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Results 36481-36510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have now lying before me your Letter dated the instant. It contains important facts with many of which I had previously become acquainted but I dare not communicate the Contents because the Idea that two States will on a second Ballot come over forms already a Reason with the federal Members in the House of Representatives for supporting Mr Burr. They now seriously and generally after much...
Washington, January 27, 1801. Requests a certificate indicating that his son, Lieutenant John Glen, performed extra service on Hamilton’s orders. States that his son needs this certificate to obtain “his pay Rations & Extra Allowances.” Copy, Schenectady County Historical Society, Schenectady, New York. Glen, a Schenectady merchant, was a member of the Provincial Congress and a deputy...
Yr. favor was duely recd & would have been replied to immediately, had not the subject it regards been so momentous & was I not solicitous to communicate my final decision to you thereupon. It is certainly cause of no little regret in my mind to find myself in opposition to you on any occurrence, especially on one so important as that which now presents itself. But really my friend after much...
I Have not, Since my Return to france, Received a Line from you—yet I am Sure you are affectionately interested in every Account Which Concerns me. The departure of Mr pichon for the United States affords me a Good Opportunity to write. He Has much pleased me by His eager wishes and Useful Exertions for a Reconciliation Between Both Countries. He Speaks of America and Americans in terms...
[ New York ] February 10 [ 1802 ]. States that he is “of Counsel” in the case of Steinbach adm United States and asks Livingston for permission to examine the witnesses “ de bene esse .” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Joaquim L. Steinbach was a New York City merchant and shipowner. An entry in H’s Law Register, 1795–1804, reads: “Steinbach adsm UStates
[ New York, February 11, 1801. On February 12, 1801, Tilghman wrote to Hamilton : “Your Favor of Yesterday is before me.” Letter not found. ] Tilghman was a lawyer in Philadelphia.
February 12, 1801. Acknowledges Hamilton’s letter of February 11, 1801 . Discusses several lawsuits involving the capture and resale of American-owned vessels by foreign nations and the settlement of the cases in United States courts. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Letter not found. H wanted this information for the case of John C. Vandenheuvel v United Insurance Company , which...
At present I have not Leisure to mention more on the subject, than that the Gentleman who was thought of for a certain Employment, declines it—nor does he know of any Person who wd. probably be willing and also well qualified to execute what would be expected from him as necessary to ensure Success to the Plan. Yours ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. In JCHW John C. Hamilton, ed.,...
As the period when Congress will rise is close at hand, and the opportunity of your saving us from ruin by a fair representation of facts must then, in all probability, cease, we take the liberty, with great respect, of praying your attention, to the Letter we address’d you some time since, and remain Your Most obedient & very humble servants. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. The...
We have reached this place for the night, after a very tolerable journey. I am in much better health than Spirits. The swiss-malady grows upon me very fast—in other words I am more and more homesick. This added to some other circumstances that do not give me pleasure at the present moment makes me rather heavy hearted. But we must make the best of those ills which cannot be avoided. The...
[ Albany, February 21, 1801. “I wrote to you my beloved from Poughkeepsie by post yesterday immediately on my arrival by Mr. Ephraim Hart of the tribe of Benjamin or Judah.… Mr. Burr, as a proof of his conversion to Federalism, has within a fortnight taken a very active and officious part against Renssalaer in favour of Clinton. Tell this to Mr. Church. And let me tell you what is of much more...
After my ill success hitherto, I ought perhaps in prudence to say nothing further on the subject. But situated as things now are I certainly have no advice to give. Yet I may without impropriety communicate a fact. It is this—Colonel Burr is taking an active personal part in favour of Mr Clinton against Mr Rensselaer as Governor of this State. I have upon my honor direct & indubitable evidence...
I have the honor to inform you, that at A meeting of the Society for the promotion of Agriculture Arts & Manufactures Held in the Senate Chamber on the 11th Feby 1801 You was duly elected a Member thereof. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. DeWitt, a graduate of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in 1797, practiced medicine in Albany. After George Clinton became governor of New...
Your Sister Peggy has gradually grown worse & is now in a situation that her dissolution in the opinion of the Doctor is not likely to be long delayed. The Lt Governor sends the bearer to bring home his Child. I have not time to add more. Adieu My Eliza ALS , Mr. Andrew Joyner, Greensboro, North Carolina. H was in Albany attending the New York Court of Errors. See H to Elizabeth Hamilton,...
[ New York, February 26, 1801. On March 6, 1801, Hamilton wrote to Ingraham and acknowledged the receipt of “Your letter of the 26th of February.” Letter not found. ] Ingraham, a former ship captain from Massachusetts who had served on board the Bonhomme Richard in its famous encounter with the Serapis , was a New York City shipowner, merchant, and land speculator.
Albany, March 6, 1801. Acknowledges receipt of Ingraham’s letter of February 26, 1801 . Regrets that he cannot serve as Ingraham’s attorney because of unavoidable delay in Albany. ALS , Mrs. Jean Ahnfeldt, Los Altos, California. Letter not found. Ingraham was declared a bankrupt on February 19, 1801 (RG 21, Records of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York,...
I left Washington the 5th. and arrived here last evening. The letter which you did me the honor to write the 22d Ult. reached me on the 4th when I was occupied in arrangements for leaving the Seat of government. I remained in Washington on the 4th. thro’ necessity tho not without some curiosity to see the inauguration & to hear the speech. The scene was the same as exhibited upon former...
[ Albany, March 8, 1801. On March 9, 1801 , Hamilton wrote to his wife: “Yesterday, My beloved Eliza, I wrote you.” Letter not found. ]
Yesterday, My beloved Eliza, I wrote you by water to the care of a Capt Boyed. I in that letter informed you of my painful detention here by the slow progress of the Court and of my extreme anxiety to be with you. Your Sister Peggy had a better night last night than for three weeks past and is much easier this morning. Yet her situation is such as only to authorise a glimmering of hope. Adieu...
The Senate has refused on account of the interference with other business to hear any more causes this session; so that were it not for the situation of your Sister Peggy, her request that I would stay a few days longer and the like request of your father and mother, I could now return to you. But how can I resist these motives for continuing a while longer? Things must change this week but at...
I am enjoined by the genl. Committee to tax your Goodness to prepare a short, temperate & pertinent supplementary Address by way of reply to that of our Opponents. This tax will be levied & collected without communicating whence it is derived. Yours &c. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Van Vechten, an Albany lawyer and Federalist, served in the New York Senate from 1798 to 1805. In...
On Saturday, My Dear Eliza, your sister took leave of her sufferings and friends, I trust, to find repose and happiness in a better country. Viewing all that she had endured for so long a time, I could not but feel a relief in the termination of the scene. She was sensible to the last and resigned to the important change. Your father and mother are now calm. All is as well as it can be; except...
Albany, March 21, 1801. Repeats earlier requests to Hamilton. States: “I wrote you twice from the City of Washington but mist you going to Alby. & yesterday I came down to this City on purpose But you had Saild. about 2-Hours.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Glen to H, January 27, 1801 . The other letter from Glen has not been found. H had been in Albany attending the New York...
To the Electors of the State of New-York Fellow-Citizens! We lately addressed you on the subject of the ensuing election for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor—recommending to your support Stephen Van Rensselaer and James Watson . Since that we have seen the address of our opponents, urging your preference of George Clinton and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. The whole tenor of our address carries with...
We did not leave Albany till near twelve on Friday and the next day about one, I arrived here —where I found the two families in good health. The darkness of the night obliged us to come to Anchor in Haverstraw Bay. About mid-night we were alarmed with the cry of “All hands upon Deck.” You will imagine we were not slow in our obedience. No sooner were we on Deck than we perceived by a flame...
Our Government is doubtless informed of the Treaty between this Republic and Spain for the cession of Louisiana of which Collaud is to be Governor. I am told it is concluded. Copy, in H’s handwriting, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Constable was a New York City merchant and speculator in, among other things, lands in western New York State. In...
Kingston [ New York ] March 24, 1801 . Requests Hamilton’s opinion on the will of Cornelius Newkirk. States: “mr. Clinton will have nothing to boast of in the County of Ulster. We may give Mr. V.R. from one to two hundred Majority.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Gardenier was a Federalist and a lawyer in Kingston, New York. Newkirk, a resident of Hurley, New York, died in...
New York, March 25, 1801. Gives opinion concerning the right of Nathanael Greene’s executors to sell lands in his estate in New York State. ALS , The Sol Feinstone Collection, Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. For background to this letter, see Wadsworth to H, August 23, 1800 .
I am happy that you have escaped the danger with which you was threatened by the fire in the vessel in which you were. Had you perished, my calamity would have been compleat. I thank heaven that it is otherwise. I am, however, not perfectly at ease on your account—that unremitted exertion of the mind, and without bodily exercise, will injure if not destroy the machine. Let me, therefore,...
[ Providence, April 9, 1801. On June 9, 1801, Olney wrote to Hamilton : “I addressed you on the 9 April last.” Letter not found. ]