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Results 36801-36850 of 184,431 sorted by author
By Major Barbee I send you a lump of Salt broken from the Salt mountain on the Arkinsas River by...
The small salary of 800$. which I receive as Judge here does not support my Family: Many offices...
I understand that the Senators & Representatives from Tennessee and Mr Marshall of Kentucky have...
By the Treaty of peace between the United States and the Indian Tribes North West of the River...
The small sallery I receive as Judge of this Territory does not Support my Family. Many Offices...
Permit me, most respectfully to congratulate yr. Excellency on yr. advancemt. to this, your...
The petition of Wm Davis, of Boston, humbly sheweth that, whereas, since the Year 1776, yr...
23 April 1813, Newburyport. “The Humble Petition of the Parents Relatives & Friends of the...
Davy, Roberts & Co. present Respects to the President & request his Acceptance of a Box of...
A Gentleman now in England has requested me to forward to you Sir! the inclosed elegant Print of...
My Son entrusted to me, the Care of procuring & forwarding to You, four Volumes of Syms’s Embassy...
§ From William Davy. 5 October 1805, Germantown. “The Bearer Mr John Joseph Fraissinet is a...
F rom a variety of causes, and more particularly the late embargo, a spirit of enterprize in the...
To His Excellency George Washington Esqr. President of the united States of America, the...
Presuming that the Government, may soon have Occasion to ingage another Merchant Ship, to take...
I had this day an opportunity to examine our Town Records. In May 1765 the representatives chosen...
I have been informed in a respectful tho’ not official manner that the President of the United...
Having been lately introduced to your Excellency’s person, my constraint in making this...
I hope and trust that I shall not offend you by any thing in this communication. What is every...
The little book which I send you I saw in the shop of Williams the bookseller, Yesterday....
Inclosed is a copy of a Memorial from the Massachusetts Peace Society which from civility due to...
As Commanding Officer of His Majesty’s Ships at New York, I have received your Letter of the 25th...
On yesterday I recievd your letter of the 15. & on the day before wrote to you. The opposition...
Letter not found. 10 July 1797. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 2 Aug. 1797 . Informs JM that James...
Letter not found: from John Dawson, 23 Feb. 1789. On 5 Mar. GW wrote to Dawson : “I have duly...
The last evenings stage brought me your letter & a paper of the 21. of the last month. Before it...
Your session no doubt commencd on the last monday & the communications which you will have it in...
The recent outrage near our capes has excited an indignant feeling which extends to every...
By yesterday’s post of receiv’d your two letters dated on Monday and Wednesday. The legislature...
It is now several months since I was honord with a letter from you. During the recess of...
I left Philaa. on the 1st. & arrivd here on the 5. In the morning I shall go to Richmond for a...
I am honord with your favour of the 21st. inst., for which youll be pleased to recieve my thanks....
I am favour’d with your letter of the 24 ulto. with a paper inclos’d, for which I beg you’ll...
I will Thank-you kindly to inform me whether or not you receivd a letter which I took the liberty...
By the mail on Thursday I recievd your favour of the Int. On the 12 of the last month we sent a...
This will find you on your farm & I hope with restord health. According to practice we have had a...
I have reason to believe that you think favourably of Captain Barney —an intimate acquaintance...
We have an account here that France has made peace with Prussia, which seems to gain belief—the...
I have recievd your favour of the 26th. ultimo, & now enclose you an insurance & a letter for...
This will be handed to you by Capn. Barney, who believes, and I believe with him, that he has...
I have heard that Genl. Hull will not act as the Governor of Michigan—shoud that be the case, and...
I take the liberty of forwarding to you two resolutions which have pass’d both houses, on the...
I[t] behoves us to be on our guard, for you may be assurd, that notwithstanding the known view of...
On my arrival in this town, on the last evening, I was much disappointed in receiving no letter...
By yesterday’s post of receivd your favour of Friday. Shou’d Trenton be substituted by the Senate...
When you were in this town I took the liberty of mentioning to you that I expected a bill from...
Mrs. Wood wishes to have some conversation with you on a subject in which she is deeply...
By the saturdays mail I recievd your favour —the one due on today is not yet in, altho it is...
You will be pleas’d to accept my thanks for the Journals receivd a few days since by mr. Hopkins,...
The votes of all the states are now assertaind except Kentucky and Tennessee, of which a doubt...