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Results 3801-3850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Presuming your wonted goodness, and your avowed and laudable attacment to Divine truth, which is...
M r: Joy presents respectful Compliments to the Vice-President and takes the liberty to hand him...
At the desire of M r. Thaxter I have the honor of Informing you that the Packetboat which Sailled...
L’interest que je prends a vous, a votre santé, a celle de votre chere famille est trop sincere...
More Inclosures without Comments. From a Lover of Order, & your most Hble: Servt: Tuesday Evening...
In obedience to the order of the President of the United States, I have the honor to submit to...
A few Days since, I rec d your Letter of the 13 th of Decr last, without either of the Arrets...
In pursuance of a joint Resolution, of the two Houses of Congress, a copy of which is hereto...
I gladly embrace the first opportunity I have had of writing to you since you left this Country....
Your obliging favours of March 14, 16 and 22, have received, and most sincerely thank you for...
My grandson Th: Jefferson Randolph, being on a visit to Boston, would think he had seen nothing...
Mr. Butler returns His thanks to the V President for His Defence of the American...
The multiplicity of business, and of things that consume more time than business, have in spite...
I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement of goods, wares, and merchandise, exported from...
Mr T. Coxe has the honor respectfully to enclose to the V. President of the United States a...
By letters previously recd. from Stephen Higginson Esqr of Boston, I had been taught to expect...
A long abscence from your Native shore would insure a Welcome to a line from me had I no other...
J’ai l honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur Adams une Notice Sûre des Flottes parties de Brest dans le...
I am honored by the receipt of your favor of the 11 th. instant, and should not trouble again,...
I have the honor to transmit herewith in further pursuance of the order of the Senate of the 23rd...
It is A long time since I have had the pleasure of A line from you. I looked for one last post,...
I have waited on Mr. Luzac with the Crisis, who is much obliged to You for it, and will either...
Some more Enclosures without any addittionall Comments—But fearfull I may be deem’d Intrusive or...
I had the pleasure a few days since to receive your favour of the 11th inst. and was happy to...
I have misst my Good Friend Col. W arre n from Watertown in the conveyance of my Letters; you...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your several Letters dated August 15th, 23rd....
I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 26th, two of the 27th and two of the 29th...
I did myself the honor on the 19th. inst to enclose you the address of the Grand Jury for the...
The time cannot be very distant when you and I must both sleep with our fathers. The...
I have the honor of your letter of the 6th and will respond to it at my leisure another day. I...
With the most grateful and respectful sentiments, I return my acknowlegments for your valuable...
By the Maryland Sloop of war Cap. John Rodgers a Box or case was directed for You, and was...
Yours of the 6 8 th and 10 th came to me by the last Post. I too sometimes get dissapointed but I...
Inclosed is a rough Sketch of a plan, which, for ought I know, may be about as wise as an hundred...
I have the honor to transmit to you, from considerations both of duty and of prudence, a copy of...
The Bearer Lieu t. Col: Franks waits upon You with some Dispatches from M r. Jefferson on the...
I am ashamed when I look at the date of your last letter but knowing how much you are engaged &...
Is it not Strange, that this year—I Should not have received one Single line from those—whom I So...
In the Paris papers of the 6th. instant is an article respecting the american negotiation, that...
I received a day or two agone the vocabulary which I desir’d you to send, for which I am much...
I cannot omit so good an opportunity as offers by Mr. Church of telling you that we are all well....
The enclosed volume of a continuation of Massachusetts History, is introduced more abruptly to...
Mr Ceracchi’s respectfull compliments to the Wise President, and takes the Liberty to beg him to...
Yesterday I wrote you a few Lines by Docr. Tuffts informing you the Sons of Liberty Desired your...
Although I hear no more of Montezillo than of Boston—Yet I trust, that it is not unacceptable to...
Jan Wynzouw, citizen and native to this province, presently schoolmaster here, formerly in trade,...
M r. Bond delivered your Letter of the 20 th. of april I should have answered it sooner, but I...
We duely receiv’d the Letter with which your Excellency pleased to favour us the 19 th. of Novemb...
Yours of the 4t. Instant, I have received which I received by Via Watertown but As the post is...
I am requested by the Common Council of this City to inclose to You and to solicit your...