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Results 371-420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
371[Diary entry: 28 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 28th. Travell’d up the Branch about 30 Miles to Mr. James Rutlidge’s Horse Jockey & about 70 Miles from the Mouth. On 29 Mar. the party surveyed a tract of land for James Rutledge (surveying notes, DLC:GW ). Rutledge acquired 500 acres in Frederick County in May 1748 (Northern Neck Deeds and Grants, Book G, 56, Vi Microfilm). He was presumably a member of the family that had settled on...
372[Diary entry: 29 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 29th. This Morning went out & Survey’d five Hundred Acres of Land & went down to one Michael Stumps on the So. Fork of the Branch. On our way Shot two Wild Turkies. Michael Stump, Sr. (1709–1768), received a grant for Lot No. 3, on the South Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac, on 8 Sept. 1749 (Northern Neck Deeds and Grants, Book G, 227, Vi Microfilm).
373[Diary entry: 30 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. This Morning began our Intended Business of Laying of Lots. We began at the Boundary Line of the Northern 10 Miles above Stumps & run of two Lots & returnd to Stumps. On this day the party surveyed tracts for Peter Reid, Anthony Regar, Harmon Shoker, and Elias Cellars (surveying notes, DLC:GW ).
374[Diary entry: 31 March 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 31st. Early this Morning one of our Men went out with the Gun & soon Returnd with two Wild Turkies. We then went to our Business. Run of three Lots & returnd to our Camping place at Stumps.
375[April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three Lots & returnd to Camp. Saterday April 2d. Last Night was a blowing & Rainy night. Our Straw catch’d a Fire that we were laying upon & was luckily Preserv’d by one of our Mens awaking when it was in a ⟨   ⟩ We run of four Lots this day which Reached below Stumps. From 2 to 5 April the party...
376[Diary entry: 1 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three Lots & returnd to Camp.
377[Diary entry: 2 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday April 2d. Last Night was a blowing & Rainy night. Our Straw catch’d a Fire that we were laying upon & was luckily Preserv’d by one of our Mens awaking when it was in a ⟨   ⟩ We run of four Lots this day which Reached below Stumps. From 2 to 5 April the party surveyed tracts for Michael Calb. Liveron (?), Leonard Nass, Michael Stump, James Simpson, Philip Moore, the Widow Wolf, Henry...
ALS : Riverdale Country School, New York City I have a Letter from Mr. Samuel Lawrence of New York, (who undertook to ship the Guns for us) informing, that two small Vessels had been agreed with to bring them round; but a Sloop arriving there on Sunday last that had been chas’d in Lat. 35. by a Ship and Brigt. [brigantine] that were suppos’d to be Don Pedro with a Consort coming on this Coast,...
379[Diary entry: 3 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 3d. Last Night was a much more blostering night than the former. We had our Tent Carried Quite of with the Wind and was obliged to Lie the Latter part of the Night without covering. There came several Persons to see us this day one of our Men Shot a Wild Turkie.
380[Diary entry: 4 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 4th. This morning Mr. Fairfax left us with Intent to go down to the Mouth of the Branch. We did two Lots & was attended by a great Company of People Men Women & Children that attended us through the Woods as we went shewing there Antick tricks. I really think they seem to be as Ignorant a Set of People as the Indians. They would never speak English but when spoken to they speak all...
381[Diary entry: 5 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 5th. We went out & did 4 Lots. We were attended by the same Company of People that we had the day before.
382[Diary entry: 6 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 6th. Last Night was so Intolerably smoaky that we were obliged all hands to leave the Tent to the Mercy of the Wind and Fire this day was attended by our aforesd. Company untill about 12 oClock when we finish’d we travell’d down the Branch to Henry Vanmetris’s. On our Journey was catch’d in a very heavy Rain. We got under a Straw House untill the Worst of it was over & then continued...
383[Diary entry: 7 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 7th. Rain’d Successively all Last Night. This Morning one of our men Killed a Wild Turky that weight 20 Pounds. We went & Surveyd 15 Hundred Acres of Land & Returnd to Vanmetris’s about 1 oClock. About two I heard that Mr. Fairfax was come up & at 1 Peter Casseys about 2 Miles of in the same Old Field. I then took my Horse & went up to see him. We eat our Dinners & Walked down to...
384[Diary entry: 8 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday 8th. We breakfasted at Casseys & Rode down to Vanmetris’s to get all our Company together which when we had accomplished we Rode down below the Trough in order to Lay of Lots there. We laid of one this day. The Trough is couple of Ledges of Mountain Impassable running side & side together for above 7 or 8 Miles & the River down between them. You must Ride Round the back of the Mountain...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I received yours of 2d Instant last night and am obliged for your care of my Letters as I shall for any others [that] may come to you. I desire you to Send me your weekly news Paper at the price others give you. Sir with my Compliments to Mrs. Franklin, Your Ready Friend and humble Servant. On Belcher, see above, I , 176 n. He was appointed...
386[Diary entry: 9 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday 9th. Set the Surveyors to work whilst Mr. Fairfax & myself stayed at the Tent our Provision being all exhausted & the Person that was to bring us a Recruit disappointing us we were obliged to go without untill we could get some from the Neighbours which was not till about 4 or 5 oClock in the Evening. We then took our Leaves of the Rest of our Company Road Down to John Colins in order...
387[Diary entry: 10 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. We took our farewell of the Branch & travelld over Hills and Mountains to 1 Coddys on Great Cacapehon about 40 Miles. James Caudy (Coddy) owned some 98 acres of land in Frederick County. On 19 Mar. 1752 GW noted that “Pursuant to a Warrant from the Proprietors Office I have Surveyed for James Caudy of Great Cacapehon a certain tract of waste & ungranted Land on the So. Fork of...
388[Diary entry: 11 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 11th. We Travell’d from Coddys down to Frederick Town where we Reached about 12 oClock. We dined in Town and then went to Capt. Hites & Lodged.
ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia I was very fortunate to receive both thy Curious Experiments on Electricity. I have Imparted them to the Royal Society to whome they are very acceptable and they are now in the hands of our Ingenious Friend Mr. Watson Who has promissed as soone as his accounts are printed to send them to Thee with a Letter and hopes for thy further Favours. My Letters and...
390[Diary entry: 12 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 12th. We set of from Capt. Hites in order to go over Wms. Gap about 20 Miles and after Riding about 20 Miles we had 20 to go for we had lost ourselves & got up as High as Ashbys Bent. We did get over Wms. Gap that Night and as low as Wm. Wests in Fairfax County 18 Miles from the Top of the Ridge. This day see a Rattled Snake the first we had seen in all our Journey. Williams’ Gap was a...
391[Diary entry: 13 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday the 13th. of April 1748. Mr. Fairfax got safe home and I myself safe to my Brothers which concludes my Journal.
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was well pleased with thine of the 13th Inst. on both Accounts, that of the Guns and that also of the Militia with which Conr. Weiser was So well Satisfied that he declared at his Return hither, that he would not for Some pounds out of his own Pocket, but that Shekallemy one of the 6 Nations and his Son had Seen it, and these Indians...
MS not found; reprinted from Anderson Galleries, Sales Catalogue No. 800 (January 18, 1910), item 90. Please to pay Mr. Robert Dade or Order Thirty-one Pennyweight of Gold, and charge it to Account of, Sir Your humble Servant Col. Charles Carter (1707–1764), of Cleve, King George Co., Va.; son of Robert “King” Carter of Corotoman and uncle of Robert Carter of Nomini Hall, the Councillor. Va....
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I intirely condemn your Publication in your last Gazette of J.F.’s Paper in relation to me, without my approbation which I should never have granted and impute it more as the forward Act of D. Hall than of you both together, I desire that you would publish this in your next Gazette that you may make me all the Amends that now lies in your...
Letterbook copy (incomplete): Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have wrote a few lines to thee and D.H. as Authors of the Gazette of what you have inserted in your last in relation to me which thou may put into what Language thou pleases provided it answers my End. I impute it to D.H. and not to thy Self. But this comes to inquire particularly into the [ incomplete ]. BF ’s reply, May 10,...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1082 (April 11–12, 1913), p. 38. As to the Battery, it goes on very well, a great Number of Hands being employ’d upon it, who work with the utmost Diligence. I suppose that in a few Days the Platform will be ready to receive the cannon and the carriages are all made, a particular committee is employ’d in providing...
MS not found; reprinted from A Select Collection of Letters of the Late Reverend George Whitefield, M.A . … (London, 1772), II , 141–2. Inclosed you have a letter which you may print in your weekly paper. It brings good news from this little pleasant spot. If you could print it on half a sheet of paper, to distribute among the Bermudas captains, it might perhaps be serviceable. The inhabitants...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), pp. 10–15. I received your letter, with one for Benny, and one for Mr. Parker, and also two of Benny’s letters of complaint, which, as you observe, do not amount to much. I should have had a very bad opinion of him, if he had written to you those...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , June 2, 1748. The drawing of the First Philadelphia Lottery was followed immediately with a proposal to open a second, in which the tickets should be of four classes and prices instead of one, and prizes would be pieces of eight. To meet the demand for coin the Lottery Managers bought dollars in New York, Rhode Island, and Boston. Franklin printed 500...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Bearer Mr. Kalm Is an Ingenious Man and comes over on purpose to Improve himself in all Natural Inquiries. He is a Sweed per Nation and is as I am informed Imployed by the Academy of Upsal to make Observations on your Parts of the World. I recommend Him to thy Favour and Notice—by Him I send the first Vol. of the Voyage to Discover NorWest passage....
ALS : Joseph W. P. Frost, Kittery Point, Maine (1954) I receiv’d yours per Mr. Baynton with the Money as therein specified; and have since deliver’d it to Mr. Warren (who is now here) with Mr. Pepperill’s Letter; of which please advise Mr. Pepperill. I am Sir, Your most humble Servant Nathaniel Sparhawk (1715–1776), merchant at Portsmouth and Boston; married the daughter of Sir William...
Fredericksburg, 7 July 1748 . “This Indenture made the seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty eight Between Lawrence Washington and Nathaniel Chapman Gent. Executors of the last Will & Testament of Augustine Washington of the County of King George Gent. deceased of the one part, and Anthony Strother of the said County of King George Gent. of the other...
Printed in George Fisher, The American Instructor: or Young Man’s Best Companion . … The Ninth Edition Revised and Corrected. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, at the New-Printing-Office, in Market-Street, 1748. Pp. 375–7. (Yale University Library) George Fisher’s The Instructor: or Young Man’s Best Companion was a popular manual of English grammar, penmanship, composition,...
Extract : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The most friendly Advice I can give you, is, to begin paying the Debt immediately, tho’ in ever so small Sums. This will show an honest Disposition, and may in time compleat the whole. If you would stand fair in the Opinion of your Friends, and cannot pay the Principal, pay at least the Interest as it arises. BF ’s old friend and neighbor, who...
MS form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society James Read (see above, p. 39 n), Franklin’s neighbor and rival bookseller, in May received from the London printer William Strahan, whom he knew, a consignment of books valued at £131 16 s. 4 d. When three years passed without payment, Strahan gave Franklin power of attorney to collect the debt. “I have hitherto waited with...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I received your Favour of the 12th Inst. which gave me the greater Pleasure, as ’twas so long since I had heard from you. I congratulate you on your Return to your beloved Retirement: I too am taking the proper Measures for obtaining Leisure to enjoy Life and my Friends more than heretofore, having put my Printing house under the Care of my Partner David Hall,...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I have receiv’d your several Favours of April 1. June 2. June 14 and Augt. 20, and some others, with all the Books and Pamphlets you have sent at sundry Times for the Library Company: We wish it were in our Power to do you or any Friend of yours some Service in Return for your long-continued Kindness to us. I am pleas’d to hear that my Electrical Experiments were...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I receiv’d your Favour of April 25, with the Maps, &c. I am glad the Polybius did not come, and hope you will not have sent it when this reaches your Hands; it was intended for my Son, who was then in the Army, and seemed bent on a military Life; but as Peace cuts off his Prospect of Advancement in that Way, he will apply himself to other Business. Enclos’d I send...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 37–8. I received your favor of the 28th, with the piece on the Generation of Plants, for which I thank you. Mr. Sandin, the Swedish missionary, who gave me Wahlboom’s Oration to send you, (as he passed through this town from New York, where he just arrived, to Racoon Creek, where he was to be settled,) I have never seen since. Mr. Kalm came to...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VII , 39–40. I send you herewith the late Voyage for the Discovery of the Northwest Passage, which I hope may afford you some entertainment. If you have the Journal of the French Academicians to Lapland, I should be glad to see it. Probably [Charles Swaine], An Account of a Voyage For the Discovery of a North-West Passage by Hudson’s...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I here return thee Hen: Ellis’s Tract of his Voyage to Hudson’s Bay, which I have perused and I thank thee for the Loan of it. But I’m Sorry for the Loss of Sandin the Swedish Minister for they generally use to be a good Sort of People, their Ministers I mean. I know not what to think of Kalm. I had a Letter from Linnaeus 10 or 11 years Since...
ALS : Buffalo Historical Society I have just Time to acquaint you that yours per Cowie is this moment come to hand, with Mr. Read’s Account &c. I shall use my best Endeavours to get your Money, and am not without Hopes of Succeeding. I wrote you the 19th past, and sent a Power with the first of the enclos’d Certificates, which I hope will get safe to hand. You may depend on having the Ballance...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 1, 1748; also copy: MS Minutes, Philadelphia Common Council, The Free Library of Philadelphia. Franklin was chosen a member of the Philadelphia Common Council, Oct. 4, 1748. Mayor Charles Willing proposed, Nov. 24, a congratulatory address to James Hamilton, newly appointed governor, upon his arrival in Pennsylvania; the Council agreed, and named...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 9th Inst. with the Voyage in Search of the N.W. Passage; I have been several Times since at Kalm’s Lodgings, but never happen’d to meet with him, he being almost always in the Country. I have got the 2d Vol. of Dialogues on Education, which your Son Jemmey told me you once had a Desire to see. If you have not since seen it,...
Draft: New York Public Library ’Tis some Time since I receiv’d a considerable Account against you from England. An Unwillingness to give you Concern has hitherto prevented my mentioning it to you. By comparing the Moderation and long Forbearance towards you of Mr. Strahan, to whom you owe so much, with your Treatment of an old Friend in Distress, bred up with you under the same Roof, and who...
As its the greatest mark of friendship and esteem absent Friends can shew each other in Writing and often communicating their thoughts to his fellow companions mak⟨es⟩ me endeavour to signalize myself in acquainting you from time to time and at all times my situation and employments of Life and could Wish you would take half the Pains of contriving me a Letter by any oppertunity as you may be...
417GW to ——, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
I should receive a Letter or Letters from you by the first and all oppertunetys with the greatest sense or mark of your esteem and affection whereas its the greatest Pleasure I can yet forsee of having in fairfax to hear from my Intimate friends and acquaintances I hope you in particular ⟨wi⟩ll not Bauk me of what I so ardently Wish for. ADf , DLC:GW . For background to this letter, see the...
As its the greatest mark of friendship and esteem you can shew to an absent Friend In often Writing to him so hope youl not deny me that Favour as its so ardently wish’d and Desired by me its the greatest pleasure I can yet forsee of having in fairfax to hear from my friends Particularly yourself was my affections disengaged I might perhaps form some pleasures in the conversasions of an...
This comes to Fredericksburg fair in hopes of meeting with a speedy Passage to you if your not there which hope you’l get shortly altho. I am almost discouraged from Writing to you as this is my fou[r]th to you since I receivd any from yourself. I hope you’l not make the Old Proverb good out of sight out of Mind as it’s one of the greatest Pleasures I can yet foresee of having in Fairfax in...
The Receipt of your kind favor of the 2d of this Instant afforded Me unspeakable pleasure as I am convinced I am still in the Memory of so Worthy a friend a friendship I shall ever be proud of Increasing you gave me the more pleasure as I receiv’d it amongst a parcel of Barbarian’s and an uncooth set of People the like favour often repeated would give me Pleasure altho. I seem to be in a Place...