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Results 36501-36550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You have been so Kind as to forward some Letters, from your...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Jones presents his best respects to Dr. Franklin. Since I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honnor to Inform you, that I am Security for, &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With greatest Respect, I take the present Liberty to...
36505General Orders, 28 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date...
The knowledge you have of the general situation of the enemy makes it unnecessary I should enter...
When you have adjusted the Arrangements and points of rank in the cases more particularly...
Your letter of the 26th of last Month accompanied by a piece of Cloth made of Buffaloes hair, &...
I have duly received your favours of the 17th 18th and 20th—with their inclosures. The...
I have been honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 22d instant, and am happy to hear that...
I have the honor to inclose you copies of two resolutions of Congress one of the 17th relating to...
In consequence of a Circular letter from your Excellency desiring my claim of Rank & that of the...
I am honoured with your letter of this day, and however incapable of so Great a Task, Shall in...
I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency, that after a variety of attempts, and much time...
I last evening received your favor of the 25th instant; that of the 23d came to hand a few days...
Your favours of the 11th and 15th instant came duly to hand with Lieut. Jackson’s and Ensign...
A few days ago I was hond with your polite and obliging favor of the 6th Instt accompanied by a...
Yesterday I Receivd your order of the 26th to march, Last Evening one of the 27th encludeing...
I received last night your favour of the 26th and am happy to hear that your main difficulty on...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 29, 1779 . Orders St. Clair’s division to the heights between...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: American Philosophical Society The...
36522General Orders, 29 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
A General Court-Martial of the line is to be held on tuesday next the 1st of June at the usual...
I have received a Copy of Your Letter of the 27th Instant to Major General Greene, Quarter Master...
We do ourselves the Honour to inclose you a representation of Major Ryan with General Wayne’s...
I have the Honor to inclose Colo. Clarks Journal containing an account of his success against...
I received a few days ago the inclosed Arrangement of the four Regiments in your Brigade in a...
I was a Day or two since honour’d wth yours of the 15th enclosing one for the Honble Council of...
As I understand that a board of General Officers is to sit this Day, to determine the relative...
I have this moment received the inclosed Intelligence. The Enemy’s march to the plains is very...
I received Your Letter of the 11th April last and shou’d have answered it before this day, but...
Your Excellencys favours of the fifteenth—Instant and of the twenty second (Circular) have both...
You will be pleased to march immediately with the division under your command, by way of Quibble...
I have duly received your favour of the 15th Inst. dated at Williamsburg. In my Letter of the...
I can only lament that necessity which has produced your letter of the 10th, and obliges you to...
Press S—— C—— to contrive if possible some expeditious way of communicating his intelligence to...
I suppose Your Excellency is not wholly unacquainted with the Character of Mr David Bushnell the...
I am sorry, and ask your pardon for keeping the inclosed so long —I recollect your giving it to...
Your Letter of the 19th which came to hand by the last Post gives a melancholy acct of your...
[ Williamsburg, 29 May 1779 .] This Bill is substantially the same as that drawn by TJ in 1776...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favours of the 14th. 18th. and 21st. Instant. You...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 30, 1779 . Sends instructions concerning brigade artillery. Df ,...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 30, 1779 . Is concerned with the state of McDougall’s supplies....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberte to wright to you for to tell you that I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I left Cheam yesterday morning, my mother and children all...
36545General Orders, 30 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
The board of General Officers that sat on the 28th instant in consequence of the order of the day...
I have the Honor to transmit you an Arrangement of the Officers in the Maryland line—and have to...
by a Verry Intelligent Person from Bergen, this day I have the following Intelligence—that the...
The Deputy Q. M. General in This Department, Colonel Bowen, who was Absent in the Country upon...
I have read your Excellencys letter to Col. Biddle upon the subject of procureing forage; and...
The situation of our affairs and the general prospects of the campaign require that the army...