Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, [c. 26 May 1779]

From Lafayette

AL: American Philosophical Society

[c. May 26, 1779]9

Dear Sir

I have just now Receiv’d a letter from the President of Congress which I think Should be in Compagny with Many others—1 I therefore wish to know before My departure when did the pacquet sail from America, what kind of ship she was, what News or what people she brought with her— that I do’nt only desire as an american citizen who wants to hear from his Country, but moreover I expect Some aids de Camps with dispatches who Might have arriv’d with that ship, and whom I should expect instead of going to Saintes.2 Farewell; pray answer fully to my scribling.

How was the paper currency?

Addressed [in another hand]: A Monsier / Monsier Le docteur Frankin / a pasy

Notation: La Fayette.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9When Lafayette’s expedition into the Irish Sea was cancelled, he was ordered to report to his regiment, the dragons du Roi, stationed at Saintes (near Rochefort). Lafayette wrote Vergennes from the area on June 1; we assume he left Paris about May 27: Idzerda, Lafayette Papers, II, 228n, 267, 270–1.

1The letter announced Congress’ decision to abandon a proposed Franco-American attack on Canada; Lafayette told Vergennes on June 1 about receiving it: XXVII, 633–4; Idzerda, Lafayette Papers, II, 217, 270.

2Probably his aides Maj. Neville and Capt. de la Colombe, whom he wished to join him at Saintes. He also expected a Boston merchant and a Pa. regimental commander; see Idzerda, Lafayette Papers, II, 269n.

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