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Results 3801-3850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The inclosed letter from Mr Paleski, the Prussian Consul being marked “duplicate,” I suppose the...
The proceedings respecting Governor Hamilton and his companions previous to your arrival here you...
I was so fortunate as to recieve your No 25 on Wednesday which was the day in course but as it...
[ West Point ] August 28, 1779 . Justifies Major Henry Lee’s appointment to command of troops...
I enclose you an Act of Congress passed the 24th Inst. and am happy, in the first exercise of...
In the latter part of March last, a Gentleman in whose honour & veracity I have entire confidence...
In conversation with mr Gallatin yesterday as to what might be deemed the result of our Tuesday’s...
On the 18th of Decr I wrote a long Letter, advising you very fully of the state of affairs in...
In Answer to your Letter of the Instant which came to Hand on Wednesday Evening, I am to inform...
3810[Diary entry: 30 January 1797] (Washington Papers)
30. Clear, & somewhat cooler than yesterday &ca. [28]
Your letters of the 25th of April and 14th of May have duly reached me; since the receipt of that...
I beg leave to state to you some Circumstances attending, the Court Marshall held on me in Novr....
Inclosed I send you the bill you wish for on Paris and I have only to regret the determination...
I yesterday received yours of the 19 of October. Sometime Since I received the other of the 19th....
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 28 Nov. 1775. On 15 Dec. GW wrote to Reed...
Copy: Library of Congress I enclose the Letters for M. Beyerlé. But as by the Note concerning him...
Jefferson. Oct. 9.—letters written & recd.—prudential motives prevent friend & myself giving...
Dalla mia Scritale di New york avra inteso che M’inbarcai in detta Cità ⅌ questo porto di...
§ From Harry Toulmin. 8 August 1805 . “I mentioned to you in a letter some time since, that I...
Braintree, post 17 May 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
Mr Peyrouney solliciting for leave to attend the Assembly, hoping to have some allowance made for...
I return the letter from M r Cabell with your answer to it inclosed in yours of the 16 th just...
ALS and AL : American Philosophical Society I have been prevented from having the honor of...
On the reciept of your favour of the 17th. I applied to Mr. Willing, President of the bank, to...
In a letter from mr Paul Allen of Philadelphia , I was informed that other business had obliged...
Je profite d’un Courier que M. l’Ambassadeur se propose d’expédier demain ou après-demain à sa...
I thank you for your favor of the 22 inst & the two Connecticut gazettes which I have given to...
I have recd. fellow Citizens, the congratulations upon the conclusion of an honorable peace with...
I have received information that measures, imposing serious restrictions on our navigation and...
I have been honoured with your letter of the 26th. inst. enclosing the letters of Judge Campbell...
I recieved your letter my dear Child only a few days since and am charmed to find that George and...
The amount of the propositions this day made by the Creek Chiefs, are that we pay them $200,000...
I omitted in my letter of the 23d to say any thing on the subject of mr Wirt; which however was...
The favours and kindness, with which, I have been treated by you, Since the Year 1803, are too...
Mr Booth, a British merchant, taken with Ld Cornwallis at York, having been lately ordered on...
I have the Honor of enclosing you a Duplicate of my Letter by the last Mail and a Copy of the one...
I received by Mr. Poindexter your favor of July 21 . with copies of your will and deed of trust ....
I am unwilling to trouble you—though, from the interest you have expressed in my health, & in the...
I thank you for this Address which has been transmitted to me by The Chief Justice of the State,...
By means of a merchant vessel that sails from this place for L’Orient, I have the pleasure to...
+  considering the great captiousness of the opposition, I respectfully, suggest for...
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer copie d’une lettre que Je reςois de M. Gallatin en réponse à...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Lafreté a reçû a la Campagne le petit Billet de Monsieur...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Nov. 24. and am sorry that I am not able to serve your wishes:...
I recieve with due sensibility the mark of attention which the benevolent institution , in whose...
Reprinted from [Thomas Balch, ed.,] Letters and Papers Relating Chiefly to the Provincial History...
3847General Orders, 22 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton wrote Col. Samuel...
3848General Orders, 5 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
Brigade returns of the Drafts and recruits regimentally digested, who have joined since the last...
I had the Honor of writing you on the 1 Int. and enclosing some documents relative to this...
There being no established principles to govern the appointments to the vacancies of officers in...