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Results 36451-36500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
36451 Washington, George Wadsworth, Jeremiah From George Washington to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 25 May … 1779-05-25 It is very probable the enemy may have it in view to hover along the southern coast and endeavour...
36452 Gridley, Joseph Lovell, James Enclosure: Joseph Gridley to James Lovell, 25 May 1779 1779-05-25 I inclose you an English paper of May 15th whereby you will see the Temper of the English...
36453 Hamilton, Alexander Steuben, Baron von From Alexander Hamilton to Baron von Steuben, [26 May … 1779-05-26 I am commanded by His Excellency to inform you that Lt Col Regnier is to be appointed a...
36454 Washington, George Duane, James George Washington to James Duane, [26 May 1779] 1779-05-26 [ Middlebrook, New Jersey, May 26, 1779. ] Explains why the corps which included Colonel William...
36455 Washington, George Gates, Horatio George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates, 26 … 1779-05-26 M [ iddle ] B [ rook, New Jersey ] May 26, 1779 . Encloses letter requesting Major General...
36456 Washington, George Heath, William George Washington to Major General William Heath, 26 … 1779-05-26 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 26, 1779 . Hopes that the “want of bread” has been “relieved.”...
36457 Hamilton, Alexander Shreve, Israel From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Israel Shreve, 26 … 1779-05-26 I am commanded by His Excellency to inform you that you are to march on Saturday with your...
36458 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Copies: Archives de la Marine, American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress (two) J’ai...
36459 Franklin, Benjamin Committee for Foreign Affairs From Benjamin Franklin to the Committee for Foreign … 1779-05-26 LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, South...
36460 Jones, John Paul Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Paul Jones, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor to receive your kind and polite letter...
36461 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, [c. 26 May 1779] 1779-05-26 AL : American Philosophical Society I have just now Receiv’d a letter from the President of...
36462 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 26 … 1779-05-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society I am much obliged to you for the kind Notice you were...
36463 Washington, George General Orders, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Accurate brigade returns regimentally digested of the deficiencies of clothing and necessaries to...
36464 Adams, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Adams, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Your Excellencys Letter of the 25th instant to this Committee together with an extract from...
36465 Washington, George Duane, James From George Washington to James Duane, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Hurry of business has prevented my having the pleasure of acknowledging sooner the receipt of...
36466 Washington, George Ford, Benjamin From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin … 1779-05-26 I am to acknowlege the receipt of your favor of the 24th instant which came to hand this morning....
36467 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1779-05-26 I inclose you a letter to Major General Heath directing him to repair to Head Quarters which I...
36468 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1779-05-26 I have duly received your favor of the 8th inst. with its inclosures—I have reason to hope that...
36469 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Mr Wadsworth who is just now returned from the Eastward, informs me, that a vessel had arrived...
36470 Washington, George St. Clair, Arthur From George Washington to Major General Arthur St. … 1779-05-26 My intelligence from new York renders it indispensibly necessary for me to look towards the Posts...
36471 Washington, George Scull, Peter From George Washington to Peter Scull, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 This letter will be handed the board by Capn Call, of Colonel Blands Light dragoons. As the...
36472 Washington, George Shreve, Israel From George Washington to Israel Shreve, 26 May 1779 1779-05-26 Letter not found : to Israel Shreve, 26 May 1779. On 28 May, Shreve wrote to GW : “Yesterday I...
36473 Shreve, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Israel Shreve, 26 May … 1779-05-26 Captain Castles Come out of Ney York Yesterday in Exchange, he is a very Intillegent person. Says...
36474 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1779-05-26 I am honored with your Excellenceys favor of the 24th Instant. Am happy to Inform you that the...
36475 Tallmadge, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Major Benjamin Tallmadge, 26 … 1779-05-26 Being informed of a direct opportunity to convey a letter to Hd Qrs, I have the Honour of...
36476 Washington, George De Lancey, Margaret George Washington to Mrs. Margaret De Lancey, 27 May … 1779-05-27 Middle Brook [ New Jersey ] May 27, 1779 . Regrets inability to comply with Mrs. De Lancey’s...
36477 Washington, George Gist, Mordecai George Washington to Brigadier General Mordecai Gist … 1779-05-27 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 27, 1779 . Instructs Gist to assume command in Maryland until...
36478 Franklin, Benjamin Newenham, Sir Edward From Benjamin Franklin to Edward Newenham, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin,...
36479 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai profité de l’ajournement de certaine Assemblée, & de...
36480 Washington, George General Orders, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 Major Generals Greene and De Kalb and Brigadier Generals Smallwood, Knox, Woodford and Muhlenberg...
36481 Washington, George Board of War From George Washington to the Board of War, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 I have had the Honor to receive Your several favors of the 23d 24th 25th & 25th Instant. I have...
36482 Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Board of War, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 By a private Letter from your Excellency shewn to one of the Board by General Wayne it appears...
36483 Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Board of War, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 The Board have recieved the Order of Congress, on the Subject of Baylor’s Regt, enclosed. We have...
36484 Washington, George De Lancey, Margaret From George Washington to Margaret De Lancey, 27 May … 1779-05-27 Your letter accompanied by three others was delivered me this morning. I am extremely sorry that...
36485 Washington, George Gist, Mordecai From George Washington to Brigadier General Mordecai … 1779-05-27 The State of Maryland apprehending an attack from the enemy now in Chesapeak bay have requested...
36486 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1779-05-27 A few days since I was mentioning to your Excellency the impossibility of subsisting the Cattle...
36487 Washington, George Jay, John From George Washington to John Jay, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 I was last night honoured with your Excellency’s favor of the 25th—and with the papers to which...
36488 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1779-05-27 I herewith transmit you an extract of a letter from the board of war of the 24th inst.; by which...
36489 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 27 May … 1779-05-27 I was yesterday honoured with your Excellency’s circular Letter of the 22d, in which you have...
36490 Scott, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles … 1779-05-27 I recd Your Excellencys favour of the 12th may, Rispecting the old Soldiers on furlough Being...
36491 Washington, George Shreve, Israel From George Washington to Israel Shreve, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 Letter not found : to Israel Shreve, 27 May 1779. On 28 May , Shreve wrote to GW acknowledging...
36492 Pitcairn, Thomas Jay, John To John Jay from Thomas Pitcairn, 27 May 1779 1779-05-27 In Justice to my Brother officers and myself on Parole at this Place, my Duty directs me to...
36493 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin’s List of Papers relating to the Alliance … 1779-05-28 AD : University of Pennsylvania Library List of Papers. N° 1. Letter from the Navy Board. Dec....
36494 Hamilton, Alexander St. Clair, Arthur From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Arthur St. … 1779-05-28 I am commanded by His Excellency to inform you that recent intelligence increases the probability...
36495 Washington, George Clinton, James George Washington to Brigadier General James Clinton … 1779-05-28 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . Recommends that Clinton encourage the Onondagas to...
36496 Washington, George General Officers in Camp George Washington to the General Officers in Camp, 28 … 1779-05-28 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . Describes present situation of British and American...
36497 Washington, George Huntington, Jedediah George Washington to Brigadier General Jedediah … 1779-05-28 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . States that arrangement of the Army has been...
36498 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip George Washington to Philip Schuyler and Volkert P. … 1779-05-28 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . Favors peace with Onondagas in order to weaken the...
36499 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 28 … 1779-05-28 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . Discusses problem of arms for expedition against...
36500 Franklin, Benjamin Jones, John Paul From Benjamin Franklin to John Paul Jones, 28 May 1779 1779-05-28 Copy: Library of Congress You may remember I once Spoke to you concerning some young American...