to be chaplain on your frigate until he returns home.> Published...
On the 9th. Inst. arrived at algiers The us. Ship President and Schooner Enterprize. I have recd. your letter of the 21st. of may and the Cloth and Linnen. The money the Commodore did not land as I had Considerd. nothing Could be done in makeing a Cash payment, untill the arrival of the washington with Stores, when the regency —in Eating of the Sheep might be induced to Eat allso some of the...
38831st. (Adams Papers)
A cold north-east storm. Reading and writing all day. Wrote a letter to my mother, and one to my Sister. Read some pages in Bolingbroke’s philosophical works: the stile and matter both inferior to his political writings. JQA to AA , 1 Aug. ( Adams Papers ); his letter to AA2 has not been found.
Capt: Nathl. Harvey of the Ship Eliza of Baltimore Joseph Street & others owners died here on the 7 Novr. last & not having prior to his decease appointed any one to take charge of his effects I esteemed it to be my duty to attend thereto agreeably to the Law of the UStates in such cases. I herewith transmit my accounts with said Estate that you may take Steps as the Law provides for...
I am honoured with your Favor of the 27th. by Mr. Daniel. I informed you by Colo. Morris of the reinforcement of Militia ordered to you, but they will not be in Time to supply the place of those now with you, if they leave you so early. Certainly the knowledge that a Relief is coming in will induce them not to leave you in a State which may soon give us all to do over again. A Part of these...