Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Louis-Casimir, Baron de Holtzendorff, 28 May 1779

From Louis-Casimir, Baron de Holtzendorff4

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris May 28th. 1779./.


You have been so Kind as to forward some Letters, from your country, to London, which I had the honour to give you when I arrived; therefore I do myself the pleasure to send you hereby three other ones, I received Lately from carolina I can’t tell by which way, hoping you will be so good again as to forward them too.5

As for the rest, I’m flattring myself, that Congress, by your interposition, will at length do me the justice I merit from them,6 & I dare say I wait for their favorable answer with the more impatience, as I would be entirely ruined, if they should not comply with my just claims & their own resolves, in a convenient manner: I had, I believe, the honour to tell you lately, that I applied to the Count de Vergennes and begged his most Christian Majesty’s protection by Congress about that Subject; & me thinks, Congress will take that recommandation into their most Serious consideration.— You will, Sir, do me a very singular favour to let me Know their answer whatsoever it may be as soon as you receive any.

I have the honour to remain very respectfully Sir—your most obedient humble Servant


The honble. Dr. Benjamin Franklin./.

Notation: Baron de holkendor. Paris 28 may 1779.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A former colonel in the American army, who had resigned his commission in early 1778: XXIV, 267n; XXV, 384n, 706.

5When Holtzendorff returned to Europe he brought letters to BF from Michael Hillegas and Richard Peters, and presented his own memorial: XXV, 706–7; XXVI, 53; XXVIII, 296–7. We have no record of either of the sets of letters he wished forwarded to London.

6Holtzendorff had written on several occasions to ask BF’s help in obtaining reimbursement for his travel expenses: XXVIII, 364–5. Meanwhile he elected to pursue a career in the French army; he was named captain in the regiment of Anhalt on April 29, 1779: Bodinier, Dictionnaire.

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