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Results 3701-3750 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3701 Brown, Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Jacob Brown, 1 October 1825 1825-10-01 Mr. Browere waits on you and Mrs. Madison with the expectation of being permitted to take your...
3702 Dunglison, Robley Board of Visitors From Robley Dunglison to the Board of Visitors, 1 … 1825-10-01 I am directed by the Faculty of the University to request your particular attention to their...
3703 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 1 … 1825-10-01 In the Report of the Visitors we shall state 1. the number of Students matriculated at the...
3704 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 1 … 1825-10-01 You will see from the within, I have brought M r W. J. Coffee down in his charges for his...
3705 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 1 October 1825 1825-10-01 I have procured the Cask Wine you write for, but have not obtained a Waggon to carry it on yet, I...
3706 Dunglison, Robley University of Virginia Board of Visitors From Robley Dunglison to University of Virginia Board … 1825-10-01 I am directed by the Faculty of the University to request your particular attention to their...
3707 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp … 1825-09-01 Often when I labour in my garden,—and I do so usually from sunrise till its setting—I expatiate...
3708 Jefferson, Thomas Bonnycastle, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Bonnycastle, 30 … 1825-09-30 Ideas on the subject of a Meridian for the University. The small mountain a little to the West of...
3709 LeRoy, Bayard & Co. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bayard & Co. LeRoy, 30 … 1825-09-30 We have the honor to receive your favor 16 instant—and have shipped the parcel of Books from M r...
3710 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 30 … 1825-09-30 When I received your Polygraph, I repaired the springs, then made an essay to write with it,...
3711 Jefferson, Thomas Thompson, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Thompson, 30 … 1825-09-30 You will by this time I hope have recieved from Col o Peyton the sum of the freight duty &...
3712 Murot, Achille Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Achille Murot, 29 September … 1825-09-29 Ayant l’intention de traduire en Anglois les ouvrages de Filangieri, j’ai tache depuis quelque...
3713 Browere, John H. I. Madison, James To James Madison from John H. I. Browere, 28 September … 1825-09-28 Yours of the 24th inst has just been received; and I hasten to return thanks for a continuance of...
3714 Hemings, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Hemings, 28 September … 1825-09-28 I hope this may find you well with all my hart for it is my wish I shal be don my works on...
3715 Vail, Eugene A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Eugene A. Vail, 27 September … 1825-09-27 The accompanying volumes, four in number, were left by my venerable friend Lafayette to be...
3716 Madison, James Brennan, John From James Madison to John Brennan, 26 September 1825 1825-09-26 I have recd. yr. letter of the 16th. inst: from which I find that I have but imperfectly...
3717 Pini, Andrea Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrea Pini, 26 September 1825 1825-09-26 I sottoscritti riconoscano di aver Ricevuto dal Sig re Tommaso Jefferson di Virginia negli...
3718 Kean, John V. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John V. Kean, 25 September … 1825-09-25 Agreeably to your directions I have brought back from Mr Jones’s ‘Bancroft,’‘Calvini Lexicon....
3719 Madison, James Clay, Henry From James Madison to Henry Clay, 24 September 1825 1825-09-24 Since I took the liberty of mentioning to you the name of young Mr. Waugh who wishes to be a...
3720 Maclure, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Maclure, 24 September … 1825-09-24 I wrote you a few weeks ago informing of of Michaux to the care of Col o Peyton Richmond Since...
3721 Meriwether, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Meriwether, 24 … 1825-09-24 This will be handed to you by my Nephew M r Edward Barker and my two oldest sons Charles &...
3722 Dunglison, Robley Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robley Dunglison, 23 September … 1825-09-23 One of those troublesome ailments to which I have lately been so subject, is again infesting me...
3723 Adams, John Boylston, Ward Nicholas From John Adams to Ward Nicholas Boylston, 22 September … 1825-09-22 I am suffering under a bitter repentance in neglecting to write & thank you for your last kind...
3724 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Alexander Scammell … 1825-09-22 Your letter of the 13 th was received yesterday.—As you are entitled to a credit of eight, ten &...
3725 Woodward, Augustus Elias Brevoort Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Augustus Elias Brevoort … 1825-09-22 The undersigned regrets that being so near Monticello he cannot avail himself of the opportunity...
3726 Jefferson, Thomas Voigt, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Voigt, 21 September … 1825-09-21 The University of Virga lately built with which I am connected will have occasion for a large...
3727 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 20 … 1825-09-20 I inclose you a statement of the administration of the library fund which is perfectly accurate....
3728 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Alexander Scammell … 1825-09-20 I have shipped the Marble capitals on board the Schooner Gen l Jackson & consigned them to Col....
3729 Jefferson, Thomas Mease, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Mease, 20 September 1825 1825-09-20 In the P.S. of my letter of the 16 th I made the mistake of writing S.E. instead N.E. it was the...
3730 Jefferson, Thomas TJ: Statement of the University of Virginia Library … 1825-09-19 A Statement of the Library fund. Sep. 19. 25. to wit of 50,000 D For finishing the Library room 6...
3731 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 18 … 1825-09-18 After Such a long protracted Silence you will not find fault, that I indulge once more in writing...
3732 Hemings, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Hemings, 18 September … 1825-09-18 dear Sir your Letter dated augut 17 th Came to me september 7 th your Last on the 16 th sep I am...
3733 Trist, Nicholas Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicholas Philip Trist, 18 … 1825-09-18 Several circumstances, in relation to the University, have come to my knowledge, which, under the...
3734 Madison, James Browere, John H. I. From James Madison to John H. I. Browere, 17 September … 1825-09-17 I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 12th. desiring my consent to be a subject for your...
3735 Madison, James Pickering, Timothy From James Madison to Timothy Pickering, 17 September … 1825-09-17 I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 7th. instant, inclosing Nos. 5 & 6. of the New England...
3736 Thomas, John L. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John L. Thomas, 17 September … 1825-09-17 Capt Garrett having informed me that It will be necessary for me to make out a statement of the...
3737 Adams, John Perkins, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Perkins, 16 September 1825 1825-09-16 I am deeply indebted to you for a polite and friendly letter and for a noble basket of Grapes,...
3738 Brennan, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Brennan, 16 September 1825 1825-09-16 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the letter you were pleased to write to me on the...
3739 Jefferson, Thomas Clark, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Clark, 16 September … 1825-09-16 Having been confined to the house by sickness now 4. months I can no further comply with the...
3740 Jefferson, Thomas Heiskell, A. St. C. From Thomas Jefferson to A. St. C. Heiskell, 16 … 1825-09-16 When your acc t headed against myself was handed to me, I knew nothing of that headed against Col...
3741 Heiskell, A. St. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from A. St. C. Heiskell, 16 … 1825-09-16 Your kind letter was left at my Store in my absence, or I would have answered it by the Boy who...
3742 Jefferson, Thomas Hilliard, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Hilliard, 16 September … 1825-09-16 your’s of the 2 d is recieved, and to the question respecting Barrow’s works and Bruce as to size...
3743 Jefferson, Thomas LeRoy, Bayard & Co. From Thomas Jefferson to Bayard & Co. LeRoy, 16 … 1825-09-16 The honble mr Dennison (one of the members of parliament lately in this country) by a lre from...
3744 Jefferson, Thomas Mease, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Mease, 16 September 1825 1825-09-16 It is not for me to estimate the importance of the circumstances concerning which your letter of...
3745 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 16 September … 1825-09-16 I am not able to give you any particular account of the paper handed you by mr Lee, as being...
3746 Madison, James Scott, Alexander From James Madison to Alexander Scott, 15 September … 1825-09-15 I wish my memory could furnish more light on the subject of your letter of the 10th. than is...
3747 Jefferson, Thomas Peale, Charles Willson From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, 15 … 1825-09-15 I recieved yesterday, and with great pleasure, your favor of the 10 th informing me of your good...
3748 Jefferson, Thomas Rush, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Rush, 14 September … 1825-09-14 I am later than my wishes in offering you my congratulns on your safe return to your own country....
3749 Beatty, A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from A. Beatty, 13 September 1825 1825-09-13 It is with some degree of hesitancy that I venture to enclose, for your perusal, the numbers of...
3750 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 13 … 1825-09-13 The capitels are arrived at Boston and now on their way to Richm d the balance due to mr Appleton...