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Results 381-430 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
381 Adams, John Boston. Decr. 30th. 1762-12-30 At Goldthwaits office, spent 1/4 of an Hour with Lt. Govr. Hutch­ inson. The first thing he said...
382 Adams, John [February 1763] 1763-02-01 Last Thurdsday afternoon, rode to Germantown, and there stayed at my friend Cs. till the last...
383 Adams, John Braintree Feby. 1st. 1763. Tuesday. 1763-02-01 Last Thurdsday afternoon, rode to Germantown, and there stayed at my friend Cs. till the last...
384 Adams, John Feb. 5th. 1763. 1763-02-05 Memorabilia of this Week. The Bar agreed upon these 4 Rules. 1st. That the Clerk call the Plain...
385 Adams, John Feby. 10th. 1763. 1763-02-10 Belcher v. Hunt. This is an Action of Trover, for converting shingles to Hunts Use. The shingles...
386 Adams, John Feby. 11th. 1763. 1763-02-11 Probate of Mr. Edwards’s Will, Coram Governor and Council. John Edwards, one of the Heirs at Law...
387 Adams, John Boston Feby. 1763. 1763-02-01 This day learned that the Caucas Clubb meets at certain Times in the Garret of Tom Daws, the...
388 Adams, John Feb. 1763-02-01 This Action of Trover is an Innovation, one of the new and subtle Inventions in Derogation of the...
389 Adams, John [July 1763] 1763-07-18 Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for Fame and Estimation, Utility...
390 Adams, John [Draft of an Essay on Agriculture in the Boston … 1763-07-18 Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for Fame and Estimation, Utility...
391 Adams, John 1765. Jany. 24th. Thurdsday. 1765-01-24 Soon after I got to Boston, at Jany. Court Mr. Fitch came to me upon Change, and told me, that...
392 Adams, John Thurdsday January 24th. 1765. 1765-01-24 I rode to Boston on Purpose to meet at Fitchs. Gridley came. We read the 3 first Titles of the...
393 Adams, John Thurdsday. Jany. 31st. 1765-01-31 The snowy Weather prevented me from going to Dudleys. The Sodality however met and read the two...
394 Adams, John Thurdsday. February 21st. 1765. 1765-02-21 At Boston, entertained the Sodality at Blodgets. We were never in better Spirits, or more Social....
395 Adams, John [February 1765] 1765-02-01 This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing,...
396 Adams, John [Fragmentary Draft of a Dissertation on Canon and … 1765-02-01 This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing,...
397 Adams, John [June 1765] 1765-06-07 £ s d June 7th. 1765. Paid at Goodwins for Dinners 0: 10: 0 Paid at Lovejoys for Lodging Suppers...
398 Adams, John [Accounts on the Eastern Circuit, 7–12 June 1765.] 1765-06-07 £ s d June 7th. 1765. Paid at Goodwins for Dinners 0: 10: 0 Paid at Lovejoys for Lodging Suppers...
399 Adams, John [August 1765] 1765-08-01 I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of...
400 Adams, John August 15th. 1765. 1765-08-15 I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of...
401 Adams, John [August 1765] 1765-08-01 Hannah Place vs. Atwood. Introduced into the family at 13. Constant Understanding that she should...
402 Adams, John [December 1765] 1765-12-18 How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer,...
403 Adams, John Braintree Decr. 18th. 1765. Wednesday. 1765-12-18 How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer,...
404 Adams, John Decr. 19th. 1765. 1765-12-19 A fair Morning after a severe Storm of 3 days and 4 Nights. A vast Quantity of rain fell. About...
405 Adams, John Fryday. Decr. 20th. 1765 1765-12-20 Went to Boston. Dined with Mr. Rowe, in Company with Messrs. Gridley, Otis, Kent, and Dudley....
406 Adams, John Saturday Decr. 21st. 1765. 1765-12-21 Spent the Morning in sauntering about, and chatting with one and another—The Sherriff, Mr....
407 Adams, John Sunday [22 December]. 1765-12-22 At Home, with my family. Thinking.
408 Adams, John 1765. December. 23d. Monday 1765-12-23 Went to Boston. After Dinner rambled after Messrs. Gridley and Otis but could find neither. Went...
409 Adams, John Decr. 24th. 1765. 1765-12-24 Returned from Boston. Spent the afternoon and Evening at Home.
410 Adams, John Decr. 25th. 1765. Christmas. 1765-12-25 At Home. Thinking, reading, searching, concerning Taxation without Consent, concerning the great...
411 Adams, John Decr. 26th. 1765 Thursday. 1765-12-26 At Home by the Fireside viewing with Pleasure, the falling Snow and the Prospect of a large one....
412 Adams, John Decr. 27th. 1765. Fryday. 1765-12-27 In unforeseen Cases, i.e. when the State of things is found such as the Author of the Disposition...
413 Adams, John Decr. 28th. 1765. Saturday. 1765-12-28 Went to Weymouth with my Wife. Dined at Father Smiths. Heard much of the Uneasiness among the...
414 Adams, John Decr. 29th. 1765. Sunday. 1765-12-29 Heard Parson Wibird. Hear O Heavens and give Ear O Earth, “I have nourished and brought up...
415 Adams, John 1765. Decr. 30th. Monday. 1765-12-30 We are now concluding the Year 1765, tomorrow is the last day, of a Year in which America has...
416 Adams, John 1765. Tuesday. Decr. 31st. 1765-12-31 Went to Mr. Jo. Bass’s and there read Yesterdays Paper. Walked in the Afternoon into the Common...
417 Adams, John [January 1766] 1766-01-01 Severe cold, and a Prospect of Snow. We are now upon the Beginning of a Year of greater...
418 Adams, John Anno Domini 1766: 1766. January 1st. Wednesday. 1766-01-01 Severe cold, and a Prospect of Snow. We are now upon the Beginning of a Year of greater...
419 Adams, John 1766. Jany. 2d. Thurdsday. 1766-01-02 A great Storm of Snow last night. Weather tempestuous all Day. Waddled thro the Snow, driving my...
420 Adams, John 1766. Jany. 3d. Fryday. 1766-01-03 Fair Weather and Snow enough. Major Miller, Dr. Savil and Mr. Joseph Penniman spent the Evening,...
421 Adams, John 1766. Jany. 4. Saturday. 1766-01-04 Edes & Gill’s Gazette brought in. I find that Somebody has published the very scene in...
422 Adams, John Sunday. Jany. 5th. 1766. 1766-01-05 Heard Mr. Wibird all Day. A Sacramental Sermon on “It is finished.—”
423 Adams, John Monday [6 January]. 1766-01-06 At Home. Mr. Smith and Mr. Penniman dined here.
424 Adams, John Tuesday [7 January]. 1766-01-07 At Boston. Hampden has given us in Yesterdays Gazette, a long Letter to Pym upon shutting up the...
425 Adams, John Wednesday Jany. 8th. 1766. 1766-01-08 At Home. Wrote &c.
426 Adams, John Thurdsday Jany. 9th. 1765 [i.e. 1766]. 1766-01-09 At Home. Must such a Number of new Crimes be committed, to decide which of these two, Caesar or...
427 Adams, John Thurdsday. Jany. 9th. 1766. 1766-01-09 At Home all day. Mr. Smith, Dr. Tufts, Dr. Savil, Mr. Bass &c. here.
428 Adams, John Fryday. Jany. 10th. 1766. 1766-01-10 Humphry Ploughjogger received a Letter from a Friend, thanking him for his good Advice and...
429 Adams, John Saturday Jany. 11th. 1766. 1766-01-11 A Rain. In one particular, I must confess the Americans have not acted with their usual Acuteness...
430 Adams, John Sunday Jany. 12th. 1766. 1766-01-12 Heard Mr. Wibird all day, at Evening Mr. Etter, here.