James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Coleby Cowherd, [12 October 1825]

To Coleby Cowherd

[12 October 1825]

On or before the first day of January one thousand eight and twenty eight, I James Madison of the County of Orange, promise and oblige myself, my heirs executors and administrators to pay or cause to be paid unto Coleby Cowherd guardian of Lucy W Daniel, Orphan of John Daniel deceased, the just and full sum of one thousand dollars for value received; As witness my hand & seal this twelvth day of October 18 hundred and twenty five

James Madison [seal]

Charles Scott

Ms (DLC). In John C. Payne’s hand, signed by JM and Charles Scott. On the verso at one end, in Cowherd’s hand, is a list of dates beginning January 1829 for which interest on the debt was credited for six years following to 1834. At the opposite end is a note in Payne’s hand, signed by Cowherd: “Recd. 31. October 1834 of James Madison payment in full of the principal and interest due on the within bond.”

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