Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [23 September 1801]

To Elizabeth Hamilton1

[New York, September 23, 1801]

I am vexed and chagrined, My beloved Eliza, that I cannot come out2 to day as I intended. I had requested a Meeting of the Manumission Society for this forenoon; but for some reason unknown to me, it is called for this Evening seven oClock. I cannot of course help attending and I have little hope that it will break up in time to make the journey this Evening.

To indemnify myself, in some sort, I shall come out early tomorrow, and shall stay without until the stage calls for me on Friday Afternoon.3

Adieu my dearest life


ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1For background to this letter, see William W. Woolsey to H, September 4, 1801.

2H is referring to his home in upper Manhattan, called the Grange. See the introductory note to Philip Schuyler to H, July 17, 1800.

3At the bottom of this letter Elizabeth Hamilton wrote: “Marbels for William, a doll for Eliza.” William Stephen Hamilton was born on August 4, 1797; Eliza Hamilton was born on November 26, 1799.

On the back of this letter Elizabeth Hamilton wrote: “Mrs. Hamilton will thanke Mr Piriam [to] purchase two Iron shovels for throwing out the Earth they must be English tight I.”

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