James Madison Papers

Charles G. Ridgely to James Madison, 8 February 1834

U.S. Naval Lyceum
Navy Yard New YorkFebruary 8th 1834


At a special meeting of the members of the US. Naval Lyceum holden at this place, you were elected an Honorary member of the Institute, and I am directed, as its President to notify you.

The honor conferred by making me their organ of communication, with one so elevated and distinguished, whose whole life is identified with all that has tended to the glory and happiness of our common country and its people, is of itself, one of the most gratifying character; and when we look back, and remember that it was from you, as our respectable Chief Magistrate, that most of us who constitute this association, received our first commissions in the Naval Service of our Country, it is with kind and elevated feelings and grateful hearts towards you, we ask your acceptance of this small tribute of our sincere esteem.

That you may long live in health and happiness, and continue to aid our Country by your counsel and advice, is the sincere prayer of Your Obedient Humble Servant,

Ch. G. Ridgely

Commanding U.S. Naval Station & Yard New York 

RC and enclosure (DLC). The enclosure is a roll of officers and honorary members of U. S. Naval Lyceum.

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